
The Empire's Orchid

Throughout history, the Yuvan dynasty had one rule. The emperor had 20 years to produce a successor, the lineage wasn't important as long as he did. If the day the emperor hit his 20th year came, and he was yet to produce a son, the empire was up for grabs. This has been going on for the last 200 years. Actually, today was supposed to mark 200 years of family rule. Instead, today marked the end of the rule and the beginning of my hell. A/N: The chapters are very very short in the beginning but will gradually get longer !! This story may contain some dark themes please be warned.

hayawrites · History
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6 Chs


" I'm glad you've agreed. Thank you. I feel like we should speak to each other more casually since we'll be working together."

" Alright, your majesty."

" What are the rest of your plans for today, princess?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. " Your highness, my status as a princess no longer exists."

He shook his head. " I've taken so much from you, so I've made your title clear to everyone who works in the palace, and their respect towards you must remain."

He turned around and began to stroll around the garden, and I followed closely. " Your majesty. Why did you spare me?"

He paused and turned towards me. His eyes met mine. He looked at me as though the answer to that was in my eyes.

" When I was um- killing your family. I found it odd that you smiled as you watched every single one of them die. I thought you were sick, so I wanted to kill you last. But after all of them died, your face shifted. You looked scared and sad. It shocked me. You had a lot of strength, and I don't know. I saw that, and I couldn't do it. Then, I thought about killing you again, if I'm being honest but having someone like you did more good. You are a woman. It's not like you could kill me and take my place, and you aren't engaged or married, so you don't have a husband to do that either."

I stayed silent for the rest of the walk back to my room, and so did he. The emperor was more likely to hate him when I thought he might be bearable and that I couldn't hate him for what he did. I remember I'm alone, without a family, without a friend.

" Well, this is your room."

I nodded at him. I was about to enter when he placed his hand on the door to stop it from opening.

" Look, princess, I know I've already apologized, and it doesn't do anything, but I am sorry for ruining your life."

I laughed. The action shocked me.

" What's funny, princess?"

" You don't know?"

He shook his head. I could see anger begin to make its way into his appearance. He stood taller, and his fists began to clench.

" Well, your majesty." I spat. " You say you are 'sorry for ruining my life,' yet I've spent around two months in my room trapped. You say I'm not a prisoner, and my 'respect remains', yet I may do nothing and talk to no one. In fact, just today, your message was given to me by a soldier. Two men have entered my quarters, you included. During my Yuzan dynasty, it was illegal for any man to enter an unmarried woman's quarters, yet today. I have tried my best to remain civil with you and have even agreed to your alliance, but please do not undermine the damage you have done and continue to do to me."

He looked dumbfounded, and that brought me complete joy.

He then began to laugh. This enraged me.

" I have truly underestimated you, princess. I didn't know you had so much fire in you. For the millionth time, I'd like to apologize. I'm being completely sincere right now. And I'm sorry if my previous apologies insulted or disrespected you. I also want to add that I wasn't aware of such a rule and will not make it again, so please accept my meal invitations. And as for the soldiers, I'll make sure they all become aware. Oh, and keeping you locked up for two months was for your protection. The empire is still up for grabs as long as my coronation has not occurred. There have been about six different assassination

attempts already. We are sure that they think the whole previous royal family is dead, meaning they don't know you are alive. So you must stay hidden until my coronation."

" When is that?"

" A week from now. You may walk around the castle freely, but your dressing must change. You'll be given more modest clothing to wear until then."

" Am I expected to attend the coronation?"

He shrugged. " It's up to you."

I nodded. " Have you picked an empress yet?"

He shook his head. " I don't plan on having one. That's why I've asked for your help."

I nodded.

" You know you weren't what I expected."

" And what was that, your highness?"

"You seem invested, although you were upset a little bit ago. You seem to care about what's happening."

I sighed. " I plan on taking my job seriously so I may live a guilt-free life."

His eyes shifted at my words. " A true luxury indeed."