
The end of my last stand

Zliph · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

My mistake

He sees it, no he feels it every single day the red mist that haunts his memories the red mist that reminds him of his failure for not saving them.

To everyone else, they were just casualties at the wrong during the wrong time but to him, they were his responsibility they weren't supposed to die if anyone was to it should have been him the man laughing at it no a demon no not even a demon would stoop this low it but a goblin would. The very entity that keeps him up at night the green skin and evil eyes laughing every time.

He looks at the graves of the victims his childhood sweetheart Gwen Stacy age 14 and a young boy Haviar Luis age 7. If he had just been faster, stronger, better he could've saved them, but he failed spider-man was never supposed to fail at saving lives.

"You are too late Parker you failed!!! You couldn't save May, you couldn't save Harry, and now you couldn't save Gwen. How does it feel?"

The spider watches as the bomb goes off killing Gwen and Havier, NO!!!

"No Osborn I will save them I promised I would, I FUCKING PROMISED!!!!"

They charge at each other, holding nothing back, they each fight to destroy the other. With a mighty strike, the Spider knocks the Goblin to the ground; he gets up and realizes he can't win.

"Goodbye Norman," The spider said before plunging his hand through the goblin's chest and crushing his beating heart.

"I....win....parker," the goblin says before falling to the ground.

"I win Norman," The spider says.

The alarm in Spider-Man's mask blared loudly, forcing reality upon the poor soul with cruel swiftness and unforgiving mercy. Peter Parker opened his eyes, and with a frustrating yell, he deactivated the alarm. He leaned on his back, carefully rubbing his eye lens, and sighed. The sun stretched over the horizon, its rays streaking across Peter's face. He turned his head and looked out onto the emerging day; he did not smile, for anyone who knew Peter Parker knew that these days; he does not smile at all.

Getting up his mind was becoming increasingly alert, Peter's focus shifted to the calming sound of a peaceful New York thanks to Spider-Man's nearly non-stop crusade against crime people could walk outside without worrying about a supervillain every day. But nobody knew that even though Spider-Man saves all these lives his guilt from not saving two people keeps him in a fight for living or dying.

"Gwen....I need your help" Spider-man says breaking down.