

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 36


King Zhaoge was afraid that he would leave, so he hurriedly stopped him, "Eldest brother, how can we not talk to each other? The matter that this brother asked you to do this time has been done very well by the eldest brother, we should work together more often in the future."

    Yan Shi clenched his fist to a creak and grabbed King Zhaoge's collar, his face looking like a stern ghost. Next time, if you dare to threaten me with Huojia, don't blame me for being ungracious!"

    "Brother, brother ..." a series of brother like a chicken looking for a hen, Hua Ling "brother brother brother" non-stop even before he entered.

    Yan Shi threw King Zhaoge backwards so violently that he stumbled backwards a few steps and finally stood firm as Hua Ling entered.

    "Brother!" Hua Ling was so happy to see Yan Shi that he was about to jump into his arms when he suddenly saw King Zhaoge and stopped dead in his tracks, "Huh? Second brother is here too?"

    King Zhaoge squeezed out a smile, "Sister-in-law."

    As he was saying this, Xiangzuo also walked in from outside and saluted the two of them.

    Yan Shi smiled faintly at Hua Ling and said gently "Is there something Mingting wants to see me?"

    If it was the wife of a normal family, he would not be allowed to come to the front yard, but Hua Ling was a male wife, so he did not have to follow the rules for women.

    Hua Ling tugged on Yan shi's sleeve and shook it, "Brother, the embroidery is so beautiful that I came to tell you that she can be my embroiderer."

    Yan shi's eyes were full of doting "Since Mingting thinks it's okay, then let's keep it."

    Hua Ling gave another pouting smile, this was a woman's action but he did it without any inconsistency, it had a chic flavour.

    King Zhaoge looked at Xiangzura and murmured "She is actually an embroiderer?"

    Yan Shi sneered "What else do you think?"

    "No, it's not ..." King Zhaoge felt he had lost his tongue, "I'm just curious what your sister-in-law wants with an embroiderer?"

    It was the first girl to appear in front of the residence of Yan Shi, and this had aroused King Zhaoge's suspicion, he didn't think otherwise, he just thought it was a fling that Yan Shi had caused somewhere. In the Great Abyss Dynasty, except for the Emperor, if a man married a male wife, he could not marry a concubine, and if he was involved in a relationship with another man or woman, his wife could sue him at the court, and the crime was even more severe than adultery. If he catch this, he will be able to handle things better in the future.

    You will have to ask your good aunt what she has taught Mingting since he was a child."

    King Zhaoge was saddened by his comment, he naturally knew all the things Hua Ling had learned about women since he was a child.

    Hua Ling said, "I used to think my embroidery work was quite good, but it's nothing compared to that of the palace."

    Seeing that the purpose of his visit had been achieved, King Zhaoge sardonically excused himself.

    It was not until King Zhaoge's figure was no longer visible that Hua Ling breathed a long sigh of relief and reached out to show his palm to Yan Shi, "Brother, look, my palms are sweating from fear."

    Yan Shi took out his handkerchief and wiped it for him, "Thank you Mingting for your help just now."

    He had been careless in the past, and it seemed that he needed to be more cautious if anyone else came to the house.

T/N: I think this is the shortest chapter ever