
Chapter 27

“These are for you,” he said, handing them each very used-looking phones.

“I already have one,” Davie told him.

“Then give it to me, please. You’ll get it back when this is over. If you keep it and things go the way we hope, the slavers will take it and you’ll never see it again.

“Not that it’s worth anything,” Davie replied sourly. “The battery’s dead and I lost the charger months ago.” Still, he handed over his phone. Vin shrugged and dug his out of his pocket, giving it to Carson.

“You need these because they won’t believe you don’t own one,” Carson explained. “I’ve rarely met a street kid who didn’t and I’m sure it’s the same for them. More than that, though, these have an added feature. If…no, when you make a connection with them and they hire you, press the pound button. That way we’ll know it’s a go.”

“And start tracking us?” Davie asked.

“Yes. Okay, that’s it. Stay safe.”

“Damned sure going to try,” Vin replied, hefting his backpack over his shoulders.