
The Empress's Gigolo

In a world where its inhabitants can destroy a city wall single-handedly, the empress has a kirin as her pet, and the imperial palace of Great Xia has a pool containing a dragon. There is also a Sword Mountain where spirit swords occasionally leave in search of a master . Bootlicking the empress, Ren Baqian ascended to the apex of life.  

Xiu Lijian · Urban
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950 Chs

Luck is Very Important

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Almost imperceptibly, a row of street lights was added to the Black Bamboo Academy. Electric lights also hung from the beams of the classrooms and the library.

The backyard of the academy was expanded again with an extra courtyard in the distance that emitted black smoke all day long.

Inside the courtyard was the most important facility in the academy at present, the thermal powered electric generator.

Most importantly, energy was a huge driver of science and technology.

One particular effect after its completion was the emission of black smoke 24 hours a day, which resulted in a layer of ash falling on the academy. Before this, there was hardly any dust on its floor.

Fortunately, this thing was only temporarily being used for research and development purposes.