
The Emperor's Omega Is An Extra

Arren was reincarnated as an extra in the book world. However, unlike the others, Arren was determined to play his role well and be the best extra ever. He was successful until that one unfortunate night that would make his second life an unpredictable one. He also began to doubt that perhaps... He wasn't the useless extra he always thought he was. R18. OMEGAVERSE/ BL

ladyaize · LGBT+
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340 Chs

Arren's Adventures (2)

The woman laughed at his question, but she didn't appear to be mocking him either. She only looked gently at Arren before she stuffed something in her bag. 

"You see, I often see people like you." She then paused and then looked up again to meet Arren's gaze. "Well, people like us. I don't want to judge what happened for you to fall in this state, but in a huge city like this, your... Our experiences are very common, unfortunately." 

Arren fell silent, and then he looked at himself. He was beginning to understand what the older woman was saying. Judging by how Arren looked, especially the stench that was coming from him, he did indeed appear to be a homeless beggar. 

However, for those with keener perception, as Arren said, if one overlooked his current state, they would definitely sense something different from him.