
The Emperor of The Abyss

This is an era where everyone is a lord, and at the same time an era where many races compete for dominance! In this era, everyone has the opportunity to become a lord, recruit soldiers, strengthen the territory, command an army, and become an emperor. As long as you are strong enough, all your secrets, wealth, treasures, generals, beauties, all your wishes will come true! —————————— And among these beings, Shine has also become a lord. However, the difference with other lords is that Shine uses the army of the Demon race. And his territory is called the endless abyss by the outside world! The environment here is extremely harsh, there are no suitable minerals, and there is no land suitable for survival. There is only one thing here: those most cruel and tyrannical demon soldiers. "Can a land really develop without any foods, minerals, or resources?" "It doesn't matter, even though I don't have it, other lords have it!" Relying on the endless abyss and the evil army, Shine plundered everything and conquered everything. In his eyes, there is only death. His destination is destruction. Don't know how many years later, Shine, which had endless territories, began to be called the source of disaster, the god of war, and the natural disaster of the world. And his most widely circulated nickname has always been — The Emperor Of The Abyss!

Litch_Mei · Games
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66 Chs

His goal

Trial Continent.

As more and more lords flooded in, fighting in each area also began to become more and more frequent.

But at the same time, trade and interaction between lords and the tribesmen of the Trial Continent also became more frequent.

This block of wasteland was originally undeveloped, but now under the efforts of countless lords to cultivate it, it has changed shape in almost a day.

Countless fields were cleared, countless mineral resources were turned into mines, countless forests were turned into woodsheds.

Each road appeared, each base was established, making the Trial Continent begin to appear a prosperous civilization.

But these lords don't care about the changes in the Trial Continent.

Because they are very clear that their ultimate goal in the Trial Continent of these "Farming" "Development" behaviors is to wage war.

And the ultimate purpose of war is to harvest more resources.

War and construction continue like this, creating a strange, infinite loop.

Although the majority of lords repeat this type of cycle, there are still some special lords who clearly see the nature of things and have their own special views on this cycle.

In the eyes of these special lords, there is no point in war. Maintaining their own territory's trade and development is the most important thing.

In their mind, war is just a tool to achieve their goals, development and self-expansion are everything, that is the original meaning of Age of Lords.

And they will definitely become the most powerful group of lords.


"You returned? Has the human town named Moore taken down already? What is the casualty situation?"

Lord Luna looked at the map in front of her and said to Li Sinuo, who was in her team next to her.

"The casualties are so small, they can almost be ignored."

Li Sinuo, wearing a blood-stained helmet, casually threw it aside and sat paralyzed on the chair.

"After all, with Miss Charles, a level 5 Magister, a small town in the farming era is basically the same as having no defense arrangements, and was quickly captured."

"However, although it is not tiring in terms of fighting, it is Miss Charles's enthusiasm that makes people unbearable. I really don't know how you managed to avoid her troubles, but then again, having such a hero by your side, heh heh..."

Luna turned her head and said reluctantly.

"I'm not asking about the casualties of you and your soldiers. What I'm asking is what the casualties are like among the residents in Moore."

"When you attacked this small town, you didn't hurt too many innocent people, right?"

Hearing that, Li Sinuo glanced directly, and she raised her hands in a surrendering gesture.

"I swear, absolutely not! During this attack, no innocent people were involved."

"Except for a few townspeople who fled in extreme panic, the remaining more than 3,000 townspeople were completely intact and stuffed into your territory. Oh yes, among them were 230 surrendered Guardsmen."

"Last time I only killed two farmers, and you spit on me in an hour, so this time I was especially careful."

Speaking of this, Li Sinuo said somewhat inexplicably.

"Speaking of which, my dear Lord Luna, why can't you be like the other lords and treat these people as slaves?"

"You must know, we are currently in an expansion period. Taking care of so many people is a loss of money."

"Turning them into slaves not only can save a large amount of food rations, we can also let them directly dig ore and cut down trees. Isn't this better than collecting taxes? "

Luna heard that, tilted her head, looked at the map while speaking.

"What you say makes sense."

"But this is not something a lord should do."

"Lord, if you have people in the territory, you can call yourself a lord, but if it's just one person who takes the people under his banner and treats them as slaves, then why don't you change your title to slave owner instead?"

"Only when the people recognize you, accept you…"

"Stop stop stop!" Li Sinuo couldn't stand the ravings of this 'goddess' anymore, quickly calling for the other person to stop, "I know it's wrong, please stop talking!"

"Even though I cannot understand your method of domination, looking at the rapid expansion of your current territory, I admit that what you said is right."

After speaking, Li Sinuo walked over and shared the revised map system with Luna.

"Yes, after we stopped Moore, the Duchy of Northern Deer only had two cities and six small towns left."

"As for us, we have more than eight cities in the entire plain. Right now, we are the largest force in the entire Trial Continent area, the number one."

In fact, what Li Sinuo said was not wrong at all.

Because even though Shine was able to destroy the entire Dwarf Kingdom at a very fast speed, because the Dwarf Kingdom was underground, the area of ​​the continent he occupied was actually not much.

Furthermore, the Shine expansion in front of me has begun to be targeted. Therefore, in terms of territory expansion, Luna and Li Sinuo in the westernmost continent are the fastest, at least for now.

"Next, where should we attack?"

"Continue to attack the Duchy of Northern Deer and bring the entire native kingdom under our command, or change the target and attack the Beast-Man tribe in the miserable desert?"

"Well, my proposal is to attack the miserable desert, because the Duchy of Northern Deer has currently received the full support of more than a dozen lords."

"These lords do not want to see our power continue to expand, so they have also accumulated tens of thousands of soldiers in the Duchy of Northern Deer, waiting for we to come to."

"And the situation over there in the miserable desert is also a bit special. Although the miserable desert itself does not have much land value, the oases inside are extremely luxuriant, and in desert, there are still three iron mines and one gold mine to mine."

"More importantly, because the ruler of this desert is the Beast-Man tribe, which is also the Heien Clan, their attack properties and attack power are especially strong. Therefore, most lords choose to avoid going to the miserable desert to develop, and have no idea of ​​occupying the miserable desert for the time being."

"So for us, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Li Sinuo explained.

"Even though the Heien Clan's combat power is very strong, my Soldier type - Silver Knights can perfectly overcome the existence of these Beast-Mans."

"For us, it's not that difficult."

"So, do we want to take advantage of this opportunity and go ahead and occupy the miserable desert?"

Hearing this, Luna glanced at the map.

She is hesitant.

But she didn't hesitate for long before she rejected Li Sinuo's proposal.

"No, we will not initially attack the miserable desert, on the contrary, we will actively avoid such an area. Next, gather our superior forces and quickly attack the last few towns and cities of the Duchy of Northern Deer, killing all those dozen lords."

Hearing Luna say so, Li Sinuo couldn't help but ask.

"What? It's okay not to fight, but why do you want to proactively avoid the miserable desert! For what?"

Luna took a deep breath, pointed to Heavenly Dao system's map and said to Li Sinuo.

"Because I have a feeling."

"The miserable desert is most likely a hidden target for his attack, so I can proactively avoid this area."

"Him? His goal? Who is he? Li Sinuo was thoroughly suspicious.

Luna slowly spit out a name.


"Shine's goal!"