
The End - End of the unikon

The story begins in such a way that there is a planet named Desitron and there is a king named "King Lak" and he wants to attack on Earth. But the people there are not happy with this decision but they going against King Lak is like feasting on death. King Lak has dangerous powers and only the wizard power can defeat him.The wizard power is the most powerful force in the universe that no one can beat and that power only comes to the good. King Lak doesn't know where he is power or who has it. An alien named Tens who is an assistant of King Lak ... he has wizard power. But he keeps this secret. If this thing was known to King Lak, King Lak would destroy the entire universe.Tens doesn't want King Lak to attack Earth Tens could not use wizard power because Tens was a friend of evil and Tens feared that...that power might not be lost to his body. So Tens gives away a boy on Powers Earth.

# When King Lak attacks Earth, how does that boy save Earth?

#how does Tens stop King Lak?

#Does King Lak gain the wizard's powers?

So this was our story Sir, if you liked our story, please tell us...

Thank you