
The Empire Of The Multiverse [MAU]

A boy is given the opportunity to build a new civilization in the Marvel universe with some similarities to the comics and movies.

Sanael · Others
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20 Chs

chapter 13: meeting of the future part III “National creation project”

After finishing the two most necessary points for the beginning of planning for a future in the near future, I took out the last major document on which I had worked the last few nights in an effort to seek development in the medium term and in some way the long term.

The folder that stood out above the others had a small number of sheets in parallel to the large number of sheets that the other documents had, but in that folder the plan that I had to improve our chances of advancement is kept.

- I would like to discuss some plans for the medium-term future – I said to start the final conversation – I will allocate about 5 million for the monthly expenses this month which leaves us with about 20 million for a project that I would like to start – I said while they opened the large document with curiosity.

- It is necessary to start with some work to enter the computer age, so I will start with an invocation of some experts in that area who can build the best in security and innovation – I said while I concentrated on the plan – this task will also be the precedent in the long term for computer innovation, but first we need to have a way to transmit and store information in a better way - I said to wait for their opinion.

- It is necessary if we want to have a more effective way of things, but it depends on the plans and the candidates for the task, master yokubo - said Rimuru, excited by the prospect of seeing technology from his first world - I like the idea, but it must Start with basic priorities before any big project.

- In addition to the fact that currently we have to concentrate at least in the first year on starting the construction of important buildings in the city and the first civil sectors for this plan - said Tobirama thinking about the project - but I consider that it would be useful to advance this issue of slowly at the beginning.

- My plan would be to introduce it temporarily in an area of the first level building with the first summoned being the only team working on the issue for now and with a budget limit of 5 million - I said while the others nodded in confirmation of what proposed.

- Although I would also like to hear about the topic of technological revolution and national product that is mentioned - Aizen said, intrigued by the other proposals in the folder.

- The technological revolution project is something that I do plan to introduce in parallel to the construction of the new zones for better technological performance and on the other hand create an element of one of the worlds that could be useful - I said to start in detail with the explanation.

- My initiative would be to send a person who is an expert in the second level secret base project to be in charge of the defense mechanism while in the construction project of the energy producers and others, designate someone who is an expert in these matters - I said while taking out a sheet with the candidates – each one would have about two million to implement some adjustments to the projects.

- While I also temporarily take the underground from the first level base to use three projects that I consider necessary due to a peculiarity of the system - I said so that they would see me with curiosity - there are some organizations that do not allow them to be summoned but rather they have to be created, plus we can use them in the future for the development of our country.

- What would be those projects you are talking about and the budget you plan to give them to benefit our development – said Gilgamesh, intrigued.

- The first would be the study of the possibility of having organic and inorganic elements that are brought by the system to see if they can be developed or produced in some way - I said while pointing to the person who would take temporary command of the experiment - it would be with little budget at the beginning with the same financing of 2 million for this and the other two projects.

- On the other hand, the other two projects would be done by two people at a time and would focus on the creation of human life that can be used for some purposes and the creation of a weapon for weapons purposes that would be useful in encounters with others. civilizations – I said while they simply nodded in confirmation of the usefulness of the project.

- I would also like to start with a project where it starts with a civil issue such as sweets and I think I found a suitable candidate to direct the entire project - I said while taking out an image of the candidate - it is a necessary plan to start with some companies of civil matters that promote our city on more common issues.

- I support the idea since it is an issue that, although it may not be important at this time, in the future it can be an important pillar for the leisure of our civilization, although I think it would be useful to work on these issues after the start of the first projects massive construction projects – said rimuru while giving his point of view.

- Also we need to talk in more depth about some of these topics for the future and I think these things should be discussed in another meeting – Tobirama said in confirmation to Rimuru while others shared the same thought.

- If that is the issue, then tomorrow we will start with the call and the start of the project we talked about while we postpone this for the next meeting that will be in seven days, which will be the deadline where we will coordinate the construction – I said while collecting some documents to leave. of the meeting exhausted.

After that I went to my room to eat something and practice my skills daily while I thought excitedly about the events that would happen in the next few days that would give great development and meaning to the future of my country in the short term, but that In the long run I would find it a great memory.

Who do you think will be the person in charge of the candy project?

Sanaelcreators' thoughts