
The Empathic Healer

LitRPG mechanics combined with a "can do" attitude might just make the apocalypses go down a little smoother. A normal man with a rare genetic disorder which causes him to feel no physical pain gains a very rare healing class that specializes in transferring actual wounds to his own body. It seems very niche, but wait, he can convert the wounds to extreme physical pain?

Thecount · Fantasy
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8 Chs

And Awe.

I watched the look of confusion wash over the Priest and the Knight. It was clearly rumbling with their brains, but saw it as a win. Sacrificial healing and wound transference has always been in my top 10 super powers. If I could get huge bonuses for pain conversion, I was thinking I might be able to game the system.

But there's probably something to stop someone like me, right? I mean. I might not feel it, but the pain is technically still happening. And I always was a bit of a rule-lawyer.

I was thinking about how to milk it a little bit more when the Priest finally spoke, "I believe you qualify. I do not wish to persuade you away from a decision you have your mind set on."

He seemed stiff so I asked, "What do you honestly think about the theory, you probably know better than me. I am asking you both for advice here."

The Priest had sweat form on his brow and didn't appear to want to answer.

The Knight knelt to the floor, "Sir, when you become a Nobleman, would you please consider me for employment. I will work for free. I have a sick dau-" he was interrupted by a harsh slap from the Priest.

"Know. Your. Place." The Priest clearly held nothing back as he deformed the now open helmet that the Knight was wearing.

I smiled, "You don't need to work for me. I'll heal her if I can."

I did a thumbs up and the man returned to his statue-like state.

The Priest was fidgety and rubbed his hands constantly.

I just waited for him.

"It is not impossible. But you will have to ensure the pain is purely Physical. So, you will need to raise the pain conversion to maximum before Ascending your Class." He palmed his head, "Your Spatial affinity is high. You mark well in Life, Death, and Blood Archetypes. You are clearly a Healer. Everything points to it. You will require guidance and extreme training, BUT I will accept this as your chosen path."

He waved his hands and pulled out a small green, Tide Pod?

"Consume this Divine Blood and be welcomed to the Empire, Acolyte Todd Kelly."

I placed it in my mouth and expected an acrid burnt flavor, but it was strangely close to an Apple Jolly Rancher.

I saw the message appear, [DO YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THE LONELY GOD?]

I nodded, "Sure."


[Would you like to become a Priest of Anguish?]


"Yes." I felt 'something' watch me for a brief moment, then it proceeded.

[Please open your Status Page for more information.]

I willed it to be, it was like a new limb was grafted to my head.

[Todd Kelly

Total Level: 1

[Priest of Anguish-Level 1]

(Subclass Locked)

CON: 10

VIT: 10

END: 10

DEX: 11

AGI: 10

STR: 9

INT: 11

WIS: 12

PER: 10

Health: 200/200 (+1 Scaling to Vitality)

Stamina: 100/100

MP: 120/120

Health Regen: 10/Minute (x10 Rate of Regeneration)

Stamina Regen: 1/Minute

MP Regen: 12/Minute]

I felt woozy for a second before I asked, "Is it normal to receive a bonus to Vitality scaling and Health Regen?"

The Priest nodded, "Class differences are often created out of choice of specialization. But, here. I believe you should choose the [Controlled Anguish] passive and the standard [Basic Wound Transfer]."

I nodded and waited for the popups.

[Would you like to select your first Active ability?]

I nodded, [Excellent. These are "Spells" or "Actions" that you can select to be automatically introduced into your cerebral tissue. It is recommended to not rely on the artificial synaptic pathway, but instead, to create your own.]

[Please select a Passive: [Life Bank], [Wound Delay], [Dulled Perception], [Bloodless One], [Bearer of Anguish, and [Controlled Anguish].

I was reading the names and wondering what they would do, [Life Bank- A Spatial Pocket of Biological Tissue Identical of your own. Wounds may be transferred there, where they will impact a secondary Health Bank that is composed of Mana.]

[Wound Delay- Creates a Temporal Rift in the instance of Wound Transfer activation. The Wound will be delayed in application to your body. But. It WILL come.]

[Dulled Perception- Decreases all Perception of pain felt and all healing done by equal amounts.

[Bloodless One- Allows you to continue fighting at 0 HP. Bleeding Damage from Wounds Transferred will be ignored.]

[Bearer of Anguish- The Anguish stirs you to action. You gain a lust for Battle and the Anguish associated with it. Increases your ability to handle the Anguish.]

[Controlled Anguish- You dislike the pain. Yet. You endure. Gain minor control in the Pain delivery method.]

I blinked.

It said "FELT" but did that apply to me? Maybe I shouldn't take it, EVER.

I nodded, and thought 'Controlled Anguish, please.'

[Please select an Active ability: [Basic Wound Transfer], [Soothe], [Pain Transfer], and [Basic Aliment Transfer].

[Basic Wound Transfer- Select a Wound to be Transferred to the caster. (2 x INT score maximum HP return, 8 Second Cooldown. 5 Mana or Health Cost)]

[Soothe- Apply a Health Regeneration Buff on the target that lasts until it can no longer be maintained. (.5 x VIT score added to Health Regeneration Per Minute, 16 Second Cooldown. Cost: Pain.)

[Pain Transfer- Taking pain from the suffering or dying is an Honor. (2 Second Cooldown, 20 Mana.)]

[Basic Aliment Transfer- Transfer any Physical Ailment into your body. (8 Second Cooldown, 10 Mana.)]

"Yeah, Basic Wound Transfer seems like the play here."

I selected it with a nod.

I felt a "Spell Matrix" form within my occipital lobe, allowing casting at 15 Meters from where I could see?

I felt like I needed to sit down but the Priest said, "Knight Brackerton, inflict a minor injury."

He nodded and removed his gauntlet before slicing the outside of his left hand, "Now heal that."

The Priest had fear in his eyes.

I felt the instinctive pull towards the pain, it was like a smell that wafted into my nose.

I just KNEW where to look, even with my eyes closed.

"Here we go."

I began the Spell Matrix with a gesture of my hands, but it wasn't necessary, it just felt right.

"EGO TE ABSOLVO!" I finished the Matrix and instantly felt the change in my hand, a cut appeared, along with an ominous feeling. It was like I was being watched 10,000 Miles under the Ocean by a massive creature.

No air.

No escape.

Just death.

And then it washed away.

The Priest was standing there and watching me as I breathed heavily, "Wasn't so bad. A little bit like a panic attack, really."

The Knight was staring at his bare skin, the pink flesh that took the place of the wound, it was incredible.

"Excellent. Allow me to assist you further."

The Priest waved, "I am permitted to send you anywhere based on your classification, but where might you like?"

I shrugged then remembered, "Can you send me to my friend, Jim Jeffereies? He is 6 foot 2, about 220 pounds of "Chocolate Goodness" as he likes to say. Born March 3, 1988. He lives in-" I saw a smile, "I have located him. He resides in New York City, Queens."

I smiled, "That is where we were at. There please."

He frowned, "Do you have no family you would like to reunite with?"

I shook my head, "They have been gone for a long time. Jim and my girlfriend were all I had, but that ship has sailed."

He nodded and sighed, "Enviable position."

I looked at him with a scowl. he must have noticed my mood as he continued, "I meant no offense. It is just…family can be turned against men like us."

I frowned, "Men like us?"

He nodded, "Members of the Church are considered to be notoriously difficult targets. Best advice. Have no children until you are Archbishop."

It made sense, political games involving children were a major pastime of human history.

I thought of something, "Wait, are there monsters? Like, HOW fantasy is the world we are talking about?"

Probably should have asked earlier, but it felt obvious with the [Combatant] option..and I didn't want to seem stupid. Definitely didn't forget.

He nodded, "There is the Unending Horde of Beasts, Monsters, and all manner of ill creatures awaiting the inhabitants of the Colony. But worry not, for you will be heavily protected." He saw the confusion, "True Healing is rare, as you will figure out. Now, you must be going before I influence you too much."

He shooed me away with a huge smile and shoved a bag in my hands before the world went white.