
The Emperor's Daughter.

A young princess dies and is reincarnated to another universe, but everything is so unfamiliar and she struggles with little luck to fit in to her new life. She manages to secure a Job at a cafe where she meets a billionaire bachelor who seemed to be hiding a whale of a secret.

Temmytee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

<Chapter seven>


Hinata knelt in her father's throne room, her sister had reported her to him. He stared at her like he just wanted her to crawl somewhere and die...and little did he know she was feeling the same way.

"Hinata, why have you refused to share in your sister's happiness?"

She remained mute.

Times without number, she had poured out her heart to her father, desperately hoping he would understand but he had refused to.

"You know what I think?, I think you're just being jealous and all this wouldn't be happening if you had just married Feng like I told you to."

Hinata looked up at her father but still didn't say a word.

"Do you think being quiet saves you from being punished?"

"Otosan, I'm your daughter, and so is Kiyomi. We were both born the same way. We were brought up the same way. We were taught the same things. If anyone should be treated specially, it should be be me. I was the one born with the dragon seal, I am the one who has powers. I'M the one with the gift, not her. So why on earth am I being punished?!!" As she spoke, the ground shook and it suddenly turned windy in the throne room.

She shot to her feet, rage coursing through her veins. "Why must you always please her?, even at my discomfort. WHY must you always take what is mine and give it to her?

I have always had to sacrifice one thing or the other, just so Kiyomi could be happy. My toys, my gifts," with every word she took a step closer to his throne where he sat rigidly. "my room...and now, my man, and you have never, ever appreciated it."

She stood in front of her father, her heart pounding like it could come out of her chest. "I am sick...and tired of you. I am sick and tired of both of you. I wish I wasn't a part of your family."

Hinata wasn't prepared mentally or emotionally for what happened next. Her father cried for help, he called his guards and asked them to restrict her. "She just tried to kill me, she has gone mad."

They held her and forced her to her knees. "Otosan, how could you do this to me?" He averted his gaze and called in the head of the guards.

He came in, bowed to her father and turned to her. "Princess Hinata Takahashi of the Ming dynasty, you have been charged with treason against his Royal Highness, Emperor Haruta Takahashi. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Hinata remained on her knees, staring her father dead in the eye. She still found it hard to believe that her own father would be so cruel to her. Sure they had their differences but she never expected such treatments from him.

"You know Hinata, I was hoping you could take over, become Emperor when I'm gone but you've just shown me that you're not the right person for the throne."

"You're supposed to be my father, how could you do this to me?" She was determined not to cry but her voice was betraying her.

"With this display of your childish behaviour, you have proved yourself to be dangerous and unstable. And you have just made it very obvious that you don't deserve the holy powers given to you."


"This is my judgement." He raised his voice so everyone present could hear. "Following your immature and unacceptable behavior, you are to be locked up in your room for the next three days awaiting the arrival of master shujinko, and when he arrives, he will strip you of your powers."

"Otosan, you can't do this to me, I'm your daughter."

"No you are not, and I'm very glad. Take her away." Hinata stared at her father as she was being dragged out. Deep in her heart, she wished it wasn't true and that he just said that to make her angry but the cold look he had in his eyes told her otherwise.


Hinata sat on the floor in her room, staring at the floor. She felt a wave of emotions wash through her. Heartbreak, pain, sadness...and then anger.

She felt angry, so angry that she thought she would murder him. Suddenly it all made sense, all the special treatment Kiyomi was getting. All the things she had to give up, it was all because he wanted to please his daughter.

His real daughter.

She heard someone enter her room but she didn't bother to check who it was. She could tell it was Kiyomi by her scent.

"I heard what happened Hinata, how are you?" Hinata ignored her sister's question. Was she also aware that they weren't real siblings?. "Chīsana ryū, are you alright?" Hinata remained quiet, annoying her sister a bit. "Fine then, don't say anything." She started to leave when she spoke.

"Were you also aware that he wasn't my real father?"

"What?, I..oh Hinata, I had no idea." She went to her sister and knelt by her side. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay. Kiyomi, he...he said he isn't my father. All my life, I've always looked up to him and I...I..."

"Oh Hinata it's okay." She pulled her sister close and embraced her. "It's going to be okay, I promise. I'm sorry Hinata, I should never have said anything to him." Hinata closed her eyes and inhaled the familiar scent of her sister.

Kiyomi had always reminded her of their mother and as much as she hated to admit it, she was all she had left as a mother.

"We were supposed to be best friends Hinata, it's a pity things have to end this way."

"What do you m--" a piercing pain shot through her back, cutting her words short. She stared from her sister's face to the bloody knife in her hand. "How could you?"

"Sorry sister, no hard feelings. I just can't allow you to live, you're too much of a threat to my life." Hinata fell to the ground and watched in disbelief as her sister stared with an icy look in her eyes. "Goodbye... Sister."


Hinata gasped as she opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around, hoping for an explanation. "Nakamura?" She saw him standing by the window.

"Hey õjo. Glad to see you're okay." He went to sit at the edge of her bed. "You had me worried there for a while."

"How...how did you get here?"

"That's not important right now. How are you feeling?"

"Fine...I think. Wait, how did you get here? I know my father didn't let you in here and I am quite sure you didn't climb all the way up here."

"What if I did?"

"That's impossible." Her room was so high up that you couldn't clearly see the people walking from her window. "How did you get here?"

"I'll tell you later, but first, what happened?"

Remembering what had happened, tears filled Hinata's eyes. Two terrible things had happened to her in just a day. "I'm really glad you're here Nakamura." She threw her arms around him and buried her face in his chest.

"Long day huh?"

"You have no idea. Nakamura, I want to run away."

"Away? Why?"

"Don't ask."

"Okay. Where would you go?"

"I don't know. I just don't think I can stay here any longer, I'm not wanted and my life might be in danger."

"I want to show you something." He said simply and he got up and stretched out a hand. She took it and he pulled her up.

She watched with curiosity as he stretched out his limbs like he was getting ready for a fight. "Don't scream." She didn't understand his warning but she just nodded. He closed his eyes and put his fists together and within a second, he was transformed into the most majestic dragon she had ever seen.

The only dragon she had ever seen.

She was scared but also happy, she moved cautiously towards him. "This...this is amazing." She held out a hand and he moved closer so her hand touched him. "Wow..." She was dazzled by the beauty of his red scales and white hair.

He turned back after a while and she just stared at him. "I'm guessing you were stunned."

"Of course. Why didn't you tell me when we first met?"

"Well, we were sort of busy, don't you think?" He  smiled and Hinata blushed, remembering the passionate kiss they shared. "Will you tell me what happened now?"

Hinata from and sat back on her bed. "Why are you so interested in my pathetic story?"

"I'm interested because I care." He sat by side and held her hands. "Talk to me."

She narrated her life to him, not leaving out a single detail. Every once in a while, she would chance a look at him and see that he was staring at her carefully, like he was processing every word that came out of her mouth. After she was done, he pulled her into his arms, kissed her forehead  and assured her that she would never be alone again.