
The end of world has not yet begun, the system is activated in advance

The apocalypse has not yet begun, but the system has arrived early. Then Chen Mo's style of daily life suddenly changed. You can get rewards for eating and petting the dog, and communicating harmoniously with beautiful women is regarded as a battle with the ninth-level corpse king! [It was detected that the host was so brave that he fought the ninth-level zombie king until he lost all strength. Since the target level was too high, the host could still get points as a reward even though he did not kill the enemy by crossing levels. The host is hereby rewarded with 5,000 survival points and an A-level gift pack. 】 Chen Mo, who had just finished the battle with the school girl, couldn't help but have a strange look on his face when he looked at the translucent floating window in front of him and the harmless school girl beside him. [It was detected that the host had tamed a fifth-level mutated corpse dog. Because the target level was too high, the host jumped over the level to tame the alien beast, which is unparalleled in charm. We hereby reward the host with 2,000 survival points, a B-level gift pack, and +50 charm! 】 Chen Mo, who had subdued a wolfdog with snacks, felt quite fucked when he listened to the prompts in his ears. Chen Mo lives a normal life, but in the eyes of the system, his life is full of monsters and ghosts. This resulted in Chen Mo triggering various rewards with every move he made. When the end of the world came, Chen Mo's rewards would be maxed out, and his combat power was incredible!

mystery_anonymous · Fantasy
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Chapter 65: The Vampire Clan!

After returning home, Chen Mo immediately started strength training after preparing Xiao Huang's dinner.

  Although there is no need for much training to improve his current attributes, there is no harm in moving his muscles and bones to give him a higher degree of control over his body.

  After spending a full hour, Chen Mo finally heard the system prompt.

  [System prompt: It is detected that you have been doing strength training for an hour and have exceeded your daily tasks. This reward will be doubled.

  You get 2,000 survival points and two daily gift packs. ]

  Finally finishing all the daily tasks, Chen Mo immediately went to take a shower, and then he didn't even bother to put on his clothes. He put on the S-class infinite battle suit he had opened before with one click.

  As the combat uniform was put on, Chen Mo unexpectedly discovered that this rubber-like combat uniform did not have the tight feeling he had imagined. After putting it on, it was as if a layer of skin was directly wrapped around the body. Any feeling of wearing clothing.

  This makes him move extremely easily.

  At the same time, he also tried to activate the power-increasing effect of the battle suit.

  As he thought, the battle suit immediately lit up with a faint light. Chen Mo felt that his muscles were getting stronger under the influence of the battle suit. He came to the boxing strength test machine that he had purchased through the system.

  Without using supernatural energy, he just punched with his current strength and the increase of the battle suit. He only heard a "whoosh" sound that broke through the air very fast. Chen Mo's punch was so fast that it was so fast that it could not be seen with the naked eye. Already difficult to capture.

  There was not even 0.05 seconds from when Chen Mo punched to hitting the target. He only felt the shadow of a punch flash past, and then heard a dull "bang" sound coming from the target.

  Fortunately, it is something sold by the system and is very resistant to beating.

  If this were a boxing strength testing machine on the market, it would be destroyed by Chen Mo's punch.

  This boxing strength testing machine gave good feedback on the strength of Chen Mo's right fist.

  Chen Mo, whose strength attribute was only 2 points before, has a right fist power of 800 kilograms.

  Now, with a strength of 4 points, Chen Mo's punching power should theoretically be around 1,600 kilograms.

  However, the punch speed will affect the final impact force of the fist when it hits the target, so Chen Mo, whose agility has also improved by 2 points, will definitely not have only 1,600 kilograms of punch power this time.

  As he punched the target hard, making a loud noise like giant objects colliding, Chen Mo's punch power immediately began to roll on the punch strength testing machine.

  The final punching strength test result stayed at 100 tons!

  The punch force of 100 tons is equal to 100,000 kilograms. What a terrifying power this is. This is no longer something that living things can do.

  If Chen Mo didn't have this combat uniform and relied on his own strength to punch this level of power, then with his current physical condition, his entire arm would have been directly broken by the reaction force.

  This force is comparable to the force of a high-speed car hitting it without braking at all.

  The impact surface of the car and the impact surface of Chen Mo's fist are obviously different. Chen Mo's fist is more concentrated. If his 100-ton fist is hit with full force, even if the opponent is wearing a helmet, he will be hit directly. The hole came and the man's head was smashed together.

  This is the terrifying increase of this combat uniform.

  After Chen Mo canceled the amplification effect of the battle suit, he punched again. This time the punch force was only 2000 kilograms, which is 2 tons.

  Living things can still achieve such power.

  For example, scary powerful characters like elephants and rhinos.

  But it is difficult for even behemoths like elephants and rhinoceroses to achieve such an abnormal force of 100 tons.

  This shows how powerful the S-class infinite battle suit is.

  After wearing it, it not only provides extremely strong defense capabilities, but also significantly improves attack capabilities, from 2 tons to 100 tons, which is a 50-fold increase in strength.

  After getting dressed and using the shape changing ball to change his appearance into a daily outfit, Chen Mo sat on the sofa and clicked on the system warehouse interface to view today's harvest.

  He first clicked on the four daily gift packages that had not yet been opened.

  With the opening of four daily gift packages, Chen Mo received three daily necessities and a small reconnaissance aircraft.

  [Silent small reconnaissance aircraft]: This reconnaissance aircraft can fly silently in the outside world to help you detect whether the surrounding environment is safe. It is an extremely reliable partner in a post-apocalyptic survival environment.

  "This thing seems to be of some use."

  Chen Mo looked at the description of this silent small reconnaissance aircraft and was quite satisfied.

  At least it's better than useless daily necessities.

  Putting away the reconnaissance plane, Chen Mo immediately clicked on the A-level gift package.

  [System prompt: The gift package was opened successfully, congratulations on getting the "A-level points gift package"! ]

  "What is this?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the description of the gift package.

  [A-Level Points Gift Pack]: Opening this gift pack has a chance to get 1 to 500,000 survival points, or you can directly get 100,000 survival points. You can choose freely.

  "Good guys, there is also this kind of points gift package. If you look at the expected value, it seems that random is better. After all, 1 to 100,000 only accounts for 20% of the chance. Anyone who offers the other 80% chance will make a profit. "."

  Although he had clearly calculated the probability in his mind, Chen Mo still had to figure out the probability distribution issue to avoid being cheated.

  "System, your chance of getting points for this gift package, will it be that the more survival points you have, the lower the chance of getting points?"

  [System prompt: Yes, when you open this gift package, the chance of getting 400,000 to 500,000 survival points is 1%. , the probability of obtaining 300,000 to 400,000 survival points is 4%, the probability of obtaining 200,000 to 300,000 survival points is 10%, the probability of obtaining 100,000 to 200,000 survival points is 20%, and the probability of obtaining less than 100,000 survival points is 65%. ]

  "Good guy, there is indeed a trap! There is a 65% chance that the price will be less than 100,000, so there is only a one-third chance of making money."

  Chen Mo thought about it and thought it would be better not to gamble and be steady. Earning 100,000 survival points is already a good profit. There is no need to gamble. If you gamble to get 1 survival point, where will you cry?

  "Just open 100,000 survival points, it won't be random."

  [System prompt: Congratulations to the host for successfully opening 100,000 survival points from the A-level points gift pack. The current host survival points are 249,904 points. ]

  The A-level gift package opened with 100,000 survival points, which was considered quite satisfactory.

  After all, based on the value of the gift package, the SSS-level gift package system has clearly stated that it is worth 100 million survival points, so the SS-level gift package is estimated to be worth 10 million survival points, and the S-level gift package is estimated to be worth 1 million survival points. Value, the value of the A-level gift package is 100,000 survival points.

  It's quite reasonable.

  As long as you don't lose money, everything will be fine.

  After opening the A-level gift bag, Chen Mo immediately took out the S-level gift bag.

  [System prompt: The gift package has been opened successfully. Congratulations on obtaining the additional bloodline - "Blood Clan"! ]

  "Oh? I finally got a bloodline. It seems that I have good luck in opening the pack this time!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help but feel happy. The bloodline can be considered a good bloodline. Of course, the premise is that the messy bloodline of the bloodline is removed. Weaknesses, and the bloodline produced by the system just helps to deal with these weaknesses.

  [Attachment of vampire bloodline...]

  [System prompt: Attachment completed.

  You have obtained four bloodline abilities: "Super Healing", "Immortality", "Super Night Vision", and "Blood Worship". ]

  [Super Healing]: As long as you are not fatally injured, you can heal at an extremely fast speed, but the healing speed depends on the quality and quantity of blood in your body. The lower the blood quality and quantity, the slower the healing speed.

  [Immortality]: You have an almost unlimited lifespan, and as long as your head is not damaged or cut off, any other fatal injuries you receive will not lead to death. However, this ability cannot block some destructive attack effects. At the same time, if your blood loss is severe, your lifespan will still return to normal, but when your blood returns to normal, your body will also return to normal.

  [Super Night Vision]: Even in a dark environment, you can still see everything around you clearly.

  [Blood Worship]: You have extremely strong blood perception and can track and sense the smell of any drop of blood within a hundred miles. At the same time, if you drink blood, your combat effectiveness and recovery ability will be temporarily increased based on the quality of the blood you drink. .    

  [System prompt: Since you have integrated a new bloodline, your upper limit of all attributes has been increased. Currently, your upper limit of all attributes has been increased to 10 points.

  Since you have merged with the vampire bloodline, you have an additional 20 points of basic supernatural power. ]

  Finally, after a long absence, Chen Mo successfully extracted a bloodline. Chen Mo was quite happy.

  The key is that the side effects have been removed from the bloodlines produced by the system, which is what makes it so powerful.

  Originally, it was impossible for werewolves and vampires to reach S level in the conventional bloodline rankings, but the system has removed all their fatal side effects, so they can be ranked there.

  What remains are quite powerful effects.

  However, one of the four major abilities of the vampires is the same as that of the werewolf. It is a pity to lose one less ability.

  The last ability among the four major abilities of the vampire family made Chen Mo really unbearable.

  He needs to drink blood to be able to exert the strength of this ability, but blood is usually very fishy, ​​and normal humans will definitely not be able to drink it.

  But when it comes to a critical moment, you still have to drink. Improving combat effectiveness is everything.

  With the bloodline fusion completed, Chen Mo felt an indescribable youthful vitality all over his body.

  It's as if the aging of body cells has stopped directly.

  "Is this what it feels like to be immortal? The effect is clearer than when I took the Beauty Pill."

  Chen Mo suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a hurry before and wasted a Beauty Pill.

  After integrating the blood of the blood clan, it has perfectly taken into account the effect of keeping the appearance and youthfulness forever.

  At this time, Chen Mo took a look at his attributes.

  [Host]: Chen Mo

  [Age]: 20 (Immortal and eternal appearance)

  [Bloodline]: S-level werewolf (20 points of supernatural energy) + S-level vampire (20 points of supernatural energy)

  [Superpower]: SSS-level time and space confinement +S-level Object Control +S-level Gravity Control

  [Skills (6/6)]: Healing Light Level A, Shadow Step A Level, Holy Purification Level S, Super Speed ​​Recovery Level S, Perfect Replication of SSS Level Passive, Mind Reading Secret Technique SSS level

  [Basic Attributes]: Constitution "4/10=30 points of supernatural energy", strength "4/10=30 points of supernatural energy", agility "4/10=30 points of supernatural energy", mental strength "5/10= 50 points of supernatural energy" (the attributes of adults are between 0.75-1.5)

  [Host's current supernatural power level]: First level

  [Host's current supernatural energy]: 180 points + 180 points + 180 points (540 points is close to the third level)

  [Survival Points]: 249904 points

  Sure enough, with the fusion of the bloodline, Chen Mo found that the suffix in his age column had become immortal and eternal.

  Although there is no need to worry about lifespan as the level of superpowers continues to increase, it is more satisfying to do it once and for all.

  However, this immortality has a prerequisite, and that is blood.

  Since they are called vampires, naturally everything is related to blood.

  It can be seen that among the four abilities of the vampires, except for night vision, the other three abilities are all closely related to blood.

  Chen Mo was quite satisfied with the opening of this S-class gift package. After opening the S-class gift package, he felt the state of his body at this time.

  Only then did Chen Mo look at the SSS-level gift package.

  He was wondering if he should open it now.

  After all, if you keep the SSS-level gift package, you can use the special reward drawing opportunity to redeem what you want depending on the situation.

  After thinking about his current combat power, Chen Mo decided to keep the SSS-level gift package for later and look at the situation later.

  After sorting out all the proceeds, Chen Mo opened the door refreshed and walked towards Zhao Yue's home...

  At the same time, in an unknown underground area of ​​​​the Bird Kingdom.

  A blond woman with a very hot figure looked at the man next to her who was looking at a large amount of information in front of her with a serious face and said: "Director, we have investigated clearly. No one in the institute has left recently, let alone Is there anyone who has contact with China? It is impossible for the special biological samples to be leaked.

  Moreover, no unknown extraterrestrial meteorites have been detected recently that have landed in China. There must not be a second such meteorite. The meteorite with special biological samples landed in China and provided China with the possibility of providing special biological samples."

  "Really? It seems that Kevis is overly worried, but in this case I am a little curious. What Kevis posted The case of the person named Liu Yuanzong who came over was obviously terminally ill. There is no cure for the current technology. How did that young man save him? None of

  our Experimental Subject No. 7 in the East District has such treatment. Superpower."

  "That was before. After recently adding a new Group B drug to Experimental Subject No. 7, her healing power has been greatly improved. I gave her a rabbit that had just been killed in the morning. Although she It seemed that she had lost a lot of physical strength, but she still managed to revive the rabbit whose head was smashed."

  "Isn't it possible? How could her ability be so improved? Can dead things be revived?" "

  Then Not entirely, we did a comparison. If the rabbit died for more than 1 minute, she couldn't save it. If it died within 1 minute, she could save it. It's just that with her current physical strength, she can save up to three rabbits in a row. Fainted."

  "Interesting, it seems that the research on this Group B new drug is showing some signs of progress." The director said with satisfaction.

  "That's not entirely true. The side effects of the new drugs in Group B are quite serious. Many experimental subjects' heads exploded and died shortly after taking them. Only a very small number of them can adapt." The blonde beauty shook her head and said with a pity on her face. .

  "New drugs in Group B are inherently more difficult to deal with. After all, they involve superpowers. Continue research and observation and don't be impatient.

  The key is how effective are the new drugs in Group A now? Once the new drugs in Group A are researched, we can directly use them to sell them to the world. It is peddled by wealthy and powerful people so that we can gather a large amount of funds and funding."

  The director took out a group A new drug experimental report and looked through it and asked.

  When it came to the new drugs in Group A, the blonde hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The new drugs in Group A still have some side effects that have not been clarified, and the power of the drugs has not yet reached its peak. Although it can solve most diseases, it still cannot It is completely effective against all diseases.

  And there is a big problem with a certain side effect of this medicine. We secretly found some seriously ill patients to try the medicine. As a result, after taking the medicine, one of the seriously ill patients suddenly had veins all over his body, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was going crazy. He turned into a wild beast and bit everyone he saw."

  "How can such a thing happen? How is the patient doing now? Was he captured?"

  "No, he was shot dead on the spot."

  "Bastard, how can you directly kill such an abnormal drug user? This is such an important research material, how do the people under your command do things!" the director said angrily.

  "I have already criticized them, but the guy was so mad at that time that people around him were subconsciously afraid and had to resort to killing him." "What about the


  "We brought the body back and studied it, but I don't know if it was because of the killing, but all the cells in his body have decayed inexplicably. No useful information can be detected. We can only hope that the next abnormal drug user will appear." "The new drugs in

  Group A are supposed to be curative. How can a good medicine cause the human body to go crazy? What's the problem? Has anyone studied it carefully?" "I've ordered them to study it quickly

  . I will notify you as soon as there is news."

  "Very good, by the way. The new drug test subject No. 17 Group B has been very stable after taking the medicine, but have you discovered that he has awakened any superpowers?" "

  Not yet. I don't know if he deliberately concealed it. Anyway, when I asked him, he just said he didn't know."

  Just two days ago While the person was talking, suddenly the red lights on the four corners of the office suddenly flashed, and a series of rapid alarms also sounded.

  "Warning! Warning! Experimental subject No. 17 has been detected disappearing from the laboratory for unknown reasons! Please conduct a manhunt in the entire institute immediately!" "

  Warning! Warning! Experimental subject No. 17 has been detected...!"

  "What's going on, Experimental subject No. 17? I just went to see him, and he was still fine in the laboratory." The blonde beauty said unexpectedly.

  When the director heard what she said, he immediately smiled and said, "Notify everyone that they are not allowed to open the door of the laboratory easily, and they also ordered someone to bring a thermal imaging instrument."