
The Emperor of Seas

Gods and Monsters have descended. The world turned into chaos. Heroes rose to stand against the monsters and with them rose the villans who wanted to create more chaos. Our MC, Jake Kaizer, awakened what considered to be the weakest element. In the world where the strong prey on weak, would our MC survive? Would he become a Hero or Villan?

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Gift from mother

Jake got up early in the morning.

Today is the day that would start his journey to greatness. He already took the first step yesterday when he awakened. Today and every day to come would decide where he would go.

He quickly got done with his daily necessities.

He exited his room and saw his mother making breakfast.

His house is small compared with normal homes but it had two rooms, one each for mother and son. It also has a kitchen which also serves as a dining room and hall as well.

Though it seems small, the family of a single mother and son are happy with it. They don't need much space.

Jake spent most time in school and his mother would be in the shop. So the house is just for sleeping, cooking and eating, and a few things like that.

"Good morning Mom", Jake greeted his mother when he saw her.

His mother looked at him and smiled, "Sit down, breakfast would be done in two minutes."

Two minutes later both mother and son had quite a delicious breakfast.

"Mom, I going to Crossworld today. So I would probably skip lunch today."

His mom frowned at that. She looked at him and spoke in a stern voice, "Listen, young man, you may think that Crossworld is the most important thing in your life but it is not. If you skip taking food to be in that world for more time, you can kiss your adventures goodbye."

Jake knew he angered his mother. His mother has always believed in free parenting but there are few rules that are absolute. As long as he wouldn't break those rules, she wouldn't meddle in his life.

One of which is never to skip food. So Jake could do only one thing, to nod to her.

Satisfied with his gesture, his mother spoke, "Jake, I have a present for you. You are now a hunter and this would help you further".

She took out an item that looked like a book and placed it in front of him.

Jake looked at the so-called 'book'. It looked old. There was a symbol on the leather cover. He had never seen something like that. This book felt weird to him.

He looked at his mother and asked, "Mother, what is this book? Where did you get this?"

His mother was deep in thought when he asked the question. She was reluctant to answer the questions he asked, but there is no other way for her.

"This was from your... 'other parent'. This will help you. So take it."

'Other parent? Seriously mom. Why can't she say about my father properly?'

He knew his mother's antiques. She never properly spoke about his father. Whenever he tried to talk about his father, his mother would never answer straight.

Reluctantly he took the book into his hands.

His mom spoke, "Jake you need to add a drop of blood to the book for it to recognize you".

'Recognize? Wait is this a bonded item?'

Bonded items, as the name refers, are items that once bonded to a particular person can never be stolen or used by others. If that said person dies, the item disappears too.

They are considered very valuable and sought after. Each item in this category is one of a kind. They are unique and you can never find another item with the same use.

It is very difficult to obtain such items, even for the rich and powerful.

'She said it is from my father. How did he get it? Is he some bigshot and I was his bastard? Is it why I never got to see him?'

'Mother did say he was going out, especially on his day of awakening. Did she go to my father and got this from him?'

'Hmph, if she has to get this and not him giving to him, he never wanted me. Did she blackmail him? Even so, I should be grateful to her for this.

He immediately did what she told him to do. He took a knife and made a small exit for blood on his fingertip.

The blood dropped and mist rose from it, enveloping him. Jake didn't understand what is happening around him.

It is when Jake heard a notification sound.

[Congratulations, you have successfully awakened a secondary profession.]

[Secondary profession is determined as craft profession, Runescribe]

[Intellect and Mana attributes are doubled.]

He didn't understand what was happening when he saw the notification. So he quickly checked his status.


Name: Jake Kaizer

Age: 16

Race: Demi-God

Main Profession: Mage, Water (Lv.1)

Secondary Profession: Runescribe (Lv.1)

Title(s): Son of @#$%&; Trainee of Atheris

Blessing(s): None

Innate Talent: Underwater vision and breathing (God-level)

Level: 0

Rank: F

Strength: 5 (20)

Stamina: 5 (20)

Agility: 5 (20)

Intelligence: 20 (80)

Mana: 200 (800)

Status: Carrier of Curse of Mortality

Bonded Items: Book of Atheris (Partially unlocked)


Jake couldn't believe his status readings.

He has now a secondary profession. Though it belongs to crafting, rather than combat, it would give him many benefits.

One can awaken as many professions as one wishes. There is no limit to that. Of course, not every awakening results in success. It depends on various elements such as one's aptitude, materials used for awakening, etc...

The problem here is that having too many professions hinders one's growth.

When a hunter gains experience, it would be used to directly increase one's rank. Having a second profession doubles the experience required to reach the next rank. If there are three professions, it's triple the experience needed. One may think that they could use one loophole, to learn new professions after reaching top rank.

There is one 'Anti-loophole' that prevents such a thing. As one ranks up, awakening new professions becomes that much harder.

So one can do awakening at lower ranks. The only problem is that the needed experience is a lot which can only be overcome if you gain some unique titles or artifacts.

Jake was happy about getting a new profession but at the same time sad. His work was already doubled but now it was quadrupled.