
The ending of our Faith

The secret beyond friendship. when a good friendship been created from both 'Young master' side, it was just a sign that a blood war was about to begin. In order to avoid bloody war between the two parties, a parting plan between them must be carried out. after 20 Years, The carefully kept secret from the knowledge of their ‘young master’ was finally revealed. THE BLOODY WAR WILL BEGIN. ONLY THE TRUE LEADER WILL KEEP ALIVE ................................................................................. please enjoy the story, and throw out your opinions and reviews ♡

Hannynzy · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:Different from The Old Days

Gohan walked into his classroom and continued to take his seat. As usual, all the other students just looked at him strangely and some even peeked out of the classroom doors and windows because it was strange to see Gohan just coming to class alone.

Gohan just sat alone looking at the scenery in the classroom and listening to the whispers of his other classmates.

" That's really Lee Gohan isn't it? is he alone today? His people are not waiting for him? "

" Gohan is really alone today "

" This is the first time I've seen Gohan alone without his father's people. "

The words just passed like the wind for Gohan. Those words not as bad as the words he heard while his bodyguard was still following him


" I'm sorry, but guardians are not allowed to be on the school grounds during study time. "Ms. Yoon, Gohan's new class teacher, explained.

" Sorry, but we are instructed to always be close to young Master Gohan. "Explained Gohan's bodyguard

Ms,Yoon looked at the principal

" Ah, it's okay Miss Yoon .. Gohan's father is well known Businessman . His father had already told me that Gohan would be watched by his bodyguard wherever he went " Principal kim explained to Ms. Yoon

" umm But it may interfere with the learning of Gohan and other students .. moreover here is a place for them to learn and socialize freely. " Miss Yoon smiled.

" Ms. Yoon, just leave them alone .. After all, Gohan's father has already paid a high fee .. it's better to leave them alone. " Principal Kim whispered

Ms. Yoon looked at Principal Kim with an uncertain look . With a feeling of apprehension, Ms. Yoon just said yes, to allow Gohan's bodyguard to accompany him

" But, I only allow Gohan's Bodyguards to be on guard outside the classroom and are not allowed to disturb Gohan inside the classroom." Ms. Yoon's condition to the guard

"But ..."

" Just wait outside the classroom, easy work .. just follow .. After all, Gohan actually doesn't want papa's bodyguard to follow Gohan to school ... " said Gohan to his bodyguard

The bodyguards just according to Gohan's words Ms. Yoon just smiled, but deep in her heart, an unpleasant feeling appeared ..

Ms. Yoon momentarily glanced at one of her students,

' why? why did this happen again .. would I be willing to see another student of mine being badly needed by other friends like him? ' Ms. Yoon said in her heart.

Her gaze changed melancholy, Ms. Yoon looked at Gohan who was in front of her. Gohan's sweet smile can really attract the interest of those who see it. Ms. Yoon immediately returned with a small smile.

Can she willing to see the sweet smile in front of him die? ...

that was the question addressed to herself at the time.

after it was all over, Ms. Yoon escorted Gohan into the classroom.

" Good morning Miss Yoon " say the students

"Well students, As you can see, here we get new students. Gohan introduce yourself. "

" Hi nice to meet you. My name is Gohan Lee. This is my first day of school after so long. Hope you all can help me " said Gohan politely

Gohan looked at his classmate, he realized that his classmate looked cynically at him and then at his bodyguard. He then raised his head and looked at Ms. Yoon confusedly.

"kids, let's greet Gohan's arrival with applause! "Ms. Yoon clapped her hands and was slowly followed by the other students.

Gohan who saw the atmosphere immediately smiled

"Gohan can take the empty seats available" Ms. Yoon said

Gohan nodded his head and walked towards the still empty table. There are some empty tables adjacent to the whiteboard. Just as Gohan was about to choose the seat, a boy sitting next to that seat placed his backpack on the empty seat.

Gohan looked confused.

" You can't sit here! Strange people have to sit alone like him! " shouted the boy as he pointed his index finger at a boy sitting alone next to the window.

Gohan looked at the pliers boy sitting alone

" Young master, is there a problem? "Asked one of Gohan's bodyguards who saw the tense situation involving their 'young master' ..

" Aah, this guy ... Scary! You are so weird! why do you have to take these people to school? You weirdo! "Loudly the boy spoke.

" They are not weird! I'm not weird! They are my guardians! my friend! You're weird! "Gohan was angry

" Young master.." stunned Gohan's bodyguards who saw the situation

The child looked at Gohan and Gohan's bodyguard took turns.

" Young master? who are you? son of a king? Hahah "The boy laughed followed by the other children.

" You and the boy are just as weird! "

" Hey! boy! How dare you say gauze to our young master ?! You-! " Gohan's bodyguard's words stopped.

" Sir, please don't say harsh words to them. they are still children "interrupted Ms. Yoon

" it's okay minjoo-hyung, I'll sit in the back. After all I have no eye problems! " Gohan gave a smile

The bodyguards and Ms. Yoon were stunned to see Gohan smiling even though the children in this class had said so on his first day ...They saw Gohan move towards the empty seat in the middle of the row

' It hurts a little to see this child is still able to smile despite facing this situation .. maybe he can handle it more than ryugyeon..' seconds said Ms. Yoon's heart.

The bodyguards who saw the reaction of their young master were unable to do anything .. they then went back to waiting outside the classroom.

" minkyuk, it's not good for you to say that to Gohan. He is a new student in this class and will be your friend. Go apologize to him now. "Said Ms. Yoon

the boy named Minkyuk turned his body and turned his head towards Gohan. Without feeling guilty He apologized to Gohan and sat down as usual

Gohan just smiled even though deep down in his heart, he was a little sad with Minkyuk's actions .

Ms. Yoon then started the class as usual.

When break time arrived, the other children gathered with their friends to eat together. Gohan saw the children who had already gathered take out their supplies.

" Young master, this is a supply of food for the young master provided by the chef at home. "The bodyguard handed a rather large container of food to Gohan.

Gohan took the food supply and thanked his bodyguard. Gohan then opened the food container.

Gohan carved a big smile

" omurice, tempura shrimp and nuggets! "Gohan screamed a little

the guards smiled at Gohan's excitement. Gohan is not an easy child to show sad feelings. In fact, Gohan is too strong for a child his age to have to deal with various allegations. Seeing Gohan forget the events of this morning made the bodyguards feel calm.

" We're waiting outside the young master's classroom. If there's anything, just tell us, "said the bodyguard.

Gohan nodded his head. He noticed the eyes of other children watching him strangely, But Gohan just smiled

Gohan got up from his seat and walked towards Minkyuk.

" Hi, I'm sorry about this morning ... umm can we eat once? "Gohan asked with a smile.

Minkyuk looked at Gohan with a disgusted face.

" We don't eat and be friends with a weirdo like you " Minkyuk said and laughed.

" But I'm not weird ... umm "Gohan lowered his head to look at the food container he was holding

For some reason, Minkyuk suddenly pushed Gohan until he fell down. Gohan's food container fell to the floor.

"Go there weird boy! We don't want to be friends with you!" Minkyuk mocks ...

" Young Master !! "shouted Gohan's bodyguard when he saw that Gohan had fallen down and the food he had just given had fallen and spilled.

"Young master okay? Hey! Boy! Our young master just wants to share food with you all! What did he do until you pushed our young master to fall like this ?!" Gohan's bodyguard was angry.

Minkyuk was frightened by Gohan's bodyguard's scolding ... He eventually shed tears.

" Hey! what happened ?! "Ms. Yoon who had just Arrived in class saw Minkyuk who was crying and Gohan who was already sitting on the floor with the leftover food spilled.

" Your student has been bullying our young master since this morning! just now young Master Gohan wanted to share the food he brought to them, but they pushed young Master Gohan up He fell and the food he brought spilled. " explained Gohan's bodyguard.

Gohan's bodyguard Helps the young Master get up and clean Gohan's Dirty shirt. The other bodyguards packed up Gohan's food that spilled on the floor.

"Minkyuk, why did you Pushed Gohan when he was well -intentioned to share food with you?" Miss Yoon asked.

The frightened Minkyuk said nothing. Gohan just looked at the situation without a facial reaction. Did he make a mistake by sharing his food with other friends like other children do?

Gohan looked around. Eyes stopped after his eyes met the eyes of a boy who sitting alone next to the window. The boy's face looked agitated. Gohan felt confused ..

Gohan pulled on the end of his bodyguard's suit.

"It's okay, Gohan just fine. Hyung can get out of class. Ms. Yoon wants to start class" Gohan said with a little smile.

" Young master .. But ... your shirt .. Young master did not have time to eat the food that you brought earlier .. "Gohan's bodyguard was anxious

" It's okay, come back later woojin hyung can make the food again. " said Gohan

His bodyguards were sad to see Gohan trying to calm things down.

" I apologize if what I did earlier was wrong without me realizing it. and I'm sorry hyung scolded you for me " Gohan bent his body slightly in a sign of apology

"but young master!" Stop Gohan's bodyguards.

He knew that the young master was not at fault in this and even the young master apologized on his behalf ... Gohan's bodyguards felt completely wronged by Gohan for not being able to help and took good care of Gohan on his first day at school.

"all of you can go outside now" said Gohan, then arranged a step to his seat.

his bodyguards just obeyed. Ms. Yoon who saw what Gohan did earlier was very touched. Gohan is indeed different and a strong kid. Ms. Yoon goes towards Gohan and throws a question at him

" Gohan? Are you sure you're okay? if you are not comfortable, I will let you go home early "said Ms. Yoon

Gohan shook his head

" I don't want to go back. I want to finish this heart class! "Replied Gohan enthusiastically

Ms. Yoon smiled seeing Gohan's very enthusiastic reaction even after what happened. How can a child this age be able to be this mature.

Ms. Yoon then walked towards Minkyuk. Minkyuk's cries have begun to subside

" Minkyuk, you know your actions are not good. So I will fine you for a week. You need to clean the classroom before you go home, understand? Starting today. " Ms. Yoon said and rubbed Minkyuk's head.

the class started as usual.

After the class, Gohan went home with his bodyguard. Once in the courtyard, Gohan's bodyguards lined up in front of Gohan and bent their bodies.

"We sincerely apologize to the young master for what happened today! Sorry because the Young Master had to apologize for our attitude! We apologize to the young master for not being able to take care of the young master well " Asked his bodyguard sadly

"hyung ... Hyung is not wrong .. Gohan is wrong .." Gohan with a sad voice

the guards stood back as usual looking at the young master with a worried face

" young master..."

"Gohan wants to enter the house ... Hyung and the others also need to rest! "said Gohan while carving a small smile ..

The guards' feelings melted when they saw Gohan smiling even though it was just a forced smile .. Gohan did his best to look strong ..

Gohan then stepped into the house. The maids and their Chef greeted the return of their Young Master. After careful research, they just realized that the Young Master's shirt looked very dirty and slightly smelly.

" Young master What happened? Why does your shirt look dirty? "asked Mr. Lee's maid

" aah Nothing! Gohan wants to take a shower! "Gohan said then ran to his room.

" Ah! Young master! Let me help you sir! Wait!"one of his maid chased Gohan into the room.

" What happened to the young master today ?? "Woojin asked, The Chef of the House.

" Its along story..." said one of Gohan's bodyguards who followed Gohan to school today.

they told everything about what happened at their young Master's school. As expected others will inevitably be angry at the child for treating Their young master is like that. woojin who heard the thing felt angry .. because the food he supplied for Gohan was one of Gohan's favorite foods. Finding out that Gohan didn't have time to taste the food, Woojin went straight to the kitchen to prepare the food for Gohan


recalling the incident, after the incident Gohan was isolated by his classmates to this day ..

Gohan looked at a boy who also seemed to be ostracized by other friends. Gohan then got up from his seat and took a seat next to This one little boy that have been caught his eye for the first day he come to this school. The boy was so engrossed in daydreaming that he was unaware of Gohan's presence.

Gohan patted the boy's shoulder, the boy turned his gaze towards Gohan


Gohan's finger was popped into that boy's cheek The boy looked shocked, he saw Gohan smiling cheerfully .

