
The Empty Inkstone

The shadows grow, feeding on the black inkstone the shadows rule the world. But the black inkstones dry with no more energy to give, where will the shadows feed now... *I don't own the cover* - I don't know who does, let me know if you own it.

Omnidoa · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The World Outside Part 1

[Ding! Congratulations on creating your first minion!]

"Um, thanks"

[Host, please guide the minion to the location of the dark inkstone.]

[Use the remaining to identify the exact location of the dark inkstone and mark it for your minion to see. You can do this in the same way you got the dark energy to enter the stone.]

Mmm, so I just spread out the energy?

Okay then give it a go.

Mat recentered his focus on the floating liquid energy, causing the energy to contract and spread.


It was a serial feeling.

As the liquid energy spread around, Mat was able to see the surroundings much clearer.

This wasn't just ordinary vision though.

With the liquid Mat could even feel the properties of the near by objects!

"Should I ask the system? No its alright, lets investigate more on my own."

As the energy spread that serial feeling kept on growing.

Just as Mat was begging to really enjoy the feeling something felt off.

As the energy spread out further and further it started getting thinner, and at one point the energy would just disappear.

"Somethings wrong. System why is the energy disappearing?"

[Ding! It seems the host used too much energy to create the minions and there's not enough left for searching. Well it's all fine, host can just tell the minion to search the nearby vicinity.]

If the minions don't need to be near me to live that would mean I could across the planet even if I didn't need to move!

"Do the minions not need to be near me to exist?"

[Ding! Indeed the minions don't need the host to survive. But there are benefits to the minions being closer to the host, such as the how the host can heal the minions closer.]

"That's great news!"


System - [...]

Minion - [...]

"... go look for a black Inkstone in the nearby vicinity."

After that shameful display of adrenalin from Mat, the Minion listened and left in search of the black stone.


"So this is a Black Inkstone huh."

[Ding! Yes, the Black Inkstone. A common instrument that contains relatively pure dark energy. The Host should commence with absorbing the energy in the stone.]

Mmm, yes I should absorb the energy.

Should I do this... what if that feeling returns.

I have to do this, If I don't then there's no possibility of me ever escaping!

But that feeling from the first time...

[Ding! The system shall start the absorption of the dark energy!]

"Wait what!!"

With that last statement Mat once again started feeling the fear and terror that came with the dark energy.

But unlike last time Mat felt some thing else!

Mat felt a slimmer of light and hope.

[Ding! absorption has started.]

[Host please don't focus on the impure energies of light. The more you focus towards the feelings of the dark energy the purer the energy will be.]

Focus on the dark energy... dark energy!

The more Mat focused the more terror and fear he felt.

Unfortunately the fear Mat felt overwhelmed him and he went back a little back to the light energy.

With the mix of light and dark energies Mat felt much better.

I know the system said to only absorb dark energy, but...

I hope this won't result to badly.


[Ding! All the energy in the Black Inkstone has now been absorbed.]

"That's great, it's finally over!"

[The host should continue to look for more sources of dark energy! Maybe the host should send the minion outside to look for more Black Inkstones.]


Sending the minion wouldn't be a bad idea, but it might cause issues.

I'm not sure if I'm still on earth or not, but if I am and I send out a floating goblin...

I don't even want to think about the consequences!

Maybe I should send something to scout the outside world and see what its like.

"System if I send out the minion to the outside world can I see what it sees?"

[Ding! No, but the host would be able to look through the minions memory once it returns.]

Then maybe I should send something small to act like a spy drone.

Maybe make a quick visual map of the area and anything living nearby.

Something like a spy mosquito shown in movies would be perfect!!

With the new energy I absorbed creating a mosquito should be a peace of cake.

Gathering the dark energy inside him like before, Mat focused sending the energy toward a small stone in the corner of the room.

After bounding the energy onto the stone Mat started focusing the image of a mosquito from his past life.

Unlike last time, Mat took extra care to not forget any part of the mosquito.

After a short while a mosquito appeared before Mat.

Different from the goblin minion before him, the mosquito minion was whole, wings and all!

"Spy mosquito, go outside the cave, look around the caves vicinity. Try to locate and identify different life forms that are in a 50km radius."

Following the orders it's received the spy mosquito flies away to a random direction of the cave hoping to find the exit.