When faced with the choice to give his son the Attack Titan and The Founding Titan, Grisha decides to change the dark future by revealing a Hidden Truth to Eren. ErenxHarem. AU, Powerful Eren. No Yaoi. Eventually Overpowered Eren.
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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.
Chapter 62 (Ape Vs Lion), Chapter 63 (Historia, The Winged Titan), Chapter 64 (Battle Between Brothers), Chapter 65 ('Here's Kenny'), Chapter 66 (The Paths), Chapter 67 (Sasha's Pleasure), Chapter 68 (King Eren?), Chapter 69 (An Angel and A Devil), Chapter 70 (The Ackerman Blood), Chapter 71 (Eren's Love), Chapter 72 (Blood of the Eldians), Chapter 73 (Father and Daughter), Chapter 74 (King Eren and Queen Historia), Chapter 75 (Eren and Historia's Night), and Chapter 76 (Pieck Finger) are already available for Patrons.
"I said the second the Titans reach the woods we'll split up!" Mike explained to the two cadets behind him. "We'll split into four separate teams, recruits and soldiers alike in each unit. When I give the signal, we'll scatter in different directions simultaneously. Get the word out to civilians. Do not engage the enemy! Which one of you is most familiar with the area?"
"Me, sir!" Sasha responded while raising her right hand. "My hometown is just to the north of here. I know this region like the back of my hand." She then turns to Connie. "Connie too. Tell them."
Connie, however, was in a state of shock, completely oblivious to what Sasha had just said.
"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.
"My village... My village is to the south. That's where the Titans are coming from." He finally uttered as he slowly regained the strength to move his mouth.
"Sir... I want to go home." He continued in his shocked tone of voice. "I need to see if my family is safe. Please, sir!"
"Very well. Guide the southern team to the other settlements first, then you're free to return to your village."
"Thank you, sir."
Once the group was about to enter the forest, they all split off into four separate groups, leaving only Mike and Annie to go back and lure the Titans away.
After splitting off from the group, Sasha headed straight for her village to warn her family and the remaining villagers of the invading Titans.
The official name of the village was Dauper. It was a village comprised of a handful of communities of hunters living near the forest. It was where she learned how to hunt and develop an obsession for meat.
As she made her way towards the village, eager to meet her family and seek comfort in the familiar faces, Sasha couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that engulfed the once lively place. The absence of bustling conversations and laughter in the air left her puzzled and filled with a sense of unease. She was accustomed to the background hum of daily activities echoing through the village, like a symphony of community and connection. Faint whispers of neighbors catching up, the clinking of pots and pans, children's laughter drifting through the air – these were the sounds that formed the soundtrack of her childhood memories.
However, as her horse took each step closer to her destination, it became abundantly clear that something was amiss. The absence of familiar noises intensified the feeling of emptiness that hung in the air. Even the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds, fixtures of the nearby forest that had always provided a comforting backdrop, were noticeably absent. It was as if nature itself was holding its breath, mirroring Sasha's growing concern.
The heaviness of the silence began to weigh on her, making her steps falter, and her heart quicken. The once vibrant village, where she had spent countless hours playing and sharing laughter with her family, now seemed frozen in time.
Dread started to creep into Sasha's heart as she fervently hoped that this silence was merely a temporary aberration.
As she approached her childhood home, the anticipation mingled with anxiety in her gut. The unanswered questions echoed in her mind. Sasha took a deep breath, steadying herself, and prepared for what awaited her beyond the silent village's facade.
Picking up the pace, a sense of urgency gripped Sasha as she raced her horse out of the dense forest and into the small village. The sight of the enormous human footprint, marked clearly in the muddy ground, had amplified her concern. It was peculiarly too large to belong to an average human. However, it fell short of the size of the infamous fifteen-meter Titans. Sasha's keen instinct allowed her to determine that it must be a footprint of a smaller Titan. The presence of a miniature Titan this far out in the countryside took her by surprise, as she hadn't anticipated such a sighting in this remote area. As she galloped through the quiet village, her mind raced with questions.
This time, she refrained from shouting out loud in fear of drawing out any Titans that had entered the village. If a small Titan was lurking around, there was always the possibility of it hiding in one of the houses. Sasha quickly noticed a bow and a bag of arrows lying on the muddy ground; she picked them up quietly, knowing she might need them.
Eventually, as she ventured further, a faint trace of deep crimson caught her attention—the unmistakable evidence of a trail of blood. Mindful of the need to remain inconspicuous, Sasha skillfully dismounted from her steed, ensuring her presence went unnoticed. Every step she took now was a careful dance, treading lightly as she followed the mysterious path leading straight into the nearest open house, nestled gently by the bridge's edge. With each cautious move, her senses sharpened, preparing her for the startling revelation that awaited. The eerie silence permeated the air, heightening the anticipation within Sasha's racing heart as she doggedly pursued the trail until—a ghastly sight made her gasp.
The Titan had cunningly infiltrated her small, unsuspecting village. Its immense frame now resided within the confines of a dilapidated house, recklessly indulging in its gruesome feast upon an unfortunate woman, undoubtedly the resident of the dwelling. Towering over her by just a mere few feet, this size disparity offered the insatiable creature an ample bounty of flesh to consume. Aghast, the woman lay motionless, seemingly resigned to her ghastly fate, physically and mentally depleted beyond measure. It was evident that she had expended every ounce of her strength in a frantic symphony of piercing screams as the Titan ruthlessly tore into her exposed limb. The incessant torment endured for an interminable period, draining her voice to the point that a single sound, not even a faint whimper, could escape her aching throat. Moreover, the loss of substantial chunks of her leg had caused a profuse flow of crimson streams, further exacerbating her woeful state.
But what shocked Sasha even more was the fact that they were not alone. Sitting by the window was a young girl, presumably the woman's daughter. She hadn't moved an inch since the Titan came in and started eating her mother. She couldn't tell if she was frozen with terror over seeing her mother getting slowly and horrifically devoured or if she'd just completely given up on life and was waiting for the Titan to kill her next, seeing no reason to keep on living.
Whatever the reason, Sasha refused to stay back and let a child die. Without a moment's hesitation, an instinctual reflex thrust her hand towards her trusty ODM Gear Sword, firmly grasping the hilt as she swiftly drew out the gleaming blade. With a single fluid motion, she sliced through the air, the sharp edge of her weapon connecting with the Titan's vulnerable nape. Overwhelmed by the forceful strike, the immense creature collapsed to the ground, lifeless and defeated. Almost instantaneously, wisps of scalding steam emanated from the fallen Titan's deteriorating body, signifying the rapid commencement of its decomposition process.
In a state of urgency, Sasha swiftly approached the injured woman and, with genuine concern, posed the question, "Are you alright?" She knelt down, ensuring she was at eye level with the woman, who emitted faint whimpers of pain from her wounded leg. The sight of blood gushing out without cessation incited a sense of alarm within Sasha. Reacting swiftly, she instinctively reached for a nearby piece of clothing. She resourcefully fashioned it into a makeshift tourniquet, tightly securing it around the woman's thigh in a valiant attempt to stem the bleeding and provide immediate relief.
"Just, hold on. Help will come soon." Sasha said, touching her forehead; it was incredibly warm. Sasha knew the chances of the woman living were small, but she needed to try everything.
Sasha turned to look at the little girl, who was still quiet, but she heard the ground shake before Sasha could say anything to her. Sasha's eyes went wide; she knew a Titan was approaching, and this one was a tall one. Sasha knew now she was officially a Scout, and it was her duty to fight the Titan, but she knew there was an equal chance that she could die trying to kill it, which would result in the girl dying, too.
Without thinking, Sasha, driven by a surge of adrenaline, abruptly stood up and firmly grasped the trembling girl's hand, their fingers intertwining in a tight grip. Urging the girl to move swiftly, Sasha's determination was unwavering as she forced her companion to sprint towards the exit hastily. Stepping foot outside, a rush of cold air hit their faces, and in this abrupt change of scenery, Sasha's eyes widened with alarm. Past the perimeter of the village, looming amidst the dense foliage, a figure emerged - a Titan. Its form towered at least ten meters tall, utterly dwarfing the surrounding trees. Every step it took sent tremors through the ground, causing small birds to take flight frantically, their wings fluttering chaotically in the sky as they sought refuge from the impending threat of the approaching Titan.
As Sasha and the girl desperately ran towards the horse, their hearts pounded with fear for both themselves and the terrified animal. The horse's whimpering grew louder as it trembled uncontrollably, clearly overwhelmed by the approaching Titan's sheer size and impending doom. Sasha tried her best to calm the horse down, soothingly whispering in its ear and stroking its trembling mane. However, despite Sasha's efforts, the horse's panic only escalated as the Titan's thunderous footsteps grew louder and closer, echoing through the air with bone-chilling intensity. In a sudden eruption of fear, the horse bolted away, breaking free from its reins and disappearing into the distance. Sasha and the girl exchanged worried glances, realizing that their only option now was to continue their escape on foot.
As they kept running, Sasha knew there was no chance she could outrun a Titan. "Run away, and don't look back." Sasha shouted at the girl, pushing her away. Swiftly withdrawing her trusty bow from its sheath, Sasha raised her eyes to meet the Titan's gaze, which revealed a towering figure with masculine features and a mournful expression etched on its face. In a split second, she released her arrow with precise aim, piercing through the Titan's right eye, causing a horrific cry of agony to echo through the air. Seizing the opportunity, Sasha deftly maneuvered her ODM Gear, propelling herself towards the Titan's right leg with the aid of her grappling hook. Though the formidable foe was oblivious to her presence, his attention had been momentarily diverted by the relentless barrage of stones hurled by the girl.
"Good job, girl!" Sasha shouted. With a swift and precise motion, Sasha skillfully slashed through the vulnerable nape of the towering Titan, causing it to crumble to its knees before hitting the ground face-first. Sasha landed rather uncomfortably on her behind atop the now lifeless, decomposing Titan. Wincing in discomfort, Sasha let out a slight moan of pain and gently massaged her sore buttocks as she tried to regain her composure.
Sasha quickly looked up at the girl who was still throwing small rocks at the dead Titan's face. "Hey, it's alright. It's Dead." Sasha quickly said as she jumped down from the Titan before walking up to the girl who stopped throwing rocks and instead looked up at her.
"It's dead?"
"It's dead," Sasha confirmed as she looked around, trying to see where her horse had gone.
"Grrr, why did my stupid horse have to run off like that?!" She shouted out loud without thinking. Her voice was so loud and carried itself so far that she was surprised it didn't startle the little girl.
But things started to look up for the duo when she heard the sounds of a group of horses trotting in their direction. Sasha was shocked to see that her father was among the people riding. And beside him was her runaway horse.
"Sasha! You're alive!"
"Dad? How did you find us?"
"We heard you shouting from a distance and figured you were in trouble. We followed that rising smoke until we found you. I assume this is your horse?" He jokingly asked.
Sasha nodded with a huge smile. "Dad, I need your help."
Mike Squad
Mike Squad were relentlessly racing after Connie, who was too impatient to think clearly on what to do should they encounter any Titans on their path to his home village of Ragako.
"Connie, slow down! Get a hold of yourself. There could be Titans around every corner!" Floch called out to him.
Connie ignored his warnings and increased the speed of his horse. He was determined to learn the fate of his village after hearing the invading Titans had come from the south where it was located. He needed to know if his family was okay. And if not, he at least wanted to confirm their deaths by finding their bodies. Or what's left of them.
Just like Dauper village, Ragako was empty. No signs of life anywhere to be found. But unlike Dauper, something was off about Ragako. A lot of the houses had been destroyed—most notably the roofs. The streets were littered with broken pieces of buildings as far as the eye could see.
When Jean and the others finally caught up with Connie, they, too, set their sights on the semi-destruction of the village. Mike Squad had looks of realization on their faces, as did Floch and Jean; they remembered what Eren had told them about the Pure Titans.
"I'M HOME!!" Connie screams at the top of his voice, announcing his long-awaited return home. But nobody answered, not a living soul.
Panicked, Connie heads for his house. Jean races after him, worried he might get himself killed.
"Connie, stop! You can't just go off and-
Jean froze once he noticed what it was that got Connie so spooked all of a sudden.
In the remains of his house, a Titan was lying there on its back with its eyes glaring at them despite its peripheral vision being upside down. Its body was disfigured with its body impaled on broken roof beams and exposed ribs. Its arms and legs were disturbingly smaller than its body, making it impossible to move so much as an inch.
"Oh, my god," Jean muttered under his breath.
"That- That's...my house." Connie weakly uttered.
"Connie, I'm so sorry," Jean replied sympathetically
The rest of the group soon catches up with them and lays their eyes upon the only Titan left in the village.
"Did any of you kids find any survivors?" Gelgar asked.
"No sir. The whole village is in ruins." Floch responded first.
"They are all dead!!" Connie started to break down, crying, screaming, and shouting. Jean places his arm around him in an attempt to calm him down.
"Connie, please calm down, perhaps some of them were able to escape. You don't know that." Jean encouraged, trying to calm him down, but he knew the chances of that being true were slim.
Connie wipes away his tears with the sleeve of his jacket and glances up at his friend.
"You really think so? You think they're alive?" He asked with a glimmer of hope in his voice.
"Sure." He reassuringly nodded. "It's the only logical explanation for why we haven't found any trace of carnage in this place." Jean felt like punching himself for saying that; he knew what likely happened and felt terrible that he was lying to Connie.
"Standing around wondering what happened isn't going to change the fact that the villagers are gone. We've fulfilled our task of warning all the nearby villages. We should head back north and catch up with the others. We'll also scour the side of Wall Rose and locate the hole. If we can do that, we can use Eren's Titan powers... Let's move out!" Gelgar ordered, interrupting Jean's thoughts.
The group salutes their leader and prepares to leave the village. Connie was still saddened by the revelations Gelgar brought up earlier to pay proper attention to what he'd just said.
"Come on, Connie. We have to get going. There's nothing for us here." Jean slightly shakes his shoulder, snapping him out of his upset mindset.
"Right," Connie muttered as he followed Jean out of the village.
"Welcome... home."
As Connie was getting back up on his horse, he froze upon hearing a strange voice weakly call out to him. He slowly turns his attention back to the Titan lying atop his house. Its eyes hadn't left him once ever since he made it back home. He wasn't sure if his ears were deceiving him or not, but for a brief moment, he had the strangest feeling that it came from the Titan.
"Jean... did you hear that?" Connie quietly asked, almost sounding like an eerie whisper. "Did that Titan... talk?"
"Yes," Jean answered, completely shocked; he hadn't expected a Pure Titan to be able to talk. Connie then slowly started approaching the Titan, but Jean quickly stopped him, placing his hand on his shoulder to stop him.
"What are you doing?" Jean asked. Connie turned to face him, his face as pale as snow.
"This might sound crazy, but it sounded like my mom," Connie shouted, his eyes growing wide with panic. Jean sighed, looking at the Titan, who kept staring at them with hungry eyes. While he wanted to help, he knew they needed to complete their mission before dealing with the unmoving Titan.
"Connie," Jean called his name firmly; Connie snapped out of his thoughts, looking up at Jean.
"I know is difficult for you, but remember that we have a job to do. This Titan can't move, so we can return back here later. Okay." Jean almost pleaded; Connie looked conflicted as he looked back at the Titan, who kept staring back at him.
Feeling a surge of exasperation building up inside him, Connie couldn't help but let out a deep sigh, reflecting his mounting frustration. Determined, he walked past Jean, his gaze fixed on the horse waiting patiently nearby. Grasping the reins firmly, Connie effortlessly mounted his steed, mirroring Jean, who swiftly followed suit. As they embarked on their shared pursuit, Connie's voice resonated with unwavering certainty, not allowing any doubts to cloud his conviction. "You are right, but I know what I heard." he declared, his words tinged with an unwavering resolve. Urging his horse forward with a determined kick, Connie raced ahead, Jean matching his pace and furtively attempting to catch up.
As they rode forward, Jean suddenly looked upwards; his eyes widened at the sight, as did Connie, whose mouth was hanging open, flying above them. "What the hell?!"