
The Emperor Dragon of Douluo Shocked the World

When the Golden Dragon encountered the Killing Spear, when the Ultimate Power encountered the Weapon of Heaven, in the most noble Douluo Palace, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and solemnly declared: This world of Wuhun Palace is destined to dominate the mainland! i am just translating Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html

WarreP01 · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Chapter 28-The Furious Bibi Dong

The Papal Palace!

High above the throne, a woman sits quietly.

She has a beautiful face, her skin is snowy, she has beautiful long burgundy hair, her snow-white palms tightly hold a golden scepter, and she wears a luxurious crown dress, graceful and elegant, and powerful. The supreme ruler of Wuhun Hall, Pope Bibi Dong.

"Under the crown of the Pope, there is a message from the main hall of the Kingdom of Barak!" A cardinal knelt down in the hall, holding a letter in his hand!

"Come up!" Pope Zhu's lips lightly opened, but his cold voice was full of majesty!

Fang Luo said, a man dressed in chrysanthemum clothes took the letter from the cardinal and handed it respectfully to Bibi Dong.

With bare hands, he pulled out the letter and read it carefully with a pair of beautiful eyes!

"Boom!" This was the sound of the scepter landing, Bibi Dong's expression was indifferent, and there was unspeakable anger in his eyes, "Fengming Village was slaughtered!"

Bibi Dong's tone was light, but it was as shocking as a stone that shocked everyone in the temple!

"What!" Everyone looked unbelievable. You must know that Fengming Village is the hometown under the crown of the Pope, so someone dared to slaughter Fengming Village?

"Under the crown of the Pope, what about the casualties?" asked the man in a chrysanthemum costume.

"Men are dead, old and weak, only a few women and children survive!" Bibi Dong's tone was filled with anger. It is true that although she has no concern for Fengming Village, it is her hometown no matter what, this action is tantamount to fighting. Her face.

"I don't know where the madman dared to do such a utterly conscience?" The man continued, his tone of anger in his voice, which was also provoking the majesty of the Spirit Hall.

"Who else can it be? Of course it is the evil spirit masters. The letter also said that the evil spirit master's target is not just Fengming Village, this is a premeditated revenge!"

Bibi Dong's gaze is sharp, "Yueguan, this matter is left to you, be sure to catch all these evil spirit masters in one go, don't leave one!"

"Yueguan leads the life!" The man in chrysanthemum clothes bent over, turning out that he was the famous Ju Douluo Yueguan in the Wuhun Palace.

"It is mentioned in the letter that a deacon in the main hall of Fasno and a child named Lu Yuan killed those evil spirit masters and saved those women and children. What should I do with this matter?" Bibi Dong's eyes moved sideways.

"I wonder what the strength of these two people are?" Yueguan asked.

"The deacon is a fifty-second level soul king, Wuhun Kuangfeng Fury Lion, aged forty-eight years old; the little boy named Lu Yuan is a fifteenth-level soul master, Wuhun Golden Dragon, aged six. It is said to be innately full of soul power." Bibi Dong said lightly.

"Under the title of the Pope, Yueguan thinks that the deacon doesn't need to care and can just give out some rewards at will, but the child named Lu Yuan has amazing talents, and we should vigorously cultivate it!"

"This is reasonable, the golden dragon is a legendary martial soul, extremely powerful, we should use such talents!" A black-clothed old man on Bibi Dong's left also said.

"Then send this Lu Yuan to the genius training camp. If he can win the championship in the trials three months later, he will be the second disciple under my seat." Bibi Dong said flatly.

"The destiny of the crown!" No one objected to Bibi Dong's words. The Genius Training Camp is a training camp set up by the Wuhun Temple to recruit children under ten years old. It selects talents for the Wuhun Temple every three years. There will be a trial, and this year happens to be the beginning of the trial.

There are no mediocre talents in the genius training camp. Every member has an innate spirit power of level 6 or higher. The current training camp has students of the great soul master rank. If Lu Yuan can stand out from here and win the championship, Also qualified to be an apprentice under the crown of the Pope.


After several days of trekking, Lu Yuan and Xu Fei finally arrived at Wuhun City!

"Wuhun City is so prosperous!" Lu Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed. He has seen many prosperous cities along the way, but even the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire is a bit worse than the Wuhun City in front of him. One chip.

"This is the holy city in the minds of all our soul masters!" Xu Fei said with a look of reverence.

Lu Yuan didn't comment. Xu Fei said that it was true. Let alone those so-called sects, the world's civilian soul masters still hold extremely high respect for Wuhun City.

"Where are we going now? Go directly to Wuhun Hall?" Lu Yuan asked.

"No, let's go to the post house first. There is the Wuhundian deacon who is specially responsible for receiving visitors. We have to wait for the order at the post house. This is the rule!" Xu Fei said.

"Oh!" Lu Yuan nodded. Isn't this just like ancient China, foreign guests must live in the hotel, is it a reason to wait for the Holy Master to be summoned?

It seems that these things are basically the same regardless of whether it is in Douluo Continent or ancient China.

"The comers stop!" Lu Yuan's carriage was stopped, and it was the Templar knight who was in charge of guarding Wuhun City!

"Get off!" Xu Fei said.

Lu Yuan nodded, and the two got out of the car together!

"We are from the main hall of the spirit of Fasno, this is our document!" Xu Fei took out a document from his arms, with the seal of the main hall of the spirit of the province of Fasno on it!

After checking the documents, the knight arched his hands and said: "The post house is right in front, please walk there!"

Chariots and horses are not allowed near the post house. After all, it is already close to the Pope's Palace. Unless it is an elder who enshrines a figure of that level, even the platinum bishop must obediently get out of the chariot and walk.

The Pope's power cannot be violated!

"Okay, I'm tired of it!" Following Xu Fei, Lu Yuan entered the post house!

There are a lot of people in the post, and there are more than a dozen children about the same age as Lu Yuan, and these children are young Tianjiao sent from Wuhun branch halls or sub halls in various places. Generally speaking, they can be sent to The geniuses here, their innate spirit power are at least above level seven.

"Oh, another newcomer is here!" The man who was speaking was a middle-aged man dressed as a girl, with a high-pitched voice and with his orchid fingers pointing up when he spoke. His non-male or female accent made Lu Yuan get goosebumps!

"Huh, Yueling, you better speak up!" Xu Fei frowned and shouted angrily.

"Oh, Xiao Feifei, how come you are dispatched by the main hall of Fasno, it's really rare!" Na Yueling didn't care about Xu Fei's words at all, instead pretending to be coquettish, his eyes "embedded with affection." "Looking at Xu Fei.

"Um!" Lu Yuan only felt a surge in his stomach, and Yue Ling's appearance really made him sick.

Xu Fei's complexion turned dark, and La Luyuan walked toward the house!

"Hey, Xiao Feifei, haven't you answered others' words?" The shrill voice came again.

Xu Fei's body trembled, and he accelerated again...