This book consist of fact and true about the end time,and the mistake and ways to maintain good relationship with God before the end time. This book also reveal Truth about moderation, fashion, religion,and how to develop a nation.
this chapter tell's us more about religion,and it also helps us clear our doubts about religion . Religion is one(1) being the fact that we only have one(1)God .It is not possible for a child to have 2 surname because a child have only 1 father ,but it is possible for 10 or 12 children's to Carry 1 surname being the fact that they have the same father.
this is an example to show that we only have one( 1)religion,and that religion is "HOLINESS".
The first religion that ever existed is "Christianity" but the separation start after the coming of" Christ Jesus".
Jesus is a true message of God ,and he's the only mortal without mistake (sin) and he overcome all temptation of Lucifer.
Jesus made mention of certain signs about the end time and he also advise all his disciples about the gospel and tell them not to add or reduce anything from the gospel of his teachings, but due to human selfishness they hack the gospel
hiding some true and add something that is favourable to their selfish needs.
because of this reason some people stick to same gospel and teaching of Christ, but some turn their back from the teachings of Jesus Christ and started misleading people to follow and worship their own doctrine. It's because this reason the ISLAM (MUSLIM) came into existence .
the MUSLIM exist after the gospel and teaching of Christ has been mislead .
the Islamic teacher's fought hard to help bring people from the wrong doctrine to the correct doctrine.If only we are honest enough we'll go back and check the ways of Jesus and how he was worshipping and check the both religion and decide which one of them is worshipping and praying just like our Messiah Jesus Christ.
The fact remains that being MUSLIM or Christian even if u pray every day u sleep in the house of God u give plenty money in the house of God 🙏🙌🙌🙏
if u don't practice "HOLINESS" u are just wasting your time . because the both religion are ideas of mortal .
and the religion of God is holiness.
their are scriptures on both the Quran and the Bible which tells us that our bodies are the temple of God and we should keep them holy, that also is another clear evidence that shows that holiness is the key and the way to paradise .Their are also rules that govern holiness , and those rules are the "10 COMMANDMENT".
MUSLIM, CHRISTIAN we are all the same and we are all equal in the sight of God .The only way out is if we come together, preach holiness ,forget our differences ,and maintain good relationship with God because the end is near.We all have seen most of the signs that was made mention of Jesus Christ and other messangers of God about the end time.we all have made mistakes, we are not perfect,but we still have chance to confess our sins and make change ,for our God is a forgiven God,his ways are not our ways ,and he's one(1) .He also said that e will forgive us our sins according to his glory in Christ Jesus.
this is our only chance ,this is our hope to be save from the lake of hell ,cuz hell is real and heaven is also real,and heaven and hell start from the grave.
coming soon