
The Enchanting Secrets of Crimson Moon Manor

After my life took a turn for the worse, a tremendous opportunity for a new job presented itself, and I decided to embrace it. I arrived at the Crimson Moon manor to embark on my new life and work, encountering four captivating girls under the guardianship of Mistress lara, a mysterious figure with secrets beyond imagination. The girls I met were Lisa, Maria, and Lola and audrey. While working in the mansion, I began to notice Mistress Clara using a kind of magic, and strange events unfolded inside the manor. As I delved deeper, I uncovered several secrets that added an element of suspense to the unfolding story. _______________________________________________ "As for downloading more enjoyable chapters daily, it depends on engaging with the story, whether through liked , voting on Power Stones, or providing welcomed comments and opinions. I will take them into consideration _______________________________________________ "This novel contains erotic chapters." _______________________________________________ Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

Black_shadow_ol · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 : Barn Surprises and Meeting Mistress Lara

I approached the door, and I can say this is the bathroom. I noticed the door isn't fully closed and decided to take a closer look. Oh it's Audrey; it seems she's admiring her body in the mirror. What is she doing? Many thoughts filled my head, one on top of the other. Should I take advantage of this opportunity? I love what I see so far; she has a large breasts, a splendid view. 

I felt secure watching her . The small opening in the door revealed an empty hallway. Audrey turned towards the door. Oh, my God. What a sculpted body. She continued examinin herself to the mirror, seemingly posing for something. My hormones started taking over my thoughts.

I began to feel my penis erect in my pants . Oh, I wonder if she'll undress completely and remain naked. These thoughts left me with a hole in my stomach. Oh yes, she's assuming provocative positions, doing well so far. My erection is now full. I started worrying about being caught spying. If someone catches me now, I'll be in big trouble. I'm not just spying on this girl; I have a significant erection in my pants. 

Rational thoughts are creeping into my mind; maybe I should leave just to be on the safe side. Despite the thrill of spying, I feel guilty because I can't touch her... Oh fuck. I haven't had sex for several months. Well, I'll leave now before anyone sees me. Audrey seems to be heading towards her dressing table anyway. The lingering smoke in the bathroom suggests that someone recently took a shower.

I closed the door and left the house. I decided If I'm going to work here, I need to learn a bit about this place. As I walked a little, I noticed a barn behind the house. I'll take a look there. On my way to the barn, a strange feeling overwhelmed me. What if there are animals in the barn, and I have to take care of them? If there are cows, and I take care for them, does that make me a cowboy ? . 

The garden looks fantastic and well-organized; someone seems to be doing a good job with it. The shrubs next to the wall are neatly trimmed and look beautiful. I started to wonder why they would hire me in the first place. I opened the barn door and entered. Wait, ummmm... there's no unpleasant smell. I don't see or hear anything; it seems there are no animals here at all. Ohhhh... I dodged a bullet, thank god

 Despite the absence of any animals, it seems designed for them. Yes, it's designed for this purpose. Maybe they want to buy some, like horses. The job description I found didn't mention anything about animals at all. When I thought about it, the description didn't say anything about animals at all . 

I looked into one of the cabins, yes, as expected, clean as a whistle. No trace of any animal or anything. While I was looking around, I noticed everything is exceptionally clean. The barn must have been built recently. I kept thinking until I heard someone opening the door. 

I quickly turned, oh, thank goodness, it's just Lorus. He looked at me, his hand on his jaw, and said, 'Ahahahaha, excuse me.' I sighed and replied, 'Oh, you startled me, the next time knock.' He looked at me angrily and said, 'No time for jokes, tell me, what are you doing here?' I answered, 'I'm exploring around. If I'm going to work here, I need to know what I'm dealing with.' 

I saw the anger on Lorus' face fading, and he spoke in a calm tone, 'Yes, you're right. This is the barn, no animals here yet. But the mistress is thinking of getting some horses.' I replied, 'Yes, I expected that...' and Lorus continued, 'Speaking of the mistress ,she's waiting for you and wants to talk to you.' I said, 'Great, lead the way, Lorus.' He seemed annoyed again, probably not used to being called Lorus yet. We exited the barn and headed towards the house.

In the hallway of the house, before reaching the room, Lorus spoke, "I understand you're curious and want to know about this place, but please stop snooping around. There are girls living here, you might walk in on one of them at a bad moment." I replied, "Do I seem like someone who doesn't know that?" He said, "Excuse me," and I responded, "Nothing to worry about. By the way, what is this place originally, and who are those girls?" 

He answered, "I'm not the one to give you the answer. The mistress will tell you everything you want to know about this place. And before we enter, try to behave. She's the one paying your salary." I retorted, "I know how to behave. I'm not a little child. Thanks." Lorus opened the door and told me to wait.

 I heard him say, "Excuse me, mistress Lara, I'm here with the new boy . " Did he seriously call me a boy? I'm a man and have a name. But the mistress said to him, "What do I always tell you, Alfred? We're not in the 1700s; we use names." I heard Lorus say, "Sorry, my lady. The new worker name is Rick; he'll be working for us." I heard the mistress say, "That's good, Alfred . Now you can leave and tell Rick to come in. I want to talk to him privately. But come back later after I'm done with him; there's something I want you to do." He replied, "Yes, my lady, hearing and obedience." Lorus left the room and said to me, "Come on in, the mistress is waiting for you." I opened the door, and finally, I met this mysterious mistress.

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