
The Emperor's Daughter.

A young princess dies and is reincarnated to another universe, but everything is so unfamiliar and she struggles with little luck to fit in to her new life. She manages to secure a Job at a cafe where she meets a billionaire bachelor who seemed to be hiding a whale of a secret.

Temmytee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

<Chapter two>


"Welcome to my humble abode."

The house was very neat and very beautiful, strange, maybe but oddly alluring. "You have grass inside?"

"Hmm oh no. Its not grass, its a rug."

"A...rug?," he nodded and she bent to feel the texture. "What's that?"

"A rug?"


"Oh, uh not sure I know how to explain that but... Its like a carpet."


"You don't know what that is?"


"Hinata, where are you from? You said you don't have a house, no family, no job and in case you haven't noticed, your dress is pretty weird."

"My dress?, you are the one who's dressed rather oddly." He laughed and she wondered what was so funny. "What is it?"

"Nothing, don't mind me. Well, like I said earlier, welcome to my home. Now I don't live alone, I have a roommate and he'll be here later."

She glanced around and her eyes  landed on a huge black frame on the wall. "What is this?"

"That's a TV." He said simply but decided to explain more when she just stared blankly. "It's a television, you watch things on it."

"Things like?"

"Well, let me show you." He picked up the remote and turned it on. "See, now you can use this to change the channels."

"How does it work?, is it magic?"

"Technology. That's our magic."

"So...these people that you watch, who are they? And are they okay with you monitoring their life?"

"They're not exactly real. See they're acting."

"So it's fake?"

"Yes, they do it for our entertainment."

"Ohh...like a play?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Back at home we had different forms of entertainment. Dancing, singing, dragon dancing..."

"Dragon dancing?!"

"Yes, it's a traditional dance to celebrate the dragons of our land."

"Riiight. Anyway, you must be hungry so why don't I make something for you. I'd ask what you'd like but I doubt if you'd know anything from our menu."


"Wait a second." He went inside a room and returned with some clothes. "Here you go." He handed her the materials with him. "That's a towel and some clothes to change into, so you go in there and take a shower then you come back and eat."

Hinata stared at him for a second, everything that was happening was all overwhelming. She tried remembering what happened to her but she couldn't.

"Hinata?, are you okay?"

"Yes it's just...I can't seem to recall what happened to me and how I got here."

"Hey, its okay. I'm sure you'll remember, it just might take time."

"Thanks. Now where did you say to go?... for the bath."

"Okay. Through that door, you can't miss it."

"Okay. Ren, thank you... For everything."

"You're welcome."


Hinata checked herself out in the human sized mirror and she found herself giggling at the oversized outfit she was now putting on. "Well, I guess its not that bad." The dress was short and simple, unlike the ones she had to wear back at the palace and the trousers were big and a tad too long for her .

There was nobody to tell her the right or proper way to do her hair so she just held it up in a simple pony tail, like she loved it.

"I think I'm starting to love y--" the air in the room was different, heavy. He was with a woman and Hinata could tell that there was something between them.

"Who is this?..." She stared like Hinata like they were rivals. "...and why is she wearing your clothes?"

"Misaki, this is Hinata. Hinata, Misaki."


"You wanted to tell me something?"

"Oh yes, I wanted to say that I was starting to like your strange things."

"Good to know. Come, I didn't know what to make so...I give you...French toast."

She tilted her head to the side and stared at the slightly burnt food on the plate. "What is it made of?"

"Bread, egg, milk, salt to taste and sugar. The sugar isn't necessary but I like the extra sweetness."

"Okay, I'll give it a try." She took a bite out of it and as soon as it touched her tongue, her eyes widened in awe at the taste. "Hmm, this is wonderful."

"You like it?"

"I love it, it's nothing like I've ever tasted before. It's wonderful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"May I have more?"

He smiled as she spoke with her mouth half full and her mouth was stained with maple syrup. "Sure you can."

Misaki interrupted them, her voice holding an icy tone. "Ren, I want to see you." She frowned at both of them before locking her gaze on him.

"Hinata, why don't you wait for me in the living room, you can switch on the TV while you wait."


He watched her stroll to the living room and pick up the remote. He smiled as she fiddled with the device, trying to figure it out. "Here, let me."


"And here," he handed her a face wipe "you have something on your face."

"Oh, thanks."

She could hear Misaki calling him from behind her and he frowned slightly before answering. He was barely gone for a minute and Hinata was already feeling sleepy. She tried waiting for him but after a while, she lost the strength to resist so she gave in to the Sandman.


"Princess Hinata Takahashi of the Ming dynasty, you have been charged with treason against his Royal Highness, Emperor Haruta Takahashi. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Hinata remained on her knees, staring her father dead in the eye. She still found it hard to believe that her own father would be so cruel to her. Sure they had their differences but she never expected such treatments from him.

"You know Hinata, I was hoping you could take over, become Emperor when I'm gone but you've just shown me that you're not the right person for the throne."

"You're supposed to be my father,how could you do this to me?" She was determined not to cry but her voice was betraying her.

"You have made it very obvious that you don't deserve the holy powers given to you."


"This is my judgement. Following your immature and unacceptable behavior, you are to be locked up in your room for the next three days awaiting the arrival of master shujinko, and when he arrives, he will strip you of your powers."

"Otosan, you can't do this to me, I'm your daughter."

"No you are not, and I'm very glad. Take her away."


Hinata opened her eyes in the dark room and the first thing she saw a a pair of eyes staring back at her. She panicked and the next thing she heard was a loud thud and someone groaning. "Ren?" She freaked out when he didn't answer.

She hurried to where he laid to check on him. He was unconscious but he was still breathing, she didn't know what to do and he was to heavy for her to carry. "Oh please be okay. "

Just then, the door opened and a tall man walked in with another man. "Who are you?, and what have you done to Ren?"