
The end of world has not yet begun, the system is activated in advance

The apocalypse has not yet begun, but the system has arrived early. Then Chen Mo's style of daily life suddenly changed. You can get rewards for eating and petting the dog, and communicating harmoniously with beautiful women is regarded as a battle with the ninth-level corpse king! [It was detected that the host was so brave that he fought the ninth-level zombie king until he lost all strength. Since the target level was too high, the host could still get points as a reward even though he did not kill the enemy by crossing levels. The host is hereby rewarded with 5,000 survival points and an A-level gift pack. 】 Chen Mo, who had just finished the battle with the school girl, couldn't help but have a strange look on his face when he looked at the translucent floating window in front of him and the harmless school girl beside him. [It was detected that the host had tamed a fifth-level mutated corpse dog. Because the target level was too high, the host jumped over the level to tame the alien beast, which is unparalleled in charm. We hereby reward the host with 2,000 survival points, a B-level gift pack, and +50 charm! 】 Chen Mo, who had subdued a wolfdog with snacks, felt quite fucked when he listened to the prompts in his ears. Chen Mo lives a normal life, but in the eyes of the system, his life is full of monsters and ghosts. This resulted in Chen Mo triggering various rewards with every move he made. When the end of the world came, Chen Mo's rewards would be maxed out, and his combat power was incredible!

mystery_anonymous · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 35: Fragrant buns!

"We still don't know how Liu Yuanzong was cured, nor whether he took medicine or was treated in other ways.

  After all, he was treated behind closed doors, but what we know is that the treatment process was very short. In just a few minutes, Liu Yuanzong was cured as if nothing happened." "

  To achieve this effect, I think there is no other way except medication. How can the body recover without the effect of medication? Treatment is not just about removing the root cause of the disease. It can turn a person back to a normal person in an instant."

  "That's right. I will send someone to investigate immediately. If it is really medicine, then we will investigate carefully and find out the pharmaceutical formula behind it."

  " Wait a minute, before investigating him, I think we should investigate within our organization first.

  That meteorite only fell into our Bird Kingdom. Country H does not have the biological materials on this meteorite at all. With some biological knowledge and biotechnology, it is impossible to develop such a powerful medicine."

  "Are you saying that someone might have leaked special biological samples?"

  "If Liu Yuanzong's disease was cured because of medicine, then I can only do this Think about it, we need to inform the headquarters about this matter."

  In the branch of a mysterious organization in country H, the internal stability of the branch of a mysterious organization was doubted because of Chen Mo's treatment of Liu Yuanzong.

  It can be said that Chen Mo's treatment behavior caused various undercurrents for a while.

  Soon, a military jeep drove up in front of Liu Yuanzong's villa.

  An extremely upright young man jumped out of the car and strode towards Liu Yuanzong's villa.

  As a result, as soon as he got close, he was stopped by the Liu family's servant.

  "Hello sir, the master is not at home now and cannot receive guests for the time being."

  "Not at home? Didn't Mr. Liu just recover? Where did he go?" "

  After the old man recovered, many people came to congratulate him, so the old man decided A celebration banquet is being held at the nearby Cuiyunxuan Hotel, and all the guests have already gone there." "

  I see, has the miracle doctor who treated Mr. Liu passed away?" The young man immediately continued to ask.

  "After the miracle doctor treated our old man, he lost too much energy. Now he is being taken care of and cultivated by the young lady at home." Seeing the extraordinary status of the other party, the servant did not dare to offend him.

  "Is the energy loss too much?" The young man hesitated and said, "I know."

  After saying that, he turned around and left, but he only returned to his car and did not drive away.

  It seems that he is planning to stay here and wait for the miracle doctor to complete his training.

  Seeing this, the servant of the Liu family was not ignorant, so he quickly passed the news to his superiors.

  Soon the butler came out of the room. This butler was much more knowledgeable than the servant. He could tell who this young man was at a glance.

  He immediately walked quickly towards the car and said, "Ah, isn't this Major Ling? What brought you here?" "

  I heard that Mr. Liu has recovered, so I came to see him."

  "Our old man is nearby . The hotel is hosting guests from all walks of life. Can I take you there?"

  "No, coming to congratulate is just one of the reasons. The other is that I'm mainly here to see the miracle doctor who cured Mr. Liu. I just heard from my servant that he is recuperating at this time. ..."

  "Yes, after Dr. Chen cured our old man, he fell into a coma from exhaustion. He has not recovered yet. At this time, he is resting in the lady's room." "

  Is it so serious?" I heard that Chen Mo was in a coma. After hearing the news, Ling Feng immediately said nervously, "You didn't ask anyone to take a look at this, but just let him rest in the room?"

  "Major Ling misunderstood. It's not that we deliberately neglected it. It was Doctor Chen himself who said that he only needs to rest for a while. Yes, he was even ready to go home and sleep just now. Our master was afraid that something would happen to him on the way, so he forced him to stay and rest." "

  So that's it. I hope that Dr. Chen will recover soon. When he recovers, please let me know. Come and let me know." Ling Feng said politely.

  "Then you'd better go inside and wait. If our old man knew you were coming and we were so indifferent as to let you wait at the door, he would definitely scold us." The housekeeper did not dare to neglect the person in front of him.

  Although the position in front of me is not very high, he is definitely a very important person in the military department.

  Because he is the current top student in the military department.

  He often does things for that person outside, so when he appears most of the time, he represents the person behind him, so naturally everyone takes him seriously.

  How dare the Liu family's housekeeper neglect this person?

  After all, his appearance this time may be for the person behind him. If he neglects him, doesn't it mean he is neglecting the person behind him?

  At the level of the Liu family, they would not dare to be so generous.

  After inviting Ling Feng into the house, the housekeeper immediately ordered someone to prepare tea for Ling Feng, and then went to notify Liu Qinlan.

  "Miss, Major Ling came here specially. I am afraid that the name of Divine Doctor Chen has been spread to the military headquarters. He does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, and he often appears just to talk to the people behind him. He is here. I'm afraid that it's because of Divine Doctor Chen that I'm here, so I don't dare to neglect him, so I invite him into the house first. What happens next is up to you." "

  He's actually here? You can't neglect this person. Take care of me here, I'll say hello."

  Soon Liu Qinlan came downstairs. When she saw Ling Feng, she immediately showed a warm smile and said: "I don't know what kind of wind was blowing, and it blew Major Ling. The wind has come to our house. Look, my grandpa has just recovered. The whole family is busy for a while and there is nothing to entertain you. It is really abrupt."

  "Miss Liu, you're welcome, I'm not here either. As a guest, I mainly came to see Divine Doctor Chen. He will wake up soon. If it is convenient, please let me chat with him for a few words. Don't worry, we never force others to do anything, and we will never make it difficult for Divine Doctor Chen."

  "Can I hear what's going on first? Chen Mo is my friend after all. He just treated my grandfather and his energy loss was quite serious. I don't know if it will have any special effects. I don't want him to be damaged."

  Seeing Liu Qinlan said this, but Lingfeng didn't hide it. After all, everyone knew about the old chief, and he was injured for the country. The root cause of his illness was a matter of honor, and there was nothing to hide it.

  After hearing that Ling Feng came here for the old chief, Liu Qinlan's expression became much more respectful: "If this is the case, I will definitely convey it to you. The old chief and his group have dedicated their lives for this country, and so have we and the younger generations. Keep it in mind.

  It's just that Chen Mo's treatment seems to have a big impact on himself. Whether he can agree depends on his own situation." "

  This is natural. I came here this time just to inquire about the wishes of Divine Doctor Chen. If If he has any inconvenience, we will never force him."

  After confirming that Ling Feng had no other purpose for coming here this time, Liu Qinlan left him to drink tea with peace of mind while she returned upstairs to take care of Chen Mo.

  But soon, other guests came to the house.

  Not long after the servant at the door welcomed Ling Feng into his home, he saw another important figure appear.

  He quickly went home again and asked the housekeeper to come out and deal with it.

  "Young Master Du? The Qing Gang is busy with affairs, why do you have the money to come to this place?"    

  "You should know very well why I'm here. I'm afraid no one here knows about my father's condition." Du Zihang smiled lightly and looked at the housekeeper of the Liu family.

  "I'm sorry, Divine Doctor Chen fell into a coma from exhaustion just after treating our old man. I can't see you for the time being." "

  Oh? This happened. It seems that Divine Doctor Chen's diagnosis and treatment has done a lot of damage to himself." Du Zihang couldn't help but feel like this. I started to think about it. If this was the case, it would not be easy to ask him to treat a stranger like my father.

  "That's right, he's still asleep now." "

  Then I'll go back to the car and wait for him. Let me know when he wakes up." After Du Zihang finished speaking, he was about to go back to his car.

  This actually made the housekeeper of the Liu family smile bitterly.

  You big shots come over one by one and then go back to your car after talking. How can I bear this?

  He quickly said: "Young Master Du said what he said. You came to our Liu family. How can I ask you to go back to the car and wait? Please go inside. But if you want to wait for Miracle Doctor Chen, there is already one waiting in front of you." , I don't know that Divine Doctor Chen hasn't had time to see you after seeing him."

  "Oh? Who else is coming?" Du Zihang asked curiously.

  "Major Ling." The butler simply said three words.

  These three words made Du Zihang couldn't help but squint his eyes. If this person was in the front, then he really didn't have much capital to compete with others.

  But for the sake of his father, he decided to go inside and wait.

  Soon the housekeeper invited Du Zihang into the house.

  As soon as he entered the room, Du Zihang immediately greeted Ling Feng warmly, but Ling Feng was quite lukewarm towards him.

  This is also normal.

  Ling Feng was from an orthodox background and acted in a very upright manner. He was obviously not on the same page as Du Zihang, a person from the dark side of the Demon City. They rarely interacted with each other on weekdays, so he naturally didn't care about Du Zihang.

  Even if the Green Gang ranks first, in front of the military headquarters, they still have to behave with their tail between their legs.

  Seeing that Ling Feng was lukewarm towards him, Du Zihang naturally didn't bother him too much. He just said hello briefly and waited quietly.

  The news of Liu Yuanzong's recovery is a good thing for some people, insignificant to some people, but for some people it is a bad thing.

  For example, the Tang family at this time.

  When Tang San got the news, he was so shocked that he was almost speechless.

  Today he arranged to find someone to cause trouble for Chen Mo, but Chen Mo suddenly transformed into a man with the entire senior management staring closely at Xiang Momo who wanted to get close to him.

  This really made him feel particularly unhappy.

  What made him and the entire Tang family even more unhappy was Liu Yuanzong's recovery.

  They have already made a good layout, and they are just waiting for Liu Yuanzong to fail and Liu Chongfeng to take over the throne and further activate all the previous arrangements to completely take over the Liu family.

  As a result, once Liu Yuanzong recovers from his illness, most of his previous arrangements will become ineffective.

  They deliberately raised Liu Chongfeng. Whether he killed his eldest brother or poisoned his father, these were extremely important things that the Tang family controlled.

  These handles are in the hands of the Tang family, and they have the capital to swallow up the Liu family after Liu Chongfeng takes over.

  Unfortunately, now that Liu Yuanzong has been miraculously rescued, all the previous arrangements have been in vain.

  Instead, we may have to wait for Liu Yuanzong to settle the accounts.

  After all, after Liu Yuanzong recovers, with his ability, he will definitely quickly find out what Liu Chongfeng did in private.

  The Tang family played an important assistant role in this.

  Although the Tang family is not afraid of the Liu family, it would be uncomfortable to face the full revenge of a top 100 company. After all, they still have the Su Group staring at them at this time.

  This made the Tang family feel very irritable for a while.

  However, the Tang family's background is still profound, and the Tang family has some intersection with the top three organizations of the dark side, especially the second-ranked Hongmen, which is quite close, so it is not so easy to shake.

  "Master, this kid has caused such a sensation, should we continue with our original plan?"

  "Continue!" Looking at the information from his subordinates, Tang San said fiercely.

  "Still continuing? Isn't he a miracle doctor? Are he still afraid that we will infect him?"

  "Withdraw my previous words, this time I will directly kill him!" "

  But now that he is famous, I am afraid that many eyes will be on him. Let's see, it won't be easy."

  "Humph, the more this continues, the more famous he becomes, the more emboldened he will be, and the more emboldened he will be, the more the defense forces around him will relax their vigilance. This On the contrary, this is a good opportunity for us to deal with him."

  "Understood, the mercenaries from the Bird Kingdom have been gathered, and they will find opportunities to attack in the next few days, but doing so will only anger the Yellow Robe Association."

  "No, The most she can do is to anger Zhao Yue and give benefits to the top brass of the Yellow Robe Club. Now she only has a name in the Huangpao Club and has no real power. I don't believe that those uncles in the Huangpao Club will do anything with their own just for a little reputation. Interests are against each other."

  "Just killing this kid doesn't seem to be of much benefit to us."

  "Who said that? Since this kid has saved a huge obstacle to our layout, he is the enemy's most powerful auxiliary. His death It's of great significance! If I hadn't had any trouble with him before, maybe I could have kept him for use when we needed him, but since we have a conflict with him and can't use him as a capable person for our own use, then everything It must not be reserved for our enemies to use."

  Tang San was actually right, the festival he was talking about was not something as trivial as pretending to be a boyfriend and ruining a date.

  The festival he was talking about was that once the Tang family's secret plan to deal with the Liu family was exposed, based on the relationship between Chen Mo and Liu Qinlan, Tang San believed that Chen Mo would definitely stand against him.

  If a miracle doctor cannot be used by oneself, it is better to get rid of him.

  For a time, there was already an undercurrent surging underground.

  At this time, Chen Mo finally recovered some energy and no longer had headaches. The attribute value of 5 points of mental power not only increased the upper limit of his mental power, but also increased the speed of his mental power recovery.