
The Enchanted Life & Adventures of Crystal: A Fairytale Memoir

All who love stories; come and gather round, and I shall tell you a story. You hold in your hands a door to another world...Do you dare open and enter? Come...The story is about to begin! ***** ***** ***** I wrote this story on a whim and a moment of epiphany as an Original of my own... TRIGGER WARNING: RAPE!!! There will be scenes, mentions and attempts at rape; I would like to *apologize* beforehand for *any mental/emotional triggers*! ***** ***** ***** ***** Comments and Reviews on Chapters or Paragraphs are welcome; they keep writers updating even if they're Flame Comments.

Crystal_Bachleda · Fantasy
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Ever since Covid19 has come; caution had to be taken especially during the New Year of 2021 and becoming a recluse has become a necessity, only going out for shopping is enough human contact. I was feeling bored at home; granted I was a bit of a recluse already and I live with my Dad.

But on this particular normal day; sitting at home, watching TV with my Dad and dog was too mundane. So I put my sneakers on, grabbed my coat and was out the door as I went for a walk by my-self.

I walked up the hill that was King Street, crossed the road and entered Grandmother's Garden; a small valley park. There weren't a lot of people about, it was quiet and peaceful; the perfect place to walk and think.

I was soon standing on the bank of a small river and enjoying the view; when I heard this very strange MEOW. I turned to see a large black cat slink from the bushes behind me; its body was long and lean, legs long and thin looking with long sharp claws.

The cat's neck was serpent like, its head looked almost human with large yellowish green eyes set in lid-less eye sockets and needle-like teeth peeked from thin lips. It moved almost like a puppet with a twitch and I could hear the joints of its legs pop with ever step it took.

Its head swayed like a serpent, unblinking, and I stood frozen in fear for this creature of nightmares that anyone could imagine just to scare them-selves silly. I felt my-self twitch but I didn't dare move an inch as I turned my head; looking left and right but I couldn't bring my-self to run anyway as I wouldn't get very far.

The Nightmare Cat knew this as it opened its mouth like a puppet to show a black void and released another chilling MEOW as its mouth slowly closed. I was trapped with only the small river behind me and my instincts for reacting had gone numb.

By the time I blinked...

The Nightmare Cat had sprung and I was knocked into the water behind me; but instead of hitting bottom, the small river had become very deep and I sunk like a rock. The last image I see was the creature's head underwater unblinking stare watching me sink as my vision went black.

I felt my-self floating underwater and I thought I was dead as strange visions flashed before me. The visions was of another world...a dimension of Magic, Valor, Myth, Legend, etc.

I could see different people living their lives; Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, etc...I can see wars being fought, battles being won, lives lost, new lives born, thrones being fought over and changing hands, etc. It was a fairy tale world; a land of great nations, diverse races and <true> Magic flowing <everywhere>.

But what I saw and heard next...

Lions roared as they prowled through a temple; a statue of a man with a lion's head sits upon a throne, he held a pair of double-head axes crossed before his chest and the statue wept tears of blood.

"Lord Apedemak is weeping blood;" cried an elderly Priest in awe, "it's a sign that the Daughter of the Great Goddess has come!"

"My Mirror of Sight has blackened;" exclaimed a veiled woman as she drew back in fear, "war will soon come!"

A mirror was shown completely black as if burned...

Strange trees began glowing and cries of shock can be heard: "The Goddess Trees are glowing!"

"Great change is coming!"

A wave of unseen energy rippled through the world...


A woman appeared before me; a veil hid her head and she wore a crown of glowing moonlight, she wore a flowing green robe-like dress embroidered with dapples of gold and white. About her hips was a belt of starlight and she held a scepter that glowed with sunlight; there was a diviness about her and a aura of Power.

She removed the veil but I never saw her face as it was thrown over my own head and my whole body from the crown of my head to the bottom of my feet felt on fire. As I fell into darkness once more; I heard a mysterious female voice speak in my head...

*I am giving you a new life, live it well, your journey has just begun and when your time comes to a end...you will be restored home!*