

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 55


Yan Shi and the others rested at the inn and prepared to leave for Zheng's house the following day at dawn.

Qu Liujing had changed his clothes and was carrying a streamer and a medicine chest, so he looked the part.

"Brother, what are we pretending to be?" Hua Ling looked very new and could not hide the eagerness on his face.

He said, "Your Highness, why don't you dress up as a medicine boy, change your clothes and tie your hair into two small ties."

Of course Hua Ling did not like it, "If I am dressed as a medicine boy, what will my brother be dressed as? And Zhao Chunhai and Cao Dejin, what about them?"

Yan Shi said, "This time when we go to Zheng House, only the three of us will go, Mr. Qu, while Zhao Chunhai and Cao Dejin will stay at the inn." Most of the doctors who practise medicine around the world are alone, with a small medicine boy at most, and if there were too many people there, people would inevitably be suspicious." Qu Liujing added, "The Prince and I will pretend to be brothers, so I will have to ask the princess to pretend to be a medicine boy."

Hua Ling was a bit aggrieved, "Then why can't I pretend to be brothers with you?

"The Prince and the princess don't know anything about medicine, so I can say that I'm taking the Prince with me to teach my brother to practice medicine while travelling, but if I take another one who doesn't know anything about medicine, then it's very suspicious, very much like a charlatan." Qu Liujing spoke very seriously.

Hua Ling bristled, "But being a medicine boy also requires some medical skills, and you should know some medicinal herbs, right?"

Qu Liujing winked, "All you need to do to be a medicine boy is to serve your master well."

Hua Ling made a final struggle "Then can I still sleep with my brother at night?"

Qu Liujing said, "Of course you can, Master also needs a medicine boy to serve him at night."

Hua Ling couldn't talk him out of it, so he looked at Yan Shi with tears in his eyes and tugged on his sleeve. His voice was soft and aggressive.

The most feasible way is to use the method mentioned by Qu Liujing, but the young wife is not willing to do so. Looking at this aggrieved look, Yan Shi's heart softened and he asked tentatively, "Will the unknown court also stay in the inn?"

Hua Ling's head shook like a rattle "Brother, don't take me without you, I want to go with you. I want to go with you. As long as you let me follow you, you can let me dress up as anything."

Zhao Chunhai went to the street and bought Hua Ling a pair of rough cloth short dozen, although Hua Ling was not favoured in the State House, but he wore silk, where he had never worn such material clothes.

Hua Ling did not feel anything, but Yan Shi was a bit worried that the young princess would not be used to wearing this material.

Hua Ling changed his clothes and went to see Yan Shi with a squirm, "Brother, does it look good?"

I have to say, a good-looking person looks good in anything. A short typewear outlines Hua Ling's figure perfectly and has a chic style.

"Good looking." Yan Shi praised from the bottom of his heart, "So I'll brush your hair?"

Hua Ling nodded shyly, and Yan Shi scattered his erect hair down, splitting it into two strands and combing them into two small tufts, one on each side of his head.

Hua Ling was already small in appearance and had a childish demeanour, so he dressed up in this way to look a few years younger, which didn't look out of place at all.

After dressing up, Hua Ling was very shy, squirming and refusing to look up, Yan Shi smiled lightly and gave him a kiss on the top of his head. Feeling the heat, Hua Ling's body was filled with bubbles of happiness and he happily swept away his shyness - this was the first time Yan Shi had ever kissed him! How could he not be happy?

The moment Hua Ling appeared, he almost spat out the tea in his mouth, but when he saw the murderous look in Hua Ling's eyes, he swallowed the tea with a strong desire to live.

"That's nice." Qu Liujing pretended to be calm and said, "It's just that I have to condescend to the Prince to be my younger brother." The excuse that this senior brother wasn't very good at medicine had been found long ago, saying that Yan Shi had just been taken under their master's tutelage shortly before he had the chance to teach him anything and the master had died, so he, the eldest brother, would have to teach him.

Yan Shi nodded his head.

Qu Liujing looked at Hua Ling and said, "Your Highness, when the time comes, this title will have to be changed, you can no longer call him brother."

Hua Ling said reluctantly, "I understand.

Qu Liujing shoved the medicine box he had put aside into Hua Ling's arms, "The medicine box should be carried by the medicine boy."

The pillbox was very large and the weight was not light, so Yan Shi could not let the young princess carry it on his back, but Hua Ling said, "Don't worry, it's just a pillbox, I'm a man, I won't be unable to carry this."

Yan Shi didn't say anything else, he just told him to tell him if he got tired.

The inn was not very far from the Zheng Mansion, and after walking for about two quarters of an hour, they finally arrived. He nodded at him, and then he walked up to the gate of Zheng's house with a streamer in his hand and explained his purpose to the concierge. The concierge took one look at them, said to wait, and then went inside to report.

After another minute, a young girl came out of the gate, a very pretty girl, with a graceful posture and a very pleasing walk.

The concierge said, "This is Miss Cousin."

Yan Shi frowned slightly, as far as he knew Zheng Lin had a wife and children, how come the one who came out to welcome the guests was a cousin lady?

The girl's gaze swept back and forth across the faces of several people, a hint of amazement showing in her gaze, but her face did not change "I have met several gentlemen, may I ask which one is the doctor?"

I heard that you have a patient who has been ill for a long time, so I came here to take a look. If I have disturbed you, don't forget to take offence."

The news that Zheng Lin was ill was no secret, and as he was a Jieyuan, he naturally received more attention than others, and the people would inevitably talk about him after tea and dinner as a pastime, so Qu Liujing's words did not make the girl suspicious. As she had heard that they had come from the Immortal Medicine Valley, she could not hide her delight. In fact, she had never heard of the Immortal Medicine Valley before, but she had only heard of its grand name, so she felt that this Qu Liujing was really capable. The name "Immortal Medicine Valley" was made up by Qu Liujing.

The girl was delighted and said, "Please enter the house, gentlemen."

Qu Liujing said, "Thank you, Miss."

The girl smiled sweetly, "My name is Xu Yuanjiao, so please call me Yuanjiao."

The Zheng Mansion was not as grand as the Gao Mansion, but on the whole it was not too bad, the pavilions, and the gardens were decorated with care.

As he walked, Xu Yuanjiao told him about Zheng Lin's condition. Zheng Lin was in his prime and used to be in good health, rarely falling ill, but since he suddenly fell ill more than three months ago, and was unconscious, he could only feed himself a little rice soup every day to get by. They had seen many doctors, but none of them could tell Zheng Lin's condition.

When he arrived at the room, he saw the pale man lying on the bed.

Qu Liujing took his pulse for a while, lifted his eyelids to check, and looked at Hua Ling, "Mingting, bring me the silver needle."

Hua Ling reluctantly opened the medicine box and took out the silver needles from it, Yan Shi took them from him and opened the roll of silver needles. Qu Liujing took the silver needles and stabbed Zheng Lin's body several times, and he woke up a few moments later.

His gaze was a little cloudy and he looked around like he had lost his memory.

When Xu Yuanjiao saw that he had woken up, his face was full of joy, "Uncle, Uncle

, you are awake?"

Zheng Lin nodded reluctantly, but could not speak, so Xu Yuanjiao ordered her servant to pour a cup of tea and feed it to him personally. After Zheng Lin drank the tea, he fell back into a deep sleep not long after.

"What is this?" Xu Yuanjiao asked with a face full of surprise.

"Miss Xu, don't be anxious." Qu Liujing said, "Master Zheng's illness is really a bit serious, my acupuncture just now only made him feel better for a moment, he still needs to take medicine."

Xu Yuanjiao said urgently, "Then Mr. Qu, please prescribe the medicine."

At this point, Xu Yuanjiao had already trusted Qu Liujing completely, as the doctors she had hired in the past had never let Zheng Lin have a moment of clarity.

He asked for a pen and paper and wrote the prescription on the table, as he wrote it down he said, "Take the medicine according to this prescription, take it daily, and use the silver needle, Master Zheng will be well in a few days."

Xu Yuanjiao took the prescription and repeatedly

She thanked him and ordered her servants to get the medicine.

Yan Shi suddenly said, "May I ask you, Miss Xu, where is Mrs. Zheng?"

Xu Yuanjiao replied, "My aunt is in the Buddha Hall chanting sutras all day and does not come out, even to eat."

Yan Shi was about to ask something else when she heard an old grandmother rush in from outside, "Miss Cousin, please go and see the young master, he is crying a lot and is looking for you."

Xu Yuanjiao apologised and said, "Excuse me, and then followed the old grandmother and hurried away.

In the room, apart from the unconscious Zheng Lin, only Yan Shi and the three of them were left. Hua Ling was sitting on a chair, tossing and pulling the medicine box around, seemingly a little upset, and Yan Shi smiled and rubbed his head as a sign of comfort.

Seeing that there were no outsiders, Qu Liujing whispered to Yan Shi, "Zheng Lin has been poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Yan Shi repeated, "Is it serious?"

Qu Liujing shook his head, "This is a chronic poison, when it strikes, like Zheng Lin's, it won't kill him easily, but if it drags on for a long time, it will slowly kill him. If he is treated properly, he will soon recover, but this poison is relatively rare, which is why the doctors are unable to treat it."

When Hua Ling heard this, he became interested and was no longer as unhappy as he had been earlier, "If someone had poisoned him, why not just poison him to death? If someone poisoned him, why didn't they just kill him?"

This is what is difficult to understand.

Yan Shi nodded in agreement, and his eyes fell on Zheng Lin on the bed, "Why do you think Mrs. Zheng is still chanting Buddha after such a serious incident? And where is their son?"

If she was praying for blessings, she should have come out to meet the outsiders in the house, after all, she was the tallest person in the house besides Zheng Lin. Even if she didn't come out, she should have sent her eldest son out to take a look, so why did she only let a cousin come out to receive guests?

***Thank you all for the vote, it's a whole lot of encouragement😍😍😍😘😘***