

My car surged forward. This part of the road had a lot of curves, and I knew I'd be fucked if this tiny little car of mine went off the road. Bugs weren't exactly designed for off road driving. My fearless skill did block fear based status effects, but it didn't get rid of the emotion. I felt my mana go into my car as my adrenaline heightened my senses further. 

An impact shook my entire vehicle, and caused my wheels to squeal. I glanced up at my mirror to see a horrifying two headed perverse version of a unicorn was chasing me down. I regretted looking back as the horror opened it's mouths to whinny at me as it continued it's pursuit. I could feel some of my mana slip away as the creature attempted to stab it's horns into the back window of my car. My mana was reinforcing the car. 

It was an instinctual reaction. I was glad that my body knew what to do. I turned my eyes back forward just in time to see another two headed unicorn in front of me. I wouldn't be able to go around it so I just hit the gas. My little car slammed into the beast full force at about fifty miles an hour. 

I could feel my car lurch as the creature slammed into the windshield. Breaking it. The one behind me slammed into my car from behind a split second later. That second impact seemed to throw the beast off my hood, and by some miracle my car was still running. I pulled it out of fourth gear, and threw it into second. 

I knew my little car wouldn't be able to take off from this slow roll in fourth. It would die, and with how badly the belt was screaming now I didn't think it would start again. The car started rolling way slower then I wanted it to. The creature that was now next to my drive side window tried to bite me through the window. One head ended up biting into the door frame above my head. 

The other hand managed to get far enough in the car to bite the steering wheel. I grabbed an arrow with my free hand, and slammed it into the beasts eye as it bit into the steering wheel. The beast squealed in that high pitched terror sound that horses sometimes made. Then my car jerked forward. Throwing the beast off my car in the process. 

The one from behind slammed it's heads through my back window. Trying to bite me from behind. I was lead footing the gas pedal at this point. Not giving a flying fuck how much damage I was doing to the inner workings of my vehicle. This car probably wouldn't drive again after today anyways. 

My vehicle skittered forward with the force of the two headed unicorn giving it a little boost as it tried to shove it's way into my car even further. That skittering forward threw the beast out of my back window as the one next to my car went to bash my door again. From second to third was a quick easy motion as I got moving. My car wasn't going quite fast enough for third, and the already overly taxed damaged engine did not like it. The second beast slammed into the first as my car jerked it's way forward. 

My steering wheel was heavily damaged, and wasn't turning the way it was supposed to. I'd be lucky to get another twenty miles out of this car. I didn't smell any gas so thankfully the fuel tank, and lines in my back seat hadn't been damaged. I didn't pay the screaming engine any mind. My first vehicle had been a large souped up truck with an oversized engine, and crap gas milage so the engine noise was disturbing, but not beyond what my ears could handle. 

I glanced into my mirror as the two unicorn like monster squealed, and beat on each other for a few moments. They seemed to be pissed that they'd gotten in the way of each others meal. I had only managed to get my car up to forty, and I knew these creatures could run fifty plus. Escaping might not be an option. This road was basically a nice clear track for them. 

My car wouldn't be able to outrun them for much longer with how badly it was damaged. I needed to find a narrow area I could get into that they would have a hard time getting into. I could feel one of my tires pulling my car towards the outside of the road so I probably had a flat as well. I was pretty sure it was a back tire. I simply wouldn't be able to go fast enough to outrun them anymore. 

I flicked the switch to the sunroof so it would open as I drove. Hoping to god that it was still intact enough to open. I pulled down a random driveway. Twisting, and turning my way down the driveway until I saw a building. I didn't pay attention to what kind of building it was because by now the pair of unicorn creatures was behind me. 

They'd given up their scuffle when they realized their prey was escaping. I slammed the drivers side of my car into the building. Flicking my seat belt off with one hand as I grabbed my quiver with the other. By then the unicorns were on my car. The windshield might have been shattered, but it still held together enough to be a barrier.

All my other windows had long since blown out with all the torment I'd put my vehicle through. I pulled the quiver into place quickly as I jumped up on the seat. The beasts hadn't realized the sunroof was open yet because the other windows allowed them better access to me from their point of view. I barely had enough room to maneuver the bow so instead of using my bow I grabbed an arrow, and slammed it into the face that was snapping at me as it's ridiculously sharp teeth snapped mere inches from my body. I yanked the headrest off my seat when the beast withdrew, and jabbed it at the monster.