
The Eminence in Shadow - Extra Mob Mc

A young man, chased by a white-robed yokai shouting, "Magic... magic..." was run over by a truck and died while escaping to a safe place. Upon being reincarnated into a different world and starting his second life, he found himself turned into the "right arm" of a mentally unstable man.

takumi_9800 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Not Baseball, but Massacre

Three years have passed since the organization called "Shadow Garden" was formed without asking for my opinion. Myself, Cid, and Alpha, the first members, have turned thirteen.

With physical growth, my strength and sword skills have improved significantly. I thought it was only my magical abilities, but apparently, I also have talent in swordsmanship. Still, I can't beat the Boke-nasu-sama, who claims to have trained since a past life.

Well, not just sword skills, I'm being manipulated in various ways. I'm called a right-hand man and entrusted with the position of No. 2 in the organization.

...Or maybe I'm just a playmate.

"takumi! Let's go kill some thieves!"

God, please drop a meteor on this idiot.

As I was about to go to sleep, Cid came into the room from the window and said this line with a very satisfied smile. I seriously want to punch him.

(Not baseball, but slaughter.)

This Nakajima in this world invites me to slaughter, not baseball. All the increased sighs are because of him. One day, I'll definitely beat him up. That's my current dream.

"My sister was kidnapped, you know? I was thinking of going to help."

Cid's sister, Claire Kageno. Unlike Cid, who pretends to be a failure, she is the eldest daughter of the Kageno family, just like me, and has high expectations for her future. She's a conventional beauty with long black hair, but she has a severe brother complex and glares at me every time I visit Cid's house.

"All of the 'Seven Shadows' are here, so we only need takumi-Light."

At this point, he switched from takumi to takumi-Light. He really values the settings.

And Cid... when Shadow mentioned the 'Seven Shadows,' he was referring to the descendants of the 'Heroes' that Alpha kept bringing to Shadow Garden. Including Alpha, there are a total of seven members. Shadow always wants to give them cool names.

Since all the members, including Alpha, were 'possessed by demons,' they were saved by Shadow. I don't have the ability to control magic power surges, so I just taught them how to fight to the best of my abilities. Still, I think I'm somewhat trusted and liked.

"It's an honor to have the leader come directly. Now, go back."

"Aww, let's go! Since it's about kidnapping my sister, I think they must have some level of strength. It'll be good experience points."

Are you mistaking thieves for metal-type monsters or something? Only a thirteen-year-old like you would say 'experience points' for thieves.

"Alright, let's go!"

Despite reaching out with a smile that suits a boy of his age, he's probably only thinking about showing off his chuunibyou moves against the thieves. If I were a pitiful young lady trapped in a mansion, maybe Shadow would have appeared to be a cool protagonist coming to rescue the heroine.

"...sigh, alright. I'll get ready, so go on ahead."

It's just too bothersome to refuse. In the face of Shadow's high-handedness, I have come to choose resignation over resistance. After all, I've never been able to refuse anything.

"Alright. I'll be waiting, right-hand man."

"Yes, yes, Shadow-sama"

God, please really drop a meteor on us.

Reluctantly, I arrived at the thieves' hideout. Since I came as "Takumi-Light" of "Shadow Garden," I changed into the proper stealth suit. Despite everyone else having gold threads running through their black outfits, mine has silver threads. According to Shadow, it's to make me easily distinguishable. It's really not a special treatment that makes me happy at all.

"Takumi-Light, there are about fifty enemies. The leader is a high-ranking member of the 'Diabolos Cult.'"

"Oh, really?"

I safely reunited with the "Seven Shadows" and received a briefing from Alpha. Wait, did you say "Diabolos Cult"? Aren't they thieves?

"The cult is involved?"

"Yes, they suspect Claire Kageno of being a descendant of the heroes."

I see. So that's why Shadow explained it to me as thieves. It's funny that the person who believes in the setting he came up with the least is himself. It's not funny, though.

"I see. Got it, thanks."

"It's fine. I'm glad I could be of help to you."

She's so damn cute. It's nighttime, so the only source of light is the moon. The golden-haired Elven girl is illuminated by the moonlight. She's nothing short of amazing. To avoid showing a relaxed expression, I put on the mask I was holding in my hand. Of course, Shadow was in charge of the design. It's lame.

"Takumi-light-sama, what about Shadow-sama...?"

As I was contemplating how to infiltrate, I was approached by a girl who came out from behind Alpha.

Her name is "Beta." Like Alpha, she is an Elven girl with silver hair and ample development for her age, although I won't mention where.

"If it's Shadow, he'll go alone. I understand his way of thinking. It would be bad for us to get in the way, so leave him be."

When I sensed for magical power, he had already entered the hideout. He invites people but can't wait himself? I'll definitely punch him later.

Explaining is painful and troublesome, so I casually threw out words that would satisfy the Shadow-worshipping Beta.

"As expected of Shadow-sama...!"

See, this is what happens.

Not just Beta, but the other members have similar expressions and say similar things.

"Your strategizing... is impressive."

Closing her eyes in admiration is yet another Elven girl. The third member of the "Seven Shadows," "Gamma." She has a brain surpassing even Alpha's, but her combat abilities are the weakest. A genius who trips over nothing.

"The boss is the strongest!"

Wagging her tail, "Delta" the wolf beastman. She may be the dimmest of the group, but in close-quarters combat, she's top-notch among the "Seven Shadows." She calls Shadow "boss" and is extremely fond of him.

"It's only natural for the master."

Proudly showing off, yet another Elven girl, "Epsilon." She has a high pride level but adores Shadow just like everyone else. As for me... well, I guess it's okay. I won't mention where, but she's exaggerating.

"Only Takumi-Light can instantly understand the master's intentions."

It was not Shadow but Zeta, the cat beastman, who praised me. Skilled in covert operations, there's no one better when it comes to gathering information. Maybe it's because I'm taking care of her, but she's attached to me. She's cute when I pet her. It reminds me of the cat I had at home.

"...Mhm, mhm."

Nodding with a sleepy expression is Eta, another Elf. It seems Elves with high magical aptitude tend to become "Demon-possessed." She's in charge of technology and research, and Shadow has filled her with various knowledge from his past life. She has such bad sleeping posture that she can walk while still asleep.

"...Hmm, it's all girls, huh?"

There might be some reason behind it, but it's always girls who turn out to be "Demon-possessed." Consequently, except for me and Shadow, all the members are girls. It might be fine for idiots whose sexual desires have dried up, but I'm a perfectly healthy guy. It's bad for my heart because there are many heart-thumping moments.

"...Shall we do this?"

I heard an explosion from the hideout, so Shadow must have started rampaging. In place of the foolish leader, I issued instructions to the "Seven Shadows." I'm still not used to giving orders.

"Delta, charge in from the front however you like."

"I understand!"

I'll let Delta go wild on her own. That's when she can demonstrate her true abilities the most.

"Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, follow Delta."




If these guys here are capable enough, they might come at us with long-range attacks to deal with Delta. It would be great if they can also clean up the guys Delta failed to kill.

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma, come with me."




Now then... I wonder how strong these executives are.


"...Hmph, just a little girl."

In a dimly lit cell, a man looks down on a unconscious girl.

She may appear as a beautiful young girl, but she is a deranged girl who removed the restraints on her hands by cutting into her own flesh. She was immediately punched in the face and knocked unconscious.

The girl's name is Claire Kageno. She has been abducted by the "Diabolos Cult" and is currently being held captive. The man, Orba, who ordered the kidnapping, sighed with annoyance as he looked at his injured hand.

"Orba-sama! There are intruders!"

"What did you say!?"

A loud voice echoes through the previously quiet cell. The information received was about unexpected intruders. Not only have they identified this hideout, but they are also planning a direct attack, which Orba hadn't anticipated.

"T-The enemies are probably eight in number! They are overwhelmingly strong! We stand no chance against them!"

Upon receiving the report, Orba runs. As someone in charge of this branch, he finds himself in a situation where he has no choice but to wield his sword himself.

"This is impossible! We have knights that rival the Royal Guard here...!?"

Orba's agitation is further accelerated by the sight of his subordinate's dead body rolling at his feet. The blow to the neck indicates that it was the work of someone considerably powerful. The enemy easily slaughtering his carefully selected subordinates made Orba raise his guard to the maximum.

"Who the hell are you!!"

Standing on the blood-stained ground, surrounded by the bodies of his subordinates, are eight intruders. They are all dressed in pitch-black suits and emit an eerie presence. Their faces cannot be seen due to the masks they wear, but Orba senses that they are considerably younger than him.

The one who responds to Orba's fury is the only one among the seven who steps forward slowly, wearing a hood.

"──Shadow Garden."

With a silver mask hiding his face, the voice suggests that he is male.

From the fact that the other seven step back and assume a stance, it can be inferred that this man is their leader. Orba unsheathes his sword while showering the intruders with angry shouts.

"Do you know where you are doing such a thing!?"

"Yeah, this is a branch of the Diabolos Cult, right?"


Orba attempts to extract information, but he is met with a powerful counter. The name of the organization, known to few, is spoken without any mistake, not only by those in the outside world but also by those in the underworld.

"The Demon Diabolos, Descendants of Heroes, Demon-possessed. You guys have a lot on your plate. Thanks for your hard work."

"Y-You! Where did you hear that name!? How did you learn that secret!!"

With his polished swordsmanship, Orba strikes at the man. The sword that was swung straight down can cut through even rocks, and if it connects with an unarmed opponent, it would be instant death.


"...Surprisingly basic swordsmanship. Doesn't suit an evil organization."

"Y-You brat!!"

Orba's confident strike is effortlessly blocked by a sword that appeared out of nowhere. It is then effortlessly pushed back by sheer strength alone.

"You're an executive, right? I won't let my guard down."

"Damn it! You cocky brat!!"

A sword appears in his left hand, just like the one in his right hand. He doesn't understand the principles behind it, but it seems that he can freely summon and dismiss weapons. Orba is perplexed by this unfamiliar technique, but without losing momentum, he swings his sword once again.

Fighting against a dual-wielder will undoubtedly lead to a disadvantage in terms of number of attacks. In that case, there is only one goal—to strike with all his might, pouring all the magic power he can muster into a single strike.

"Take this!!!"

He unleashes the best single strike he can muster.

But to his surprise, it is easily blocked.

"...Wha... What!? Guaahh!"

"That's a good swordsmanship. You really don't fit the image of a villain."

The man blocks the attacks with his two swords, then delivers a kick to Orba's exposed abdomen, sending him flying.

"The difference in power... Damn it!"

Orba realizes that his opponent is stronger. He takes a bottle from his pocket and crushes a single red pill inside. At the same time, his magical power surges, forcibly breaking his limits.

Now he has the upper hand. Orba's thoughts of triumph are met with mockery as the man he faces—his magical power dramatically increases.

"This... This can't be...!"

The silver magical power, so dense that it can be seen in his field of vision. The difference in level between their magical powers is so vast that it's futile to even compare.

"It's better for you to surrender quietly."

Saying so, the man imbues his sword with magical power and enters an attacking stance for the first time since the battle began. He rests his right sword on his shoulder and brings the left one close to his side. If he swings the two swords from there, it would unleash devastating slashing power that is frightening to even think about.

---If it hits, I'll die.

Orba's sharpened instincts strongly command him to make an escape.


He carves through the ground with his sword and descends. As the intentionally raised dust settles, Orba's figure disappears as well. As planned, he successfully escapes.

Unaware that he will encounter a demon in his escape.

"...He escaped."

Suppressing the almost exploding magical power, Takumi relaxes his stance. He lets out a sigh and then retracts the swords in his hands into his sleek suit.

"I'll pursue him immediately."

"No need to pursue, Alpha."


"There's someone down there. Chasing after him would be too late."

"...I see, so he acted alone."

At Alpha's words, the other six also raise their voices. They are impressed by their revered leader's ability to foresee what lies ahead. In reality, there is no such ability.

"As expected, Takumi. You knew it would turn out like this, right?"

"...I'm not so sure... I'm tired. Let's rescue Claire and go back."

"Hehe, you're not being honest."

Alpha laughs at the exhausted Takumi. She seems to be trying to hide her embarrassment, but takumi is truly tired. Just the thought of being seen by Shadow gives him goosebumps.

"...Does that idiot have divine protection or something?"

Shadow has read this situation, and everyone except Takumi is convinced that he deliberately chose to act alone. In reality, he just got bored waiting and decided to charge in alone, taking care of the enemies below.

"...He definitely got lost on the way."

Truly the right-hand man. The answer was correct.

"Let's hurry back and get some sleep..."

Assuming that everything is already taken care of, Takumi orders all of the Seven Shadows to retreat, leaving Shadow behind.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

takumi_9800creators' thoughts