
The Emperor's Least Favorite Daughter is Kicking Ass

"So, The only person I could have reincarnated into is this loser princess?" "You are to be executed at the dawn of today." "Are you serious, you are going to behead me, your own daughter!" Anastasia fighting against the odds, what's new? Except that in her past life her family didn't actually try to kill her.

Snorlaxin · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Oh, the author did him bad, she never mentioned that the man looked like god himself, his lush navy hair looked like there was no type of hair treatment could ever produce such results, those slanted rich crystalloid ocean blue eyes, made her want to dive into them, his jaw line was sharp, she wanted to run her fingers over them. Oh wow, how can person's lips, be that plump.

She traced her own lips, why was her so thin, Anastasia pulled at them trying to make them look plumper, but they only stretched out of place.

"THAT BASTARD WON'T BE THE ONE TO KILL YOU, I WILL!" Bijou exploded with rage and tightened around her neck, trying to choke her.

"U-UGGH, you tryna ki-illl meeE?!" Anastasia tried pulling at the slimy creature, she started thrashing around, choking, trying to gasp for air.

"Did you hear anything?"

The unfamiliar voice froze both Anastasia and Bijou's movement. Shit, she forgot all about the knights that were covering every ground in the garden. Anna hid her body deeper into the bush, trying to be one with the green leaves.

That made the plants rustle more with life, grabbing the attention of the knights. Now they moved closer to the source of the noise, Anastasia looked at the snake in fright, a voice in her head telling her to run, and who is she to disobey what her brain is telling her.

With no plan in her head, she ran. That drove the knights to chase after her, she ran between the bushes , making her figure hidden, but at the same time it was easier to trace her.

Anastasia could hear them shouting, "THAT WAY!"

How fast can a one years old run, you say? Not fast at all, slow af; specially when her legs are made of jelly like muscles. It was so ugly, Anna didn't knew the will power she had within her, she never stopped running; even when she fell, stumbled upon the dirt or even rolled on the ground.

Her blue eyes prickled with tears, was this how she is going to die, "Anna, look over there, pass that bush and head towards the burrow under that tree, go now!"

Anna continue with shaky legs, her feet hurt a lot. She was hungry and tired, her knees were bleeding, clothes all muddy, dirt and scratches on her face, she was a mess, but that doesn't mean she would wait here for an execution.

She jumped into the bush, that was a foot away from the burrow Bijou mention, but to her rotten luck, the twigs within the bush, trapped her in; her only coverage were the thick leaves. Anastasia pulled and pushed, but she was still struggling to free her self from those damn piercing twigs. Her body stilled when the knights rushed into the area, maybe they would miss her. She was not big at all, petite as potato and her clothes just happen to be green today too.

Whatever happens, shall happens, her eyes shut close. Fear creeping into her gut as she heard the footstep coming near her, metal clanking against the ground, the swords shifting every odd second, her heart stopped when a shadow was casted over the bush.

Anastasia forced her eye open, her head rolling back, the brunette's eyes widened in shock, from all of the people that could have caught her why, why is it this person?

The person gasped, their hand coming over their mouth to mask the sound, "You,"

"Your majesty, please comeback, we will investigate the issue, it is quite dangerous to venture into the woods if there was an intruder!"

Anna's eyes widened in fear, clashing against the sky-blue eyes, the empress, was standing in her glory, a step away from her.

Her shocked façade rested on a smile as she turned to the knights who were heading towards them.

"Stand back, it's just a stray kitten. A mother cat must have given birth to this little one," eyes crinkling close, as she smiled so gracefully, melting the hearts of the men hiding behind their armor.

The blue-nette turned back towards the hiding spot of the child, where surprisingly no child was found.


Anastasia ran with all her might, not caring if she made more noise as she was diving into the bushes away from the empress.

She tripped over a protruding root, and stumbled all the way down the ground, hitting a tree bark headfirst. Her legs were shaking from how hard she ran, finally catching her breath. Her blue eyes scanned behind her, nobody was chasing her.

The forest was as quiet as it was, she can't hear the metal boot hitting the ground; nor the empress's melodic soft voice. Her shoulders finally relaxed, she slumped against the wood.

"What was that?!" Anatasia gasped hard for the air, with shaky hands she covered her face. That was so scary, her blue eyes were going out of focus, now that she stopped running, shouldn't it be easier to breath now that she is finally resting? But, she couldn't inhale a single drop of oxygen.

"-id, -the"

Anastasia's felt light headed, block spots were appearing in her vision, but she made out Bijou's grey's face in the middle of the storm of emotions.

She tried focusing on what the snake was saying, "-na, bre-"

Anna squinted further, trying to make out the words that were spilling out out of the reptile's mouth.

"Anastasia, breath slowly, come on, in and out," His face got brighter, so Anastasia guessed she doing what he told her, "That's right, come on breathe for me once again, nice and slow, there we go, can you hear me, Anna?"

The child nodded her head, "W-What happened?"

Bijou regarded her with concern, before playfully rolling his eyes, "Aren't you too young to get a panic attack?"

Oh, oh. She rubbed the area between her eyes tiredly. That was not a fun experience like at all.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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