

Born in the royal family, Yan Shi has too many things that he is helpless toward. Doesn't matter whether he is willing or not, he has already been dragged into the battle for the throne. But above him there's a father who detests and rejects him, and below him there are brothers watching him like a tiger watches its prey. Yan Shi's every step is filled with uncertainty, afraid that with one wrong move, he would lose everything. But just as he was about to rein in the net, his stomach actually got bigger! Help: We're in the midst of fighting for the throne, what should I do with my big stomach? How do I ensure no one discovers it? CHAPTERS 124+15 EXTRAS AUTHOR: LIU NUO NUO

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 34


On the official road, a jumble of horses' hooves whistled past, startling birds in the forest.

    "After a long neigh, the horse finally stopped galloping.

    Wu Kun looked at the unbelievably handsome man standing in the middle of the official road, and quickly turned over and dismounted from his horse "I didn't know the Prince was here, please forgive me."

    The two servants and the eight officials behind him also rolled off their horses and fell to their knees.

    Yan Shi slowly took two steps forward and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth "Lord Wu, are you in such a hurry?"

    "The court has ordered me to do so, so I dare not delay." For some reason, a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Wu Kun's back.

    "Lord Wu is really loyal," Yan Shi walked up to the horse and patted it, "but I wonder if your loyalty is for the court or for whom?"

    Wu Kun said, "Naturally, it is for the court."

    Yan Shi laughed lightly "The mountains are high and the roads are far, so Lord Wu is really suffering."

    Wu Kun replied, "I work for the court, so I don't feel bitter."

    Yan Shi did not let him stand up from the ground, he walked up to him step by step and looked him up and down, "But I think Lord Wu is used to being in the imperial city, so I am afraid he may not be used to going to the southern border this time. How about this, Lord Wu should not go."

    The beads of sweat on Wu Kun's forehead fell to the ground, and he quietly touched his hand to his heart.

    He quietly touched his hand to his heart, but Yan Shi just ignored it. "Lord Wu, do you really think that this Prince will let you go to the southern border?"

    "What does the Prince ... mean by this?" He did not believe that Yan Shi would really do anything to him, he was an official of the court, and he was one of King Zhaoge's men, after thinking this through Wu Kun was not as scared as he had been earlier.

    Yan Shi stood in front of him, his feet only a fist away from him, and he did not look down at him, his eyes sweeping over those behind him as if he had no intention of doing so "How did you and King Zhaoge agree to deliver the message? If you tell us, this Prince may spare your life."

    "Your Majesty ..., where do you start with that? I am going to the southern border on the order of the emperor, what does it have to do with King Zhaoge?" Wu Kun said, "What's more, what's the point of delivering a message?"

    Almost as soon as Wu Kun's words left his mouth, he saw a flash of white light before his eyes, and Yan Shì took him by the back of his neck and pulled him up from the ground, placing the dagger across his neck.

    In order to prevent Marshal Wei from sending Wu Kun back again, King Zhaoge had asked Yan Shi to write a letter to Marshal Wei in his own handwriting, which probably said that they should take good care of Wu Kun.

    The officers who were following Wu Kun moved slightly when they saw that their lord had been taken hostage. Yan Shi looked cross-eyed and angry "What do you want?"

    With a single word, no one dared to move, after all, that was the Prince.

    "Lord Wu, don't blame me if you don't tell me!" The voice was so cold and gloomy that it sent a chill through the body on this hot summer day. Yan Shi's dagger hand slashed at Wu Kun's neck, and blood immediately flowed out.

    Wu Kun was still holding his neck, and his tone had a threatening undertone "Your Majesty, I am an official of the court, do you really dare to kill me?"

    The crime of murdering an official of the court was not a small one. If it were any other day, Yan Shi would not have done so, but it was King Zhaoge who was to blame for threatening him with Princess Hu Jia. If Yan Shi had done it this time, he must have prepared a foolproof method.

    At that moment, one of the officers following Wu Kun saw that the situation was bad and wanted to sneak away and report back, but just a few steps away, a man appeared in front of him and before he could see who he was, he was killed.

    Wu Kun heard a scream from behind him, and his body shook violently.

    Yan Shi twisted him around to look behind him, so that he could see how that man had died. "See, Lord Wu, this is what happens when you disobey."

    Although Wu Kun was afraid, he had been with King Zhaoge for many years and refused to change his ways easily "How dare you?"

    "Why wouldn't I dare?" Yan Shi laughed lightly, as if he had heard some good joke, and he turned towards the man standing in the most

    He gave a wink to the man standing at the back, "Do it, leave those two servants behind, Lord Wu still needs someone to serve him."

    Sang Yu received the order and swung his sword towards the officials. The officials rose to fight, but they were no match for Sang Yu's superior martial arts skills, and in a few moments, the official road was filled with corpses.

    "You! How dare you!" Wu Kun was so frightened to see people die in front of him that he would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for Yan Shi's grip on his chest.

    "What else would I not dare to do?" Yan Shi said, "Lord Wu, tell me, what is the intended connection between you and King Zhaoge?"

    The southern border was a long way from the imperial city, a trip would take three months, so it was impossible for Wu Kun to deliver the news back himself, but if it was left to the post, King Zhaoge would be uneasy, so they must have a more secure method.

    Wu Kun was really scared now, he didn't expect the usually gentle-looking Ruiying Wang to have such courage "Wang, Your Majesty, if I tell you, will you leave me alive?"

    "See how you behave." Yan Shi rubbed the back of his dagger against Wu Kun's neck back and forth.

    Wu Kun gulped "I, I have a personal seal in my arms, it's my own, no one else knows about it and it can't be imitated. I have agreed with King Zhaoge to send a message once every two months around the eighth day of the month, which will be stamped with my personal seal, and have one of my two servants deliver the message to King Zhaoge personally. Both of these servants were raised by me since childhood and are loyal to me. Even if one of them is missing, King Zhaoge will not believe the news I send out."

    Yan Shi had a vague suspicion before, so he did not let Sang Yu kill the two servants.

    "Where is the private seal?"

    "It's here ...," Wu Kun was busy trembling as he took the private seal out of his bosom.

    Yan Shi took it in his hand and weighed it, then asked "Is there anything else missing?"

    "No, there is not." Wu Kun was scared to death and naturally dared not lie again, "My life is in the hands of Your Majesty, I dare not deceive you in any way."

    Yan Shi's knife-like gaze looked at the two servants "Is he telling the truth?"

    The two servants nodded their heads, "Yes, Your Majesty, what my lord has said is true, please spare my lord."

    Yan Shi put the personal seal in his arms and nodded his head, then with a sudden twist of his wrist, he slashed down towards Wu Kun's neck, and Wu Kun lost his life on the spot without even shouting.

    "The two servants who were shivering together cried out, and one of them picked up a knife and ran towards Yan Shi.

    With a wave of his hand, the servant leaned back, "You don't know your own strength."

    He reached out and struck the two men at the back of their necks, knocking them unconscious.

    Dark clouds rolled across the sky and a few explosive thunderclaps were heard in the distance. Yan Shi and Sang Yu carried the bodies to a long-digged pit, poured wine over them and burnt them in a fire, and buried the pit again. After this was done, the rain started to fall.

    The rain washed away the bloodstains on the official road as if it had never happened.

    He ordered Sang Yu to take the two servants there and keep an eye on them, and then spurred his horse back to the Imperial City.

    The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the formerly busy streets looked cold and deserted.

    Yan Shi had just entered the royal residence when he saw Hua Ling waiting for him under the long corridor, and when he saw that he had returned, light seemed to shine in Hua Ling's eyes.

    Seeing that he had no umbrella, he immediately put up the oil paper umbrella next to him and went into the rain to shield Yan Shi. When Hua Ling came to him, Yan Shi ducked unnoticeably. He hadn't gotten any blood on his body when he killed Wu Kun, and even if there was blood after such a long walk, it should have been washed away by the rain, but he always felt that the smell of blood on his body was strong and didn't want Hua Ling to smell it.

    "I'm wet, don't get it on your clothes." Yan Shi explained.

    Hua Ling smiled, "What did you say, brother? How could I dislike you?"

    Yan Shi went straight to the bathing room, and Hua Ling ordered the servants to prepare hot water for Yan Shi's bath.

    Yan Shi bathed

    There was no need for someone to wait on him, so Hua Ling stood under the long corridor scratching his ears in anxiety.

    When Yan Shi came out of the bath, Hua Ling was surprised and disappointed when he took a look.

    Hua Ling let Yan Shi go back to his room and took a hand towel and wiped it carefully.

    "Knock, knock, knock." There were three knocks on the door.

    "Enter." Hua Ling said in a loud voice.

    The mute Sister came in with a bowl of ginger soup and placed it on a side table.

    Yan Shi smiled "Thank you very much."

    The mute sister waved her hands and pointed her fingers at the ginger soup, making the appearance of drinking it.

    Yan Shi took a spoonful of the soup and drank it "It tastes good."

    Mute Sister was so happy that the folds on her face grew even larger.

    It had been many years since he had experienced the feeling of an elderly woman thinking of himself, "Mute Sister, from now on, just ask the servants to do these things, you are old and should take a break."

    Mute Sister waved her hand and made another gesture that she was still in good health.

    Hua Ling interjected, "Brother, you should let Mute Sister do it, she has always been used to working, if you ask her to come down, she really should not know what to do."

    "Mingting has a point," Yan Shi said, "just be careful not to get tired."

    Mute Sister nodded repeatedly, her delight overwhelming, and she gestured again, as if she had something else to bring them.

    After the Mute Sister left, Hua Ling said, "Brother, do you think the food made by the Mute Sister is better than before?"

    "Indeed." He still remembered the first time he had eaten something made by the Mute Sister, and it was really hard to describe.

    Hua Ling went on to say "Mute Sister didn't know how to cook before, back then in the State House she worked on her own in order to make me eat something good, and no one else taught her. Now that she's in the palace, the kitchen masters are happy to teach her, and her cooking has become more and more delicious."

    Yan Shi nodded and drank the bowl of ginger soup, "Mute Sister is also old, so why not find a maid to serve her?"

    Hua Ling refused, "I told her before and she got angry with me, she always thought that if she had a maid to serve her, it would prove that she was old, she doesn't want to be old." If there was a maid, it would be inconvenient to do anything.