

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 58


Yan Shi called in the little maid who was serving them.

"Please sit down, girl." He pointed to the chair next to him.

The little maid was a little shy "This servant is just a servant, how can I sit in front of you?"

Yan Shi said, "We are practitioners of medicine, so there is no need to be so prescriptive, so please sit down."

The little maid sat down on a chair after a little courtesy, Yan Shi talked to her casually and then suddenly turned to ask, "I saw that the aunt was here, who is this aunt?"

"Aunt Mistress is our Madam's own sister," the maid added, "and Miss Cousin's own mother."

Yan Shi and Hua Ling looked at each other and then asked "If Miss Cousin has a real mother, then why did she grow up here?"

The maid shook her head "I don't know."

She was only a young maid who had only been in the house for a year, so he was afraid she would not know anything about the past.

"Oh, yes." The maid seemed to remember something, "I've been in the house for a year, but I didn't see Aunt Mistress here at the beginning. Auntie, Auntie seemed to have come to the house only four or five months ago, then she stayed for a while, then moved out again, but she always came to visit every now and then."

Yan Shi went over the maid's words in his mind and asked, "When Aunt Mistress came, was she also as closed as she is now?"

"No, in the days when she first arrived, she seemed to be in a very good mood, and even went out of the Buddha Hall to be by her side." The maid frowned in thought and suddenly let out an oh, "Right, I remembered another thing, Aunt Mistress had been in the house for almost a month, I think, and one day Madam and Aunt Mistress got into a fight over something, a particularly fierce fight. Madam smashed all the things in her room, and the whole house was in a state of panic, and we servants didn't even dare to breathe for fear of being punished if we did something wrong."

Yan Shi asked, "What about Miss Cousin? What did she do?" Yan Shi wanted to know whether Xu Yuanjiao would help her mother or her aunt, who had raised her so well.

The maid went on to say "I don't know much about this, I don't serve Madam and Miss Cousin. I only heard that Madam had scolded Miss Cousin as well, but I don't know what happened after that."

"Xiao Man, where are you?" A young woman's voice came from outside.

The maid immediately stood up "A few gentlemen will excuse me, someone is calling me."

Yan Shi nodded and gestured with his eyes for Hua Ling to wrap a few of the pastries on the table in a handkerchief and give them to her.

Hua Ling poured a cup of tea for Yan Shi, "Brother, please have some tea, have you heard any useful news?"

Yan Shi took a sip of the tea and then said "Although this maid doesn't know much, we can deduce a lot of useful information from her words. For one thing, this aunt was not here before, so where did she go before? Could it be that something happened to her husband's family after she married and she was unable to support Miss Xu, so she entrusted her to Mrs. Zheng? Secondly, the aunt came to the Zheng House only four or five months ago, and the quarrel between the aunt and Mrs Zheng happened more than a month after she arrived. Think about it again, Miss Xu said that Master Zheng was bedridden more than three months ago, so it can also be said that the quarrel between Aunt Mistress and Madam Zheng happened more than three months ago, would this time be a bit too coincidental?"

Hua Ling's eyes snapped open "Brother is saying that the poison that Master Zheng was poisoned with could have been done by Aunt Mistress? Then why would she do that? Could it be to fight for the family fortune? This, this is too unbelievable. Not to mention the fact that Madam Zheng has helped her raise her child for so many years, how could she do this?"

"Not exactly." Yan Shi shook his head and added, "What can be deduced now is that the young master is the child born to Miss Xu, and whether this child is Zheng Lin's or the eldest young master's, he is also the young master of the Xu family in name only. The young master is the nominal young master of the Xu family, regardless of whether the child is Zheng Lin's or the eldest young master's. In the future, he will have a share of the Zheng family's assets, and Miss Xu's mother will not be missing out on her share. Now it seems that Miss Xu and her aunt are on good terms, and Miss Xu will not treat her mother poorly in the future, so you say they will have

What motive would they have for poisoning? Another important point is that, as far as I can deduce, Miss Xu's child should have been born to her and Zheng Lin. If she and her aunt wanted to get the Zheng family's property, wouldn't it have been better to poison Mrs. Zheng? Yet why poison Master Zheng?"

"What are you saying, brother?" Hua Ling asked incredulously, "The young master is the son of Miss Xu and Zheng Lin? But, but isn't Zheng Lin Miss Xu's aunt's father?"

Yan Shi sighed helplessly, there were some dirty things he didn't want Hua Ling to know, it was enough for him to live in the innocent environment he had created. But now that things had caught up with him, even if he didn't say anything now, Hua Ling would only find out later.

Yan Shi patted him on the shoulder and said, "When Miss Xu fed Zheng Lin's medicine yesterday, didn't you think it was too intimate? It didn't look like something only someone who has had intimate contact would do?"

Hua Ling thought back carefully, Zheng Lin was lying on the bed, Xu Yuanjiao was still holding the baby in her arms, but she had given the baby to the servants. She had personally picked him up again and administered medicine to him. She was a woman, and it was a trespass to do this to a man, and the feeding of the medicine could have been done by an underling, but she had done it herself.

"If we say that the young master was born to Miss Xu and the young master." Yan Shi raised another possibility, "Then why did the young master leave home a year or so ago to go on a school trip? He said he was on a school trip, but I think he should have run away from home, otherwise why would he not be found so far? If he and Miss Xu were in love, they should have been married, but they weren't. Of course, this could be said to be because Mr and Mrs Zheng Lin did not approve of them being together. But Miss Xu even gave birth to a child, and this child is still Mrs. Zheng's grandson at any rate, so even if she doesn't treat Miss Xu well, she wouldn't be so cold towards her own grandson."

Hua Ling blinked his starry eyes "Brother, you are so smart, you can guess everything. But I have one more question to ask, is there another possibility that the young master was born to Miss Xu and someone else? In order to cover up this scandal, Mrs. Zheng said that the young master was her son?"

"Mingting is so clever." Yan Shi looked at him with smiling eyes, "But if that's the case, Madam Zheng might not like that child, but it's not too cold after all."

"Is that a possibility then?" Qu Liujing interjected, "That means the young master was born to Zheng Lin and another woman outside?"

"There's no such possibility." Hua Ling didn't wait for Yan Shi to speak before he said, "What brother said is all right, if he says that the young master was born to Miss Xu and Zheng Lin, then it is born to Miss Xu and Zheng Lin."

Qu Liujing shook his hand, come on, he could raise doubts himself, but not others.

This three people said some more things, and suddenly another servant came to call them, "Gentlemen, Miss Cousin has asked you to come over."

Yan Shi followed the servant to Zheng Lin's room, where there were two people, Xu Yuanjiao and her own mother, Xu, whose face was somewhat similar to Madame Zheng's, but she was more feminine and looked more charming than Madame Zheng. Her dress was very smart, unlike that of a person her age, and she looked younger than Madame Zheng.

Xu is sitting on the bed holding Zheng Lin in her arms, and Xu Yuanjiao has a bowl of medicine in her hand, feeding him spoonful after spoonful.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

"This gentlemen have come." Xu Yuanjiao saw them coming and said.

When Xu saw the three handsome gentlemen enter, she was full of smiles "These gentlemen are all doctors?"

"Mother, these two are doctors." Xu Yuanjiao pointed to Yan Shi and Qu Liujing, "That one is a little medicine boy."

"This dafu is really good looking." Xu's eyes darted back and forth between Yan Shi and Qu Liujing, "One is better looking than the other, I have never seen such a good looking man in all my years of life."

Xu gently put Zheng Lin down in her arms and stood up, then her eyes kept darting back and forth between them.

Xu's eyes were slightly displeased at being blocked, but when she saw the face of the man in front of her, her eyes immediately widened, and she could no longer hide the look of delight on her face.

Hua Ling was the last to enter, and he was dressed in the manner of an underling, so

When she saw Hua Ling's face now, it was as if she had found a treasure, and her eyes were almost glued to his body.

Yan Shi quietly took Hua Ling's hand and pulled him aside to look at Xu Yuanjiao and asked, "What did Miss Xu call us for?"

"It is this." Xu Yuanjiao said, "My uncle is much better after drinking the medicine, and today he can occasionally say a few words, but when I gave him the medicine just now, he refused to drink it.

Qu Liujing's eyes fell on the bowl of medicine in Xu Yuanjiao's hand, a bowl full of medicine that had barely been drunk.

"Give it to me." Qu Liujing took the bowl of medicine and walked up to Zheng Lin, a few fingers pressed his chin there by his mouth a few times, and then Zheng Lin obediently opened his mouth, Qu Liujing took the bowl and poured the medicine into his mouth, and Zheng Lin drank it all.

"It's still you who have the solution, little lady thanks you a lot." Xu Yuanjiao was very happy to see Zheng Lin drink the medicine.

Xu was also very happy, and her eyes looked back and forth at the three of them in a gooey manner, giving them goosebumps.

Yan Shi could not stay any longer and made a casual excuse to leave.

It was late at night, and Hua Ling was sitting at the dressing table in a snow-white blouse, letting Yan Shi help him put down the two little tuggers on his head.

The long, dark hair fell down like the night, setting off Hua Ling's innocent face in a slightly seductive way.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

A sharp knock on the door suddenly sounded, followed by Qu Liujing's voice coming in "Senior brother, are you asleep, senior brother?"

Yan Shi and Hua Ling looked at each other, Yan Shi brought Hua Ling's clothes to him, and then went to open the door.

He had black hair all over his body, and his outer clothes were only loosely on his body, and the blouse inside was not properly worn, as if it had been pulled open by someone, revealing a large part of his chest.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Yan Shi saw him like this and was slightly stunned. Although Qu Liujing was usually a bit unpredictable, he would not appear in front of himself in such a disheveled state.

He must have been in the middle of something. He scurried around the room like his butt was on fire, "So, that aunt came to see me and said she wanted to sleep with me!"

T/N: Alright, I am back, took a break, translating can be so stressful, so show some love by voting 😘😘😍