
The Emperor's Daily Nitpicking by Mu Su Li 木苏里

Many years ago, a young man named Kevin was entrusted with the task of looking after the young master (turned out to be the heir to the throne) during spring break. Kevin had barely entered the reserve army, and he was not looking forward to spending his vacation babysitting a spoiled child. However, Kevin soon found that he had underestimated the boy. The young master (aka the prince) was arrogant and demanding. Kevin retaliated and made the young master’s life a living hell. Kevin was constantly inquired of the boy’s beck and call, and he was often subjected to the Kevin’s antics. Many years later, Kevin, the Commander of the Bronze Army who ‘just came back to life,’ returned to the royal city, and the person in charge of power had already changed. His close friend gloated: “Silly; I heard that you had beaten His Majesty several times when he was still seven-or-eight years old.” Kevin unconcernedly said: “The old account had passed so many years ago. He must have forgotten already.” Oswald: “The person you all thought highly of was a shadow-like childhood existence to me.” Kevin choked on a mouthful of red wine in his throat. Oswald propped up his chin, absent-mindedly said: “But now, the power I held was already above his. How should I retaliate then…?” Kevin: “…” Q: Long time ago, I had beaten up a brat. The brat became the top boss now. How long could I still live? A: After a good meal, you could go on your way.

CeritanyaNyai · Fantasy
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191 Chs

Chapter 55.1

Kevin, a wicked man, was not good at speaking nicely, such as comforting others.

In his long life, he had rarely comforted anyone. When someone was in a bad mood, he would usually lash out at them, even if they were not crying.

As a result, he had learned to avoid such situations by staying silent and pretending to be dead.

But this time, Kevin saw Oswald haunted by nightmares. Oswald did not even seem to wake up completely after opening his eyes. For the first time, Kevin felt the urge to say something. He did not want to see Oswald like this.

The uncomfortable feeling had rarely invaded him in the long years of his past. Upon careful inspection, it was likely due to his naturally indifferent disposition.

There were very few people who could evoke sadness in him, perhaps only Thenis. Those who had lived with him for tens of millions of years, such as Feisa, had long since passed away.

However, the feeling he experienced now was not the same.

If he had to define it, when he patted Oswald and listened to his heavy breathing, like a trapped animal that did not know what to do, the feeling that came to him was probably what ordinary people called distress.

He wanted to say something, so that Oswald could relax a bit, and he could also get rid of his inexplicable feeling.

Kevin, who was always quick with a quip, but dreaded long-winded and troublesome conversations, for the first time carefully crafted a message in his mind, intending to offer Oswald some comfort without losing his trademark wit.

He had never imagined that Oswald's most frightening, worrying, and painful thing would be something so simple.

He hoped to lighten the mood.

Kevin had lived long enough, whether as a god or an ordinary person. He had experienced too much and seen too many people. From either perspective, it was enough. Life was not precious to him, but it was not something that required persistence.

He himself did not consider his own death to be an important matter, and he rarely even thought about it. However, the person in front of him seemed to be in extreme pain because he had dreamed of his death.

At that moment, Kevin felt very complicated.

On the one hand, the feeling of distress had not completely disappeared, but it was now mixed with emotion and surprise. On the other hand...

At this moment, Kevin finally understood Oswald's inexplicable and ambiguous behavior. After living for so many years and seeing so many people and things, he knew what it meant, no matter how indifferent he was naturally.

He suddenly fell silent, his hand that was patting Oswald's back hanging awkwardly in mid-air. He did not know whether to continue to pat him or retract his hand.

It was not that he had never met people who showed affection to him before. In fact, there were quite a few. From reserved and shy, to enthusiastic and unrestrained, to stalking, there were all types, from gods to ordinary people.

Almost never peaceful.

But this was the first time that someone had shown affection to him in such a way. He did not know how to react. He felt a mixture of emotions, including confusion, surprise, and even a hint of pleasure.

He finally decided to retract his hand. He did not want to give Oswald the wrong idea. But he also did not want to hurt Oswald's feelings.

He looked at Oswald, who was still looking at him with those big, innocent eyes. He sighed and said, "Oswald, I... I'm not sure what to say."

Kevin had never understood why people were so drawn to him. He was not particularly gentle or approachable, and he often had a blunt and even rude way of speaking.

His Highness the God of Light was not one to mince words, and he had never been known for his tact. If someone made a pass at him, he would simply push them away.

He knew that being too tactful could lead to endless troubles, and he was most afraid of being sticky and clingy.

In the past, Kevin would have beaten Oswald with a backhand if he had tried to lick his neck. But now, things were different.

Kevin had never felt this way about anyone before. He was drawn to Oswald in a way that he could not explain.

The feeling of being cared for by someone who worries about your life and death even more than himself is not something that can be easily dismissed.

Kevin was still reeling from his own heartbreak, but Oswald's weight continued to press down on him.

The wolf's huge head squeezed between Kevin's neck, and his massive claws hugged Kevin tightly, as if he were protecting his prey. Kevin could feel his bones creaking under the pressure, and he was afraid that he would be crushed to death.

"I dreamed that you were dead," Oswald said in a hoarse voice. "But I couldn't do anything."

The young emperor's voice was filled with sadness, and Kevin could not help but feel a pang of sympathy. He sighed silently and hung his hand in the air for a long time.

He knew how Oswald felt. He had lost too many people in his life, and he understood the pain of losing someone you know.

Oswald's grip loosened slightly, and Kevin could breathe a little easier. He reached up and stroked Sirius' fur.

If Oswald were in his human form, this posture would be very convenient for a loose hug.

The young emperor remained silent for a long time, until his breathing gradually calmed down. Then, he opened his mouth slowly.

"So... do you understand what I mean?"

Oswald waited for a while, and then said solemnly, "I don't know when it started. Even before that, I thought it was good to be bored, so as not to be laughed at by you. But, I seem to be more fond of you in my own mind... So, is it possible for me to get a response?"