
The Emperor Dragon of Douluo Shocked the World

When the Golden Dragon encountered the Killing Spear, when the Ultimate Power encountered the Weapon of Heaven, in the most noble Douluo Palace, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and solemnly declared: This world of Wuhun Palace is destined to dominate the mainland! i am just translating Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html

WarreP01 · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Chapter 16 The Rise of Work-study Students

In the field, the war between Wang Sheng and Liu Long is about to break out!

"Wang Sheng, give up, you are not my opponent!" Liu Long carried a long stick martial arts spirit, quite confident in his heart. Since entering school, he and Wang Sheng have played against each other many times, and Wang Sheng has never won.

With his ninth-level spirit power and the long-stick martial spirit in hand, what would Wang Sheng win? Liu Long was really unexpected.

Wang Sheng's expression was firm, and he vowed to say: "Today I will definitely win!"

"Eh?" Liu Long was puzzled, looking at Wang Sheng's determined look, he really didn't know where Wang Sheng's courage came from?

"Does Wang Sheng have any hole cards?" Liu Long was taken aback, and then shook his head disdainfully, "This guy has a hole card from a work-student, I really think too much."

The battle is on the verge!

"Well, ah!" Liu Long's long stick hit Wang Sheng's chest fiercely again. Even with the defense of the Wang Sheng beast's martial soul, he couldn't be completely immune to the sting, and he made a noise unconsciously.

"Sigh! Wang Sheng was beaten so miserably!" Xiao Wu said sadly.

"By the way, Xiao Wu, can you not laugh when you say this?" Lu Yuan said helplessly.

Xiao Wu chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that Wang Sheng's acting skills were very good. I just said that, he was beaten and beaten so much!"

Tang San said: "It's true. Wang Sheng deliberately lowered his strength and concentrated his spirit power on defense, making Liu Long think he was vulnerable, so he gradually became paralyzed. In fact, every time Liu Long was affected When the stick hit Wang Sheng, the damage was not as high as he thought."

Lu Yuan went on to say: "Liu Long has fought against Wang Sheng more than once, and Liu Long still understands Wang Sheng's strength, so he couldn't perform very weak at the beginning, and Wang Sheng's acting skills are indeed very good today, and his strength is hidden. When it was in place, Liu Long didn't find anything wrong, and Liu Long is a soul master with poor physical fitness and low endurance."

"Wang Sheng's cleverness lies in the fact that although he will be hit every time, Liu Long will spend several rounds every time he hits him. Did not find this."

"Wang Sheng, as a beast spirit spirit master, can completely resist with his own defenses. He is very resistant to beatings. He has never wasted his spirit power greatly. Now the remaining spirit power of the two sides is no longer on the same level." Tang San said.

"The chance to win is here!" Lu Yuan made a final decision.

"Strange, why am I getting weaker and weaker!" Liu Long is a little strange. Today's Wang Sheng seems to be particularly resistant to fights. In the past, Wang Sheng always likes head-to-head, but today he has been dodging and his strength seems to have dropped a lot. .

But what is strange is that in the past, Wang Sheng was like a living target to him, he loved how to hit and hit, but today he spends so much soul power, but the number of times he hits Wang Sheng is much less.

As time went on, he found that his strength was getting weaker and weaker.

"It's now!" Feeling that Liulong's strength was weakening, and the speed of his actions slowed down, Wang Sheng burst out his own little soul power at once, and directly flew Liulong's long stick, a tiger. The claw patted Liu Long's body.

"Not good!" Wang Sheng's sudden eruption surprised Liu Long, and he was slapped on the cheek by Wang Sheng who couldn't dodge. He flew upside down for several meters and fainted on the spot.

"Liu Long!" Seeing that Liu Long was suddenly slapped into the air by Wang Sheng, he couldn't help but exclaim. It was obvious that Liu Long was still crushing Wang Sheng just now, so suddenly the situation turned upside down, and Liu Long was actually photographed. Fly away.

"Sister Xiaowu, I won!" Wang Sheng said with a tiger roar, happily like a child. Since entering Notting College, he has never won Liu Long, and today he finally fulfilled his dream.

"Good job Wang Sheng, I didn't disappoint Sister Xiao Wu, let's go and rest!" Xiao Wu Dama patted Wang Sheng's shoulder with a golden knife, and let Wang Sheng go down to rest.

"Xiao Chenyu, our work-student won the first game. Who are you going to send to the next game!" Xiao Wu asked.

"Ling Feng, come on." Xiao Chenyu waved him down and dispatched the first general.

"Then let me play on our work-study side!" Tang San stepped forward and looked at Ling Feng across the air.

"Boy, I will let you work-students know how good I am!" As Xiao Chenyu's number one horse, Ling Feng has his own pride, and he will let these work-study students know how good he is.

The battle is on the verge!

"Bang, bang!" A figure flew out, and Ling Feng flew back several meters, following in Liu Long's footsteps again!

One leg, a simple whip leg, let Ling Feng feel what a severe beating from the society is.

"Who is this kid, he defeated Ling Feng with one move!" Xiao Chenyu's expression was a little ugly. He didn't expect that the two generals under his command would lose to the working-students. How could Xiao Chenyu accept it? .

"Xiao Chenyu, two wins in three games, you have already lost, we won!" Xiao Wu was very happy, "From today, you will all call me Sister Xiao Wu!"

"Don't dream, little rabbit, I haven't lost Xiao Chenyu yet?" Xiao Chenyu has become accustomed to rampant domineering, how could he recognize a little girl as the boss?

"Did you not admit it if you lost?" Tang San took a step forward. He had always promised a lot of money, and looked down on this kind of people who said nothing.

"You haven't beaten me, I'm not convinced, unless one of you can beat me, otherwise I will never admit defeat." Xiao Chenyu is very confident of his own strength, since Lu Yuan made it clear that he would not make a move, then he Never think there is anyone here who can beat him!

"Okay! Then I'll accompany you to play!" Tang San took a step forward.

"Little San, let me come!" Xiao Wu said to Tang San. Xiao Chenyu didn't even admit that she lost. Her sister Xiao Wu must show him some color.

"No, a mere Xiao Chenyu doesn't need you to act, I'm enough!" After getting the first spirit ring, he hasn't tested the power yet, maybe Xiao Chenyu will be the first person to taste it. .

"Xiao Chenyu, Wuhunlang, eleventh-level one-ring battle spirit master!" A white spirit ring lit up from Xiao Chenyu's body. It was obvious that Tang San Xiao Chenyu didn't underestimate him, and he would be able to kill him with a single blow. Defeated by the wind, this kid deserves his seriousness.

"Tang San, Martial Spirit Lan Yincao, a thirteenth-level first-ring battle spirit master!" Blue Yincao appeared in Tang San's hand, and the dazzling one-hundred-year spirit ring exuded a yellow light!

Seeing the two confronting each other on the field, Lu Yuan turned and left. The decisive battle was at this point. The rise of working-study students was unstoppable, and there was no need to watch.

Lu Yuan's figure gradually faded away, until gradually disappeared...