

This story book is about a woman who is loved by many men in the medieval times countless thru over the times , and thru the years after years , but also related thru time travel thru her life as her life keeps changing all the time accordingly thru her life choices , but will she be capable of keeping her one and only true love within her no matter what thru all the years she go thru or will her heart and mind make her choose the wrong pathway , either hapiness or either an endless life thru the years that she will never be able to be toguether within the one she loves , that and much more to know as will read this incredible story will have much more to tell us about it , this story will be full of surprises and fantasies and romance and action and fiction within all a litle bit to keep you up to it , and ENCHANTRESS woman capable of anything and everything to achieve her own life goals and be the one to turn around the mans heart for her , they would be capable of doing anything for her to be happy within them , but every single chapter is full of diferent stories as she travels thru time , keep it up within it and keep reading and hope this story teller book will keep you also enchantered to it till the end of it .

carlavilar · Fantasy
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CHAPTER ONE ( The encounter between yuki and Kito )

- where am i ? i only remenber to fall a sleep and all of sudden wake up in a new place that i dont recognise . (said yuki )

coming to her come a new on her direction come a person she also not know him .

who are you ? ( said yuki ) 

hello , im Kito . ( said Kito)

nice to meet you ( said kitto)

now that i finally met you , you will be mine and i will be yours . ( say kitto , kissing her hands )

yuki was confuse with everything going on around her .

Have we met before ? Because you are talking to me like you know me , but i dont remenber anything about you im meeting you for the first time . ( said yuki blushing her face at the handsome boy )

 I know you from a very long time we meet each other when we are litle ones but the reason you dont remenber me its because was such a long time since than you desapear and i never see you again ever since ( said kito )

I really dont remenber anything about it , im really sorry . ( said yuki )

Its fine .( said kito )

 weve been promised to each other since than , and ive been waiting for you to come again for a very long time . ( said kito )

 So im so happy to see you back again into my arms ( said kito ) 

 How have you been My dearest yuki love ? ( said kito kissing yuki hands , while caressing her hair softly )

im been fine , thank you for asking . ( says yuki with a very shy face )

 Im glad to ear that you have been fine my baby love . ( said kito )

 what is this place ? ( said yuki )

It's just another world full of adventure , love and danger ( said kito while giving her a beautifull bunch of roses )

 why you would say that ? ( said yuki )

It's just a feeling i have when i'm with you , i feel like anything is possible and all i want to do is make you happy . ( said kitto )

 I Feel very loved and protect by you and thank you for your warm feelings for me , but as we meet only now i canot feel or say the same yet to you because i dont know you quite well enough . ( said yuki )

 That's fine my love , i understand , we have all the time in the world to get to know each other and i will do anything it takes to make you happy and feel safe . ( said kito)

 kito is a very protective and loving boy and at 18 he knows what he wants till he meets yuki . He will do anything to protect her till his last breath and he realize that his love for her is very strong and powerfull.