
The Empathic Healer

LitRPG mechanics combined with a "can do" attitude might just make the apocalypses go down a little smoother. A normal man with a rare genetic disorder which causes him to feel no physical pain gains a very rare healing class that specializes in transferring actual wounds to his own body. It seems very niche, but wait, he can convert the wounds to extreme physical pain?

Thecount · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Strange Happenings.

I was sleeping on the couch when the first rays of light burst through the curtains. New York City typically didn't respect classical beauty, so it was no wonder a lot of people moved out and commuted back daily.

I stood up and nearly fell with the morning dizziness, but I made it. Then I did my body check. All good.

"T, you up?" I heard Jim yelling from the kitchen.

"Unfortunately." I smiled and put on my spare shirt.

"Good, I made some breakfast. I was thinking about going to work to see what's-what, you coming?"

He walked in and Sheppard followed.

I nodded, "Sheppard, hold down the fort for us."

The big baby just laid down on the floor.

I grabbed the omelet to-go as he got prepared and then we bolted to the car.

"When did you figure out we didn't have internet?" I asked.

Jim shrugged, "Well, I woke up and looked at Twitter, but we were missing a signal."

I nodded and frowned, "It really could be the end of days. I mean. Internet and Phone lines are super susceptible to cars. Just imagine what freaking reality breaking could do."

We hadn't seen any new updates. The TV hadn't worked either, which meant it was the cable line or tower it was coming from.

The car was fine so it wasn't an EMP. We might be able to make it back into the city before a bunch of craziness.

I sit corrected.

People were lining the roads, everyone had either been awake or woken up from their "restful" slumber. Most of them seemed like regular people, but as we crossed into the city, my phone in my pocket began to sound, "This is a Wireless Emergency Alert, please remain calm and exit your housing."

The message repeated on loop.

I sat the phone down on the dash, "Why would they want us to leave our homes? That is the opposite of what you want civilians to do during a crisis.."

Jim was trying to rationalize the situation, but I was lost among the people. The aliens needed to come quickly because the older generations aren't going to last long when it hits noon.

I checked Twitter, "It seems like there is a wave of this, every government has issued warnings."

I checked the time of posting.

"Woah, Twitter has confirmed that multiple accounts were just seized."

Jim nodded, "The aliens are probably using the existing powers that be."

We were only a few minutes away, both of us were just thinking. I was thinking about all of the stuff I'd never get to do in NYC. I could see a bunch of the city getting cut up and new land threaded in between places.

It depended on how it would stabilize.


"Dude, just park on the corner." I was getting frustrated, "NO, Chief will get mad at me if I do that. We have to go to the spare motor pool, it is only like a mile..or two away."

I sighed, "Whatever, let's just hurry up."

The whole city was mingling in a strange way.

It was the second most alien thing I had ever seen.

We finally got to a spot and I jumped out, an almost 30 minute ride, piece of cake.

"Where we headed?" I pointed down the street and Jim just shook his head, "Come on."

I was following behind when some kids noticed Jim's uniform, "Hey Officer, are we okay?"

He just smiled and nodded stoically.

They giggled and ran off to play.

"Man, how do you do that? I wave to kids and they get scared.."

He let out a real laugh, "Hahaha, it's a uniform thing."

I smirked, "I wear one too. Not sure that is it."

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter, let's move."

He took off into a light run, "WAIT! YOU CAN'T JUST!" I muttered, "Damnit!" as I gave chase.

He made it look easy, "I skipped my morning jog, but it might be nice to warm up a little. Ya' know, in case I need to fight some aliens!"

We ran past idle New Yorkers and made our way to the precinct.

"Haaa-haaaa-haaa-haaa, dick."

I was nearly down for the count.

I checked my feet for injuries or broken toes. All clear.

He watched me, "You good?"

I nodded and then we walked up the stairs.

The building was PACKED, "Sergeant Jefferies!" I heard someone call out, "GET OVER HERE!"

He walked quickly through the crowd and into a small office, "Yes, Sir?"

The chubby older man picked up a file, "You were a responding officer on the Eric Goldstein Event?"

"Yes Sir, I responded to the call with my rookie, Mike Leonardo. I haven't written a report, we were told to go home."

I could barely hear them through the glass as they recounted the story. Most of it was standard stuff, but the Lieutenant or Chief guy was writing down the encounter.

His typing was faster than you would expect from an old fart, it seemed like it was incredibly important to him.

I looked around the room, it was oddly low in volume, but it had that healthy tinge of fear I expected.

An officer approached, "Can I help you?"

He nearly bumped into me, "Uh, I am here with my friend. We were together at a scene yesterday and we witnessed..alien shit."

He looked fearful, "Cool." his tough guy persona dropped, "What did you see?"

I looked around, "HIPAA violation."

He nudged me, "Come on…we have all heard stories about the 103rd. What did you see?"

I pointed to the office, "Ask your Chief."

He sighed, "That is Lieutenant Johnson, he isn't anywhere close to being a ch-nevermind."

I didn't mean to hardball him, but I can't give out information to gossip. I am a professional and he should be too.

Officers came and went as calls were made. I guess minor operations were resuming? I had no idea what was going on. That was until I saw her.


She was exactly like my 5th grade math teacher.

'Holy shit.'

The way she sauntered towards me, it was remarkable. I tried to look around and see if anyone noticed her, but she just kept my eyes glued on her.

It was so strange.

It was like she was the one.

A knife appeared in her hand and she mumbled something like, "Brak'nien Esklengaurd." Then it plunged into my stomach, but she was so hot.

Her perfect lips.

Red plumpy goodness. Her light coco skin that made you want to e-

Another stab went in.

I smiled, "You can stab me all you want if it makes you feel good. I don't feel it."

I immediately regretted that as my goddess frowned. I had disappointed her and that was unacceptable.

She leaned forward and was going to give me a kiss on the neck as I protested, "I deserve a punishment, not a reward. Please."

She put a lot of pressure on my neck, but the warmth was amazing.

I could feel it running down my legs from my love bites.

My vision was going dark. It was a bliss that was to die for.


Blood, bone, and brain washed over me.

"MY GODDESS! NO-what?" I felt the attraction to her fade in a few heartbeats.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I looked down at the warmth running down my legs and chest, "JIIIIIM!!" I screamed but he was already there, "I'm here buddy, I got ya', we are going to fix you."

He placed a first aid kit down.

I was going through what just happened, "DID I JUST GET STABBED BY MISS. FUCKING. CRABTREE?"

He shook his head, "No? It was clearly Beyoncé."

He was ripping open ABD's for my wounds, "Here, let me help."

Jim looked confused and then remembered who he was dealing with, "Sure."

He tossed me one and I ripped it open in a second, "I need tape, a lot of it. And any sterile Normal Saline you have.

Hopefully it was a standard stitch and ditch.

Officers were watching in a daze as I placed ABD's on my wounds and pushed as hard as possible to keep the blood from leaving.

I looked to them, "A little help?"