
The Enchanted Painter

Have you ever felt that sometimes art leaps off the page? Meet Elara, a young woman from the Village of Riverdale! Her life of feeling alone comes to an end when her art comes off the page and Aiden comes into her life. Elara and Aiden are bound by canvas and art and overcome the obstacles along the way! Love conquers all! P.S. This is my first book so please keep it in mind. I hope you consider reading all free chapters first. Anyway, I assure you that my writing will get better as the story goes.

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Fantasy
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Chapter 40: The Forest of Echoes - Elara (Part 3)

The world around Elara began to break as she sat in her studio. It felt like she had aged quickly. The sky began to have a kaleidoscope of colors when Grandma Isolde walked into the room.

"Elara," Grandma Isolde cooed.

"Where is he?" Elara looked at Grandma Isolde with a sour look on her face. 

"Where is who?"

"Aiden, where is Aiden." Elara looked wronged as she looked towards her Grandma Isolde, demanding an explanation.

Grandma Isolde sighed with relief as she looked at Elara with a smile. "I knew you could do it. Before you begin the next part of your journey, take a look at the painting."

Not knowing what her Grandma could mean, Elara turned to their finished painting. The top part of the painting was a night sky. The colors ran across the sky like a bridge between one another, with the full moon bridging the two sides of the canvas together. The trees swayed in a magical dance as the painting appeared before her eyes.