

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 51


Gao Changgeng never moved, as if he wasn't here, but his tightly clenched fists betrayed his mood at the moment.

Xiao Bailian suddenly had a sense of powerlessness "But you are already Gao Changgeng's person, you live your lives well and don't look for me in the future."

"But it's you I like." Cha Nan's voice was slightly raised.

"What about Gao Changgeng?" Xiao Bailian asked again.

Cha Nan thought he was softened up by himself, his heart was suddenly a little happy "He is now leaving all the family business to me to take care of, Bai Lian, wait a little longer, when all these things are surnamed Cha, we can be together openly and honestly."

Xiao Bailian suddenly felt that although he had known him for more than twenty years, it was as if he had never known him before, and he picked up the glass of wine on the table and threw it in Cha Nan's face, "You are shameless!" And he left without looking back.

Gao Changgeng's clenched fist suddenly loosened and he stood up, taking one step as if to break the floor tiles.

He also arched his hand towards Yan Shi at the back, "Sorry, Brother Yan, you guys can stroll around on your own today, I'll excuse you."

"Changgeng! Changgeng!" Cha Nan never expect Gao Changgeng to be here, and he knew that he had heard everything he had said, and he wanted to go back in time and strangle himself to death. But remorse was already lost, and now he didn't know how to end this mess, and seeing that Gao Changgeng had left, he could only rush after him.

When Yan Shi reached the door, he saw Xiao Bailian rubbing his clothes with his hands.

"Brother, what do you think Gao Changgeng will do?" Out of the tavern door, Hua Ling couldn't help but ask.

Yan Shi said, "Although I have not been in contact with Gao Changgeng for a long time, I can see that this man is thorough and is not a person who drags his feet.

Hua Ling agreed, "That's the way it should be, that Cha nan is too hateful."

Yan Shi and Hua Ling did not have to walk long outside before they returned to the Gao Mansion, and not long afterwards Gao Changgeng also returned.

"Brother Yan, are you free to have a drink with me?" Gao Changgeng invited.

Yan Shi of course did not refuse, and after instructing Hua Ling a few words, he left with Gao Changgeng. The two of them didn't leave the palace, they found a place within the palace.

"Brother Yan, you have seen what happened today, what if you were to do?" Before the food came up, Gao Changgeng poured himself a glass of wine. He must say that he was really a man of grace, if it were anyone else, he would have been hysterical, but Gao Changgeng was sad, but his emotions were still stable.

Yan Shi took the wine jug and poured himself a glass of wine, clinking it with Gao Changgeng's. "When you break off, you suffer the consequences."

Gao Changgeng smiled bitterly "I know that too, but it's easier said than done. Come on, drink!"

Yan Shi drank another glass with him "What do you like about him?"

Gao Changgeng put down his raised hand gently, he had never wanted to ask this question. He had never wanted to ask this question. In terms of education, family background and status, Cha Nan was no match for him, except for his face, which was passable. But there were many people who were better looking than Cha nan, and he was not a man who only cared about his looks, so he was a bit confused, and he did not know how he had fallen in love with him.

Gao Changgeng shook his head "I don't know either."

Yan Shi sighed lightly "If he had asked for your forgiveness, would you have forgiven him?"

Gao Changgeng shook his head again "I'm not stupid." There are some things you can't be stupid about once.

Yan Shi raised his glass again "Then let's have a drink today and get drunk and then tomorrow will be a new day."

"Come on! Drink!" Gao Changgeng gently clinked his glass with him.

The drink was quick and strong, and in a short while Gao Changgeng was unconscious. He wanted to ask someone to carry Gao Changgeng back to his house, but then he thought that it was the same place where he and Cha nan had lived, and that it was inevitable that he would be touched by the scene when he sobered up, so he just asked someone to bring a quilt to cover him up.

When Yan Shi returned to his room, almost as soon as he opened the door, he saw Hua Ling's slightly eager and complaining face.

"Brother, what took you so long to come back." Hua Ling ranted a little, "I've missed you."

Yan Shi pinched his face, "You missed me so soon? What a sweet mouth."

"I'm serious," Hua Ling was anxious when he didn't believe him, "I can't leave brother, I can't stop thinking about brother when he leaves me for such a short while, you have to hug me to get better."

Yan Shi sniffed his clothes "I smell like wine, I'll hug you after I've bathed."

"I don't mind brother's." Hua Ling immediately went over and sniffed, "Brother always smells good."

Yan Shi gave him a false hug, even if the young princess didn't mind himself, but he himself did, so he ordered the servants to bathe themselves.

Yan Shi had drunk a lot of wine and his head was a bit dizzy, so Hua Ling helped him to sit down on the bed, and before the bath water was ready, he was already asleep. Hua Ling painfully helped him to take off his clothes and tucked him under the blanket.

He took out the pills he had asked for at Qu Liujing's place and was about to put them into Yan Shi's mouth. But when he saw those bright red lips, he licked his tongue with dryness, so he put the antidote pill in his own mouth and took advantage of it by ferrying it bit by bit into Yan Shi's mouth.

The two of them have been in bed together for days, but have never done anything intimate. It's not that he didn't want to, he just didn't find the right time. He suddenly hated himself for being so innocent and harmless.

Gao Changgeng did not sleep for long, he woke up not long after dark. When he first woke up, he was still a bit confused about where he was, but after a few moments he regained his clarity and remembered what happened today, his heart still ached.

He summoned his servant and asked, "Has Cha nan been here?"

The servant replied, "In reply to the Master's words, the Second Master did come back, but we returned all his belongings to him by the Master's order and did not allow him to enter the house."

Gao Changgeng waved his hand and told the servant to leave, he stood up, still a little dizzy but generally feeling fine. He slowly walked outside and stood on the long corridor outside, holding the railing and looking into the distance.

It was already dark and only a small candlelight could be seen in the distance. He walked slowly forward again, and before he knew it, he had reached the gate.

He had the closed door thrown open and stepped out. In fact, he regretted it as soon as he had taken the step. To see if Cha nan was here? Was he not dead to him yet?

He shook his head and smiled bitterly as he was about to turn around and go back to the house, when he suddenly saw the white figure not far away.

"Stop!" Gao Changgeng said in a loud voice.

Xiao Bailian shivered in fear, but stood still in the end.

"What are you doing here?" Gao Changgeng asked as he walked up to him with a few steps.

"I... I just came to take a look." Xiao Bailian's soft voice carried a faint tremor.

"To see what?"

"I want to see Chanan, how he, how he is."

"You're honest," Gao Changgeng grunted through his nose, "didn't you say those things today on purpose for me to hear? What are you running here now to play innocent?"

"I, I, I said it on purpose, but, but it was all from my heart." Xiao Bailian lowered his head and dared not look at Gao Changgeng only at his toes, "I just want you to know what kind of person he really is."

Gao Changgeng asked again "Do you hate him?"

Xiao Bailian shook his head, "I don't hate him, he may have wronged me, but I understand him."

"What a little white lotus," Gao Changgeng said nonchalantly, but he was also puzzled, "Then why did you help me? The two of us don't have a good relationship, do we?"

"I, I just don't want you to be cheated, after all, after all, you helped him back then, it's not good for him to treat you like this now, not good." Xiao Bai Lian's words were so broken that Gao Changgeng was afraid that he would run away in the middle of his sentence.

After a long time, Gao Changgeng sighed softly "Come in." He didn't know why he had let him in, perhaps because he hadn't sobered up from his drinking just now.

Xiao Bailian cowered a little, looking terrified, but still followed him into the house, and when the door closed, he even shivered a little.

He took Xiao Bailian into the room where he and Cha nan lived, but there was no longer any trace of Cha nan here; he had long ago had all of Chanan's things thrown out.

"I lived here with him for three years." Gao Changgeng said with a cold laugh, "I was afraid that he would think that I was not true to him, so I left all the big and small affairs to him, and even entrusted him with the entirety of the Gao family's estate. The furnishings in this house, the entire Gao residence, were all set up according to his wishes. I thought I could really have him, but I never thought it was just a dream I had, that he had given me an empty joy."

"You, don't you say that." Xiao Bailian struggled to lift his head up, "You're good, really good. It's him who's bad, he doesn't know how to cherish you."

Gao Changgeng gave a cold snort and glanced at him, "Do you know what I hate most about you? I hate the way you look so pitiful and innocent, and then desperately try to take everything on yourself! It looks like you're doing it for the good of others, but it's like everyone owes you."

"I, what I said is true." Xiao Bailian craned his neck at his words.

Gao Changgeng gave him a look and sat down helplessly "What do you like about him?" He suddenly remembered the question that Yan Shi had asked him this afternoon.

Xiao Bailian shook his head "I don't know."

Gao Changgeng glared at him "you don't know why you like him." He had completely forgotten who had said the same answer today.

"It's just, it's just that we grew up together since we were kids and we used to hang out together." Xiao Bailian shivered slightly, "My parents died early and he was quite kind to me, always helping me with this and that, so I just naturally fell in love."