
The Encounter

This about a girl named Sadie Turner. She is only with her mother as her dad died when she was young. He left them money and information that even the mother doesn't know about. Go with us as Sadie encounters a big boss named Alexander James or AJ and finds out information about her dad.

MehBored · Urban
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10 Chs

The Escape

*Sadie's POV*

My plan is now in action. I scan my surroundings beside I devise where to go. Were currently at a crossroad. The 3 way to go are back the way we came, going deeper into the mall, or immediately going out. I decide to go deeper into the mall. I go and narrowly catch an elevator and see the people in black looking frustrated.

I don't use this time to celebrate though. I keep my brain working. The elevator stops at the 3rd floor. I then head to the staircase. I get there and here people running up. I knew they were coming.

I take this chance. I go up another floor and go the elevator again. I then take it to the 1st floor. Luckily they aren't there, but I see the man from earlier talking to one of the guys in black. Realization comes to mind. He was apart of all of this. 'F in the chat corner,' I thought. So instead of going towards them, I head to a clothes store. I buy a completely different outfit and change. After changing I go back to the other way. I end up outside of the mall. I get my purse that I managed to keep and get my keys.

After looking around I go straight to the car. I get into the car and drive out. It was peaceful, but my senses were on edge. Something wasn't right. I look in my mirror and I see the guy from earlier. He saw me. I speed it up and drive out of the parking garage. I end up getting lost in traffic and take a deep breath. This was one heck of an exercise.

I take advantage of the break and call my mother. After 2 rings she answers. Well now it's time to explain this to her without her freaking out. I quickly explain the situation as I put my headphones in so I could talk to her. I hear her heavy breathing and already know the drama is about to start with her.

Sorry about the inconsistency. Is going to try to do better

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