

THE EMPEROR'S BRIDE (Volume One) CASSIOPEIA & GIDEON .............. 'Must you always think the worse of me?' he asked her taking a fist full of her hair, caressing it. She watched his hands move over her hair. 'You are a villain,' she stated in a matter of fact way. 'And villains do not do good things. You will only know that if you are educated.' That was obviously an insult. She had just implied that he was not learned. 'Well well, you are quite certain that I am a villain?' he asked her. She nodded certes sure. ................ _ She knew nothing, except that she wanted out, away from him, the beast. She knew not what she wanted, especially with a damaged head and fragmented memories. But, she just knew that she wanted nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the monster that left her in perplexity... _ He wasn't what she thought he was. He was what she would never dream to think. He was a part of her and she was a part of him. He would never let her go. She must be there, with him, under his spell, wrapped around his thumb lest everything would go wrong. And if it did, he was the only person who could try, mean try to put it back in place for with her, nothing wrong could ever be right. _ If you really love domineering, powerful and absolutely sexy demons as male leads _and_ _ Hot headed, aggressive, intelligent and yet beautiful trybrid female leads _those_ _ Who leave you to think and think over absolutely nothing which means something yet everything _then_ You are at the right book. _ You will love it, absolutely love it, I promise you that... Peace out! @OmaPhinaPhire

OmaPhinaPhire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs









It was way way past noon when she opened her eyes. Her eyelids drooped, sleep heavy. It took a moment for her to rouse from the subconscious to conscious. She turned on her back -as she had rolled to the side while sleeping- and yawned softly. Her eyes lazily glanced around her quite unfamiliar surroundings. She sat up with a start upon realizing that she was not where she was supposed to be. She was where she was not supposed to be. She was in her captor's room. Her eyes fell onto his huge wooden writing table which was now properly arranged with nothing out of place and memories of her escape and the punishment he had meted out to her flooded her sleep thick skull.

She remembered falling asleep in his arms, too tired to do other wise. She adjusted her self on the bed and winced in pain. Her buttocks still felt sore from his spanks. She yawned again, stretching, throwing the bed cover off her body. She noticed it then, her state of undress. She gasped softly. How the hell?! He had undressed her when she fell asleep. She groaned and groused. That pervert! She gritted her teeth in anger. She cursed him mentally and was still doing so when the door to the bedroom opened and he walked right into the room. Her eyes fell on him, guilt making her startled to see him. Speak of the devil! He stood at the entrance, staring at her. When she stared back brazenly, his lips twitched in what she suspected was pure amusement.

'What?' He asked raising a brow classically at her. She wanted to ignore him. But when his eyes drifted down her body to her chest, she looked down at her sheer breast covering. She yanked the bed cover upwards to veil her body.

'Pervert!' She snapped at him. His chuckle infuriated her like always.

'You are awake,' he stated then, nonchalantly as he walked towards her, ignoring her outburst. She sneered. He shook his head slightly as he reached her. She stared up at him, suspicious.

'What are you doing?' She demanded staring at him.

'You are in my bed,' was his reply. She cursed out loud. He smirked at her actions, still amused.

'And so?' She snapped just as she noticed something in his hands. He set it on the bed side table.

'Turn over,' he commanded her. She drew back quickly, taking the covers with her.

'Why should I?' He said nothing as he focused on opening whatever he had set earlier on the bedside table. The moment the lid was off, she smelt it. Its minty scent wafted into her nostrils and she realized then that it was a balm, a poultice to ease pain. 'What do you want to do with that?' She asked as if she did not know what he intended to use it for. Once again, he was quiet at her question. He sat on the bed then and in one swift unnoticed move, drew the covers away from her body. She gasped, too surprised to react for he drew her to him and then carried her instantly. He turned her over then bared her buttocks. Then, she was face down afore him, butt naked.

'You...you!' She gasped out, the rest of the words getting stuck in her throat. She didn't want to turn around and humiliate herself the more. Then, his palm descended on her buttocks. It was not a spank -mind you. She gasped. 'You-' Her upcoming curses were still as he gently massaged the poultice into the flesh of her derriere. He gently rubbed it into the skin, softly kneading it.

'You've got something to say?' He teased when she couldn't go on with her statement, lying still. The instant he stopped, she turned over quickly to gaze at him. He flung the covers over her without looking at her. She held it tightly. He cocked a taunting brow at her and smirked. The intensity of his expression suddenly reminded her of last night's kiss, instantly meddling with her brain, distracting her. She opened her mouth to speak. She attempted a series of embarrassing stammer, shut her mouth and looked away. 'I guess there is nothing,' he stated with an exaggerated shrug. She turned to him. Her angry gaze nearly burned him to fine ashes. He lifted another brow at her and went on to close the poultice, focusing on it. She sulked as he did so, choosing to lie down, cradling his soft pillow that smelt like him a lot, that wonderful scent, a fine mixture of coconut and lemon. Then, suddenly she stopped playing with the pillow. Why did it smell like him? She was the one who had slept on it. Why did it still carry his scent? Could it be that he had? Oh no! He could not have done so, dared not. She sat up, holding the covers to keep it from falling away. Fuck! She hadn't known. He must have slept beside her at some point in the night.

'Where did you sleep?' She blurted out accusingly before her courage would be snatched away by his cold eyes and hard expression.

'Where else would I sleep Mine except on my bed?' was his only answer. Fury washed over her but she did not push it, leaving it at that. She asked him no more questions. He must have indeed slept with her, on his bed. She swallowed and nearly choked on her own saliva. What the fuck could he have done to her? He had kissed her to sleep -that she remembered and she had also woken up barely clothed in his bed, semi nude. And, he had slept with her on the same bed? Oh, could this be any worse?

'Rogue,' she cussed out. 'Unashamed rascal! Dastard bastard!' She finished under her breath.

'You are not perchance speaking to me, are you?'

'I might have said and if I am, but I am not in the mood,' she snorted. 'I am really tired right now.

'Have I offended you Mine? What offence have I committed this time?'

'Beast,' she continued. 'Dem-' The covers instantly left her body and his straying hands put a stop to her words, shutting her mouth effectively. 'Oh!' She moaned out -a suppressed sound of pleasure that countered her words, betraying her. He caressed her slowly, going downwards, in between her legs. Heat spread through her body in half of a split second. Her breath quickens in an instant. 'What are you doing?' She asked drawing away from him, skedaddling away like a frightened cat. She sat up, looking at him, breathing hard, afraid of the unknown.

'Are you referring to me?' He asked leaning forward.

'Yes, you, what...what are you doing?' she stammered, trembling.

'I think you are indeed referring to me,' he said in a teasing goading voice. 'I,' he leaned forward, 'Am.' He came closer. She moved back each time he came forward. 'Doing,' he leaned in again. He leaned in again. She leaned back, to be away from him, fighting the magnetizing power his nearness was arousing, suppressing the urge to hold unto him, touch him, feel him. 'Nothing,' he said leaning dangerously into her. It startled her, unbalancing her. Her back touched the pillows beneath her. He smirked triumphantly. He'd succeeded in unnerving her once again. An achievement he didn't wish to honour with pomp and ululation. He stood upright. 'That should be able to keep your pain at bay,' he said turning away from her to pick up the jar of poultice. She watched him, a question on her lips.

'Whyd' you do it yourself?' She asked. He didn't answer. He walked up to one of the many shelves in the room and set it beside a similar container. She snorted, staying under the covers, tightening her grip on the sheets around her. He began doing something with his hands. She stared at his back as his shirt loosened gradually. Her eyes widened in trepidation. He had been unbuttoning his shirt. When he finally turned around, all the buttons of his shirt were undone. He slid out of the white shirt without batting an eye, baring his tempting hard masculine chest. Ohh! That familiar warmth began to rush inside of her. She swallowed slightly at the sight of his naked chest, unable to look away from such temptation, ensnared. She let her greedy gaze travel over it, feasting her eyes on his eight stone abs. She suppressed the urge to reach out and touch it, run her fingers over every inch of it. She grew aroused, heat melting her, seeping somewhere. He looked at her then, catching her admiring look. She looked away, embarrassed at being caught, then looked back to him nonetheless. What was he planning on doing? 'You are?' She asked the incomplete question with spite despite the desire that was threatening to choke her.

'I'ld like to have my bed back,' he told her, coming to her, shirt in hand. 'It's time for me to take a nap.'

'Nap?' She asked him disbelievingly. 'But...but it's too early for that!' She protested. He chuckled.

'Mine, just because you woke up some moments ago doesn't make it early. It is about an hour and a half past noon,' he informed her.

'Oh!' She was surprised that she had slept that long. He could have just woken her.

'It's quiet understandable anyways,' he said to her. She stared at him, puzzled.

'It is?'

'Yes, considering all the energy you expended planning and executing your fifth grand escape plan.' His voice was mocking. She grew angry.


'I like it when you're in a fit,' he admitted. His tone was lazy, amused.

'Beast,' she spat again, angry at his goading. The bastard! He suddenly leapt forward and caught her by the shoulders.

'I like it more when you can't speak,' He said. Not wanting to give her time to be surprised, he kissed her, taking her lips in his. She was too dazed to act. Her eyes widened in surprise. He took advantage of her surprise, deepening the kiss. He tasted every inch of her lips before he released her. She could only keep staring at him. He smirked, the only sign that he was amused. 'I like you better in this dazed state.'

'Perverted Bastard!' She cursed angrily when she was finally able to speak. He moved closer.

'Shall I show you then how perverted I am Mine?' He teased. He was having fun at her expense and it enraged her. She flew out of his bed, forgetting her semi nudity.

'Beast,' she snapped at him, annoyed.

'You keep calling me that. I like the endearment, Beast and Mine.'

'You are sick!' she told him, turning towards the door. He smiled.

'Yes, and you are half naked mine, almost practically nude,' he mused, his eyes scanning her body. She winced, realizing that then. How could she be so stupid to have forgotten that she had on only her breast slip? How embarrassing! She didn't know how to hide away from his gaze. As if! She eyed the covers which were far away from her reach. He chuckled as he stood. He strode to her slowly, his eyes fixed on her face.

'Don't touch me!' She warned hugging herself protectively, backing away from his touch.

'I do not have the time to struggle with you Mine.' He said, drawing her to him with his right hand on her left elbow. 'I am going to do nothing to you,' he informed her. She stared at him. He reached behind her and loosened her breast slip. She gasped only but didn't draw back. He had said he would do nothing to her, hadn't he? She watched as he let the sheer material drop to the floor. Then, he held the shirt out to her. She raised a brow at him. He shook his head, amused and placed the shirt on her body in a way that it veiled her nakedness. 'Put that on.' He began to turn away then stopped halfway. 'And another thing, you are not leaving this room. You shall remain here either by will or by force. It is not your place to like the idea,' he stated.

'Are you confining me?' She asked, shocked. He had never confined her in his manor before. He had let her be free and roam around as much as she liked. 'You don't mean that,' she snapped, disbelief evident in her  voice.

'If it is for your safety Mine, I do not think it is called that, confine.

'What is this imprisonment called then?' She asked.

'It is called protection,' he told her. She stared at him in anger. He was mad. He walked back to bed and slid into it. She might have fun then, but she knew he would catch her and make everything harder for her. She was not prepared for such.

A knock came on the huge mahogany door then, startling her for she was extremely close to it. They both turned towards it. She didn't move.

'Who may you be?' The Emperor asked in that his authoritative voice that always made her feel so small.

'It is I my lord.' She recognized his butler's voice, Peter.

'You are allowed,' he permitted the man. Her eyes widened in surprise. Did he just grant permission to the man to come in to the his bedroom when she was nude? She hurried into the shirt, doing the buttons quickly like Flash season infinity.

'The meal is ready my Lord. Shall it be served now?' He asked his master.

'Yes, let it be served now. Thank you Peter.'

'Shall you need anything else my Lord?' Peter asked still on the other side of the door. This method of conversing was weird but kind of funny to her.

'No I shall not.'

'Then, I shall take my leave while Hyeera serves you my Lord.' The door opened and Hyeera -with three maids- came into the bedroom, bearing trays of food. They curtsied to the Emperor who nodded at them in acknowledgment. They did same for her and she smiled sheepishly at them. They arranged the food on the eating table on the far opposite side of the bed. Her stomach rumbled at the sweet smell of food. She was hungry no doubt. They curtsied again before taking their leave, closing the door tightly behind them. She stared at the food, then at him. He lay in bed returning the stare.

'It is all yours,' he informed her. She rushed to the table and sat down, helping herself to various dishes at once. She moaned in delight at how good they tasted. There was silence as she ate and she thought he was asleep. She helped herself to asuch food as she could.

'I don't let them because I can't bear to see them touching you. I'll cut off every hand that touches you, even if it belongs to your gender. You belong to me. You're Mine. I share you with no one.' His voice has startled her and his words nearly made her choke on all the food she had gorged down earlier. It was the answer to the question she had asked him since. He had chosen to answer it now.

'Why?' She asked looking at him, watching him. His eyes were closed as if in sleep, but she was not deceived. She knew better.

'You're Mine,' was his only reply.





