

I am a 21st-century girl named Huan Ran. My parents gave me that name and hoped that I could be a cheerful and brave girl. But their expectations were not fulfilled because I had the opposite nature of my name. One day I had a car accident. When I woke up, I was already in the body of the empress who had a harem. How can I master a harem filled with handsome young men?

Misel09 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


"Is Your Highness all right?" Emmanuel asked me.

I still stare at the face of the masked youth in front of me. One of my concubines came to attend the party.

"I met him for the first time so he is the King of the Southern kingdom."

"Why is that young man wearing a mask?"

"You don't know the news that the Lion King is the son of the queen mother of the Southern kingdom. That child has been cursed by an evil wizard and his face looks really bad when he was born."

"So that's why he's wearing a mask."

The nobles talked about the Lion King with each other. I don't like those who insult my concubines.

"Did you forget that someone will be punished for insulting a king?"

Some of the disdainful nobles were now starting to fall silent.

"Someone you insulted has a high position compared to you. Emmanuel let's go back."

"Very well, Your Majesty."

Emmanuel and I walked out of the party but my footsteps stopped after the Lion King was right in front of me. He then bent his knees then stretched out his hand.

"Would Empress Jeong Hui dance with me?"

All eyes were on me. The young man in front of me was a king and I also couldn't refuse after hearing the nobles insult him.

"I am honored to be able to dance with the Lion King."

I smiled then took his hand. We ended up dancing.

"Thank you that Your Majesty has defended me in front of the nobles." The Lion King said to me quietly. My ears immediately reddened. I then looked at the mask. In the past all the youths drifted away after meeting me because of that I understand his feelings.

"You don't owe me a favor so there's no need to say thank you."

The Lion King then laughed after hearing my words.

"You are an attractive woman."

After the dance music is over. I then bowed and then left the party.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

In the room I was pensive this is my first meeting with him in the body of the empress. Dayang Yun said that if the Lion King was one of his favorite concubines, it meant that they had frequent relationships. It seems that the Lion King has high intelligence. I then sighed my decision to immediately leave the party was not wrong. In the evening I went to the park after leaving the party, after that, I went to my room to sleep. In the middle of the night when you wake up. In the garden, I saw the bright moonlight, and the stars also shone in the sky.

"Looks like it's a bright night tonight."

A young man with long black hair and a face wearing a lion mask came up to me. Even though his face is covered by a mask, his charisma shines brightly.

"Good evening Your Majesty the King."

"Your Majesty the Empress does not need to be so formal with me."

"You are the King of the Southern Kingdom therefore it is not good for us to break the rules of royal etiquette."

The young man then brought his face to my ear.

"But Your Majesty is my wife and I am your concubine."

Even though I already know that the owner of this body has many concubines. Still, my heart and body are not ready to listen to my wife's call. In my world, men have high self-esteem some of them have more than one wife. In contrast to being here, women who have high positions can marry more than one man. I always thought about what if that woman had a son. Who will be their father?

"This is our first meeting after marriage."

When I heard Lion's words I stood frozen. Did I hear wrong? I still remember that Lady Yun once said that the Lion King was one of the Empress' favorite concubines. But Lion said that this was their first meeting after marriage. I feel that there is something that the owner of this body has hidden so that the young man in front of me does not suspect me. I have to play the role of the empress. I finally nodded my head and smiled.

"Your Majesty always tells me that you don't believe in love. Even so, His Majesty is willing to spend the wedding night with me."

"Shouldn't a husband and wife spend their wedding night?"

I immediately covered my mouth with both hands. I accidentally said that we were a married couple. You are stupid! Why did I say that?

"This is the first time someone has acknowledged my existence. Does Your Majesty not feel disgusted by the appearance of this face of mine?"

I walked closer. After being right in front of him I slowly held his face.

"To become my concubine there is no rule to have a handsome face. I also feel unafraid when I see the look on your face."

After I said it. Then Lion bent his knee he held my hand and kissed the back of my palm gently.

"The Lion King promises to always be loyal and obey all orders from Her Majesty the Empress."

This is what the oath means. The owner of this body is really lucky to have a husband who loves her very much.

"I accept your oath of allegiance."

It doesn't feel like it's already morning. I returned to my room.

"Where did His Majesty go from?" Emmanuel asked me.

"Can you leave me alone?"

I yawned loudly then Emmanuel realized that I wanted to rest and didn't want to be disturbed by him then bowed and went outside. I then lay down on the bed. Since leaving the palace my sleep schedule has been reduced and I often wake up at night. I closed my eyes slowly remembering yesterday's events. Everyone said that Lion's face was bad and that was the reason for wearing a mask. While in the garden Lion told me that his face became ugly because he was cursed by a witch at birth. The story feels familiar to the face behind the mask-like a fairy tale of a man who gets a curse from a witch and then recovers after finding true love. I smiled as my eyes were still closed. It's all just a fairy tale this world is a true story even though I still don't believe it myself. Because I was tired slowly, I finally fell asleep. The sun shines on the room. Lady Yun came to my room.

"Your Majesty has received an invitation from King Hyo."

Looks like there will be an important meeting. Did Lion also get an invitation like me? I quickly wash my face and change clothes. I didn't finish the breakfast that Lady Yun gave me. A few minutes later I walked towards the main palace of the Western kingdom. Several ladies-in-waiting escorted me to the front of the assembly hall in the main palace of the Western kingdom. The hall door then opened I saw representatives from each kingdom and region sitting in the room. Slowly I took a breath and let it out step by step I walked into the room. Everyone looked at me and the assembly hall door closed tightly.