
The Empire of Darkness

Nox is a young man with no wealth and no political power, living in a remote village in an unknown land. He spends most of his time reading books about ancient world history and magic, fascinated by the possibility of gaining supernatural powers. As time passes, Nox begins to travel to distant lands to learn more about magic and world history. As he travels, Nox comes to make a name for himself and a reputation throughout the world, thanks to his intelligence, courage and impressive magical abilities. Eventually, Nox becomes embroiled in a great political conflict in which two rival nations fight for power. He manages to use his magical abilities to support his allies and defeat the enemy, earning the respect and admiration of many people around the world. Because of his reputation and influence, Nox is then elected as emperor of the whole world. He uses his magical abilities to rule wisely and ensure peace and prosperity throughout the world. Over time, Nox becomes one of the world's most well-known and respected leaders, and history remembers him as one of the greatest emperors of all time.

Seby_Alexa · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Case study

Once I got home I told my parents everything that had happened to me. They all thought I was lying, but they were convinced when they heard from the people in town that the emperor had passed through here on his way to Saudade Port.

I am from the town of Kisurra near the city of Port Saudade in the Kingdom of Apos in the Empire of Solis.

After the great catastrophe, the Solis Empire was formed and a new era began. Today is 15 April 1365 after the great catastrophe. Over the past 500 years the empire has expanded enormously, taking under its rule several kingdoms including Apos. Although we were practically invaded the kingdom had an economic growth and evolution overall.

The Solis Empire recently had a war with a neighbouring empire that ended with major losses on both sides and a temporary truce. This happened 5 months ago, and the monarchs are still estimating losses. People still fear a return to war while others blame the emperor who came to power 3 years ago when his father died.

Either way, opinions are divided.

After telling my family what had happened, I ran to my room to read the book that caused the emperor to chuckle.

-Nox! I hope you don't forget you have to help your brother with his homework.

My mother shouted to me from the hallway as she went into the living room.

-Later! Now I want to read something!" I answer, excitedly holding the book in my hand.

-Good. But don't forget to return it when it's due this time!

„Ah! Library...!" I say to myself as I jump out of bed.

-I'm going to the library! I shout to my mother as I put on my shoes.

-Again?! she replies confused.

-I forgot to return the book. I have to run.

- Come on! Run so they don't hang up. Ah! Come by dinner, okay?

-Of course! I answer as I walk out of the gate.


Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Nox Mercia. I'm a 17-year-old boy, always on the lookout. I'm quite tall compared to others, I have dark hair, dark eyes. As you can guess, I'm not an only child. I'm the older brother. The second child in my family is Caleb. He is 13 years old, blond hair, blue eyes and loves to play outside. The third child is Ethan. He is 12 years old, has brown hair and blue eyes and likes to play with Caleb. It's really funny when their games don't end up the way they want them to. I also have another little sister who is only 6 years old. Rebecca ( for that is her name) has brown hair and dark eyes. She likes to ask as many questions as possible and discover as many things as possible.

I know! My family is pretty big but it's super fun in the evenings when we get together for dinner and start inserting stories about what happened over the day, but let's get back to where we were!


Once at the library door, I see the librarian walking towards me with keys in hand.

-Hey! Mr. Sages! Wait a moment.

-Nox, my boy! What are you doing here. It's closing time! You're too late.

-That's not why I -hah- came. -Hah- I had to return this book. I said, handing him the book.

Glancing at it, he smiled back:

- You can keep this one. No one else has borrowed it for about 30 years anyway. I thought it said so in that ledger.

-But isn't it important? It's about a past empire. I think it should be on the history bookshelf. I reply confused, more thinking out loud.

- Not really...Let me explain after I close. He tells me eager to teach.

After he closes the door he begins:

-You see... That book is a book of myths and legends. Although the title clearly says "The Chronicles of Autokratoría tis Sofías", much of the book is indecipherable, and the parts that could be translated led to some fantastic stories about giant fire-breathing lizards, a woman with snakes instead of hair, and beasts with the head of a goat, the body of a lion, and a snake for a tail. As for the empire part, I couldn't find anything. I tried to decipher the book, but to no success. However, if you manage to let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I really need feed-back...

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