
The Enchanted Painter

Have you ever felt that sometimes art leaps off the page? Meet Elara, a young woman from the Village of Riverdale! Her life of feeling alone comes to an end when her art comes off the page and Aiden comes into her life. Elara and Aiden are bound by canvas and art and overcome the obstacles along the way! Love conquers all! P.S. This is my first book so please keep it in mind. I hope you consider reading all free chapters first. Anyway, I assure you that my writing will get better as the story goes.

Scott_Cheuvront_Jr · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 32: Inner Reflection

"I am always alone, the King of the Whispering Woods. Well, at least this part." It threw its hands on its hips, taking a heroic pose meant to look tyrannical.

"I didn't mean any offense to you, King of the Fae," Elara began, "I would like to know if you have heard of the Heart of the Moon." She asked in a quiet tone.

Elara looked towards the child and had a sudden thought.

Elara entered her satchel and brought out a pouch as the chirping crickets played in the background and the fireflies danced through the grove into a dance of lights and shadows.

Placing it gingerly on the ground, she took a couple of steps back from it and looked toward the King of the Fae.

"I bring this present for you; I hope that you can give us passage through your lands, King of the Fae."