
The Eminence - In Taimanin's Shadows

Uh, (possibly) dumb idea go! "What the hell, this Eroge Visual Novel plot is.... Wonderful! Let me enjoy being here, as the Eminence in Shadows! Alright, let the spotlight shine!" - Shadow/Cid Kagenou ~~~~~~~~~~ I have a dream. To make this fanfiction No. 1 That's it? Yeah, I guess. Here I'll explain Taimanin Multiverse Lore (and explore it in secret) while making a story about a Chunnibyo who just wants to look cool and badass while living his dreams. (crossposted on AO3, WTPAD, and FFNet under similar author accounts.)

ProcrastinatiMeem · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Mission Mob-possible - Ep2

Tokyo was a very lively place at this day, nothing much else should be said. In the middle of one of its streets, Rinko, Yukikaze, Tatsurou and Cid walked around.

Although their job was to investigate Tokyo for any sort of irregularities, this job would be best done at night.

So why are they walking around on daylight?

Of course, it is to wander around as citizens of Tokyo, assuming they followed the laws and weren't caught doing crime as that alone would destroy their cover.

It was also to roam around and feel any presence of demons hidden in plain sight. And Rinko, being a Void Art user, would use it to expand her ability by up to several kilometres.

While walking down a set of stairs, a billboard showing news about something Cid felt a bit interested in.

The newscaster began to talk through the screen.

{"Police and special investigation crews have been sent for days, and so far, no progress has been made in discovering the "Super Elite Ninja: Shadow's" identity, nor location.

The politician Yazaki Muneichi, a former target of this terrorist felt absolutely threatened and allowed the people to know more about him through Yazaki's eyes.

Stay tuned for more news in---"}

'Hoh~ There he is, my target. You're sly, but I'll finish what I started.' He thought, with a mental smirk right inside him before following his squad.

"Hey, Cid. What do you think of that guy?" Yukikaze asked him.

"He looked pretty cool." He replied, playing along. "But still, he's an enemy of ours, we have to be cautious about him if we ever meet him."

"Right. Let's get moving."

They walked into a closed part of the street, before Rinko immediately started to use her Void Art through handseals.

Once she was done casting her technique, her eyes glowed bright blue with immense concentration. And she saw many different locations, until she observed something unordinary.

"Sister, what do you see?" Tatsurou asked, and his sister responded with some seriousness on her tone.

"Is that the politician Yazaki Muneichi? And he's just talking to different people who feel like demons. They're heading somewhere, but it seems like we might have to wait until night."

"I see... Th.... then let's return to them later at night, they won't know what hit them." Tatsurou said, pumping his fist.

Yukikaze then sighed, shaking her head.

"Well, sadly it's a bit too early to return home and wear our Taimanin suits to intercept them. Can we go to the mall right now?"

She requested Rinko this, and after some seconds of contemplation, she figured it won't do anything bad for them other than to spend some time waiting until night.

In the mall, they used the remaining time to buy some groceries, and even enjoying play games in the arcade which was fun enough to pass time quicker.

Between these times, Cid made a harder bond with both Rinko and Yukikaze without him knowing, responding to the two of them almost autonomously, he decided to go with the flow.

Cid did notice that Tatsurou started to feel more of a supporting character than when he was in the Academy.

That personality of his was honestly quite unbearable to the audience, losing his position as a potential protagonist, and sadly becoming fated to become the supporting character of a perceived story.

'Haa.... Can't you just play your role a bit more better? Man, you're pitiful.' Cid internally asked as he glanced at the supporting character.

Later on at night, after the four of them were in their Taimanin suits, they leaped through the rooftops of the buildings, following Rinko as she used her abilities to find out where the demons were.

Her expression changed to one of seriousness, frowning in the direction of a tall building.

Tatsurou asked her what she saw, and she replied by telling him to go into position as they were about to move out.

"If we go in immediately, we'll have to fight against several dozens of guards. Nothing we cannot handle. It seems like Yazaki is paranoid enough to have as many guards on that building." She commented, deep in thought.

'It had something to do with that Shadow guy.... Gotta be careful. Unless....'

"Rinko, your orders?"

She made a couple of handsigns, and created a portal in front of them.

"Let's move out, and interrogate the politician immediately." She replied, before leaping first towards the portal, with her squad members soon following.

[ •~• LINE BREAKER •~• ]

In the meanwhile, Yazaki was doing his negotiations with an old beastman who was right in front of him inside a heavily protected building.

"Let's proceed with our negotiations, okay? We'll help sponsor Under Eden and expand its influence, in exchange for giving us some of your valuable prostitutes and having some of us become VIPs, is that right?"

"Heh! Say no more, old man. Just make it quick, otherwise that guy might come suddenly."

"Shadow, huh? Let's get this over quickly, we have other things to do."

The old beastman and Yazaki stood up to shake each other's hands, but before their hands could hold each other, a portal appeared right on the wall.


Out came a squad of four Taimanin, their leader reacting swiftly to decapitate the old beastman without trouble.

"Y'all in trouble, everybody!" Yukikaze yelled, turning to the side to fire her Akimbos, her flintlock pistols that act as limiters for her uncontrollable Lightning Art to the bunch of disguised beastmen, killing them easily.

"Yeah! Perfect landing!"

The dead beastmen immediately exploded to particles due to exposure to Taima Particles.

Once the four of them landed, Tatsurou and Cid took their positions.

"T-T-T-Taimanin!?!? How and where did you come from?!" Yazaki yelled out as the chair he was sitting on tumbled alongside himself.

Now on the ground, he noticed that Yukikaze looked quite familiar, and secretly grinned. Something was brewing here, and it was a bad thing....

Hearing the sounds of what had happened inside, several dozens of men entered the area, only to be horrified and enraged about what was in front of their eyes.

Their eyes, aimed not towards Rinko and Yukikaze, but towards the unlucky Tatsurou and Cid who were near them, became filled with rage.

"Curse you, Taimanin! You'll pay for that!" One of the men yelled out, swiftly transforming into a beastman.

The other soon followed, their human visages turned into those of humanoid animals similar to Wolf, Ox, Tiger, Boar, Ram and Hounds.

An Ox beastman charged towards Cid and Tatsurou, with the latter leaping upwards and the former raising his arms to block the blow that was about to come.


Cid was punched by the side of his shoulder, the strength of the beastman launching his small body right towards the wall and crashing on it.

The impact made a dent on the wall, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Kuhahaha~! Take that, filth!" The ox beastman sneered at Cid as he approached the Novice Taimanin.

Upon the sight of this, Yukikaze was enraged, green electric sparks were surrounding her body, and now....

"Stay away from him!!!"

With the burst of emotions, she aimed her akimbos and fired them with such force that shattered her pistols, sending a huge wave of lightning too fast for the beastmen to see.

The wave of lightning went through the windows, disintegrating any demon that came in contact with it.

When the wave subsided, Yukikaze slumped the ground, breathing heavily. She was still able to get up and approach Cid to take a look on his face.

"Cid, are you okay?"

He was still awake, only barely though as some blood came out his mouth. She will have to let him rest right now, and a nearby chair should be enough.

Rinko looked at the hole that had just been made and acknowledged Yukikaze's potential, but because there was still somebody in the room that has information she her squad will need, she turned towards Yazaki.

Said politician was on the corner, trying to grab something she thought is a lever for a secret entrance.

"Tatsurou! Apprehend him!"

Yazaki was soon held down to the floor, before being brought towards Rinko.

"Tsk.... What horrible luck..." Yazaki cursed out, before glaring at Rinko.

"So what do you want, Taimanin?"

[ ~ TO = BE = CONTINUED ~ ]