
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Lookie's Pov





I heard the beasts roared one after another after a series of strange phenomena.

3 minutes ago noises of beasts suddenly halted as if time had stopped.

It's strange since we've been hearing beasts roars occasionally for about a month already.

Then this sudden change coupled with the sudden blow of peculiar wind which rush and swoosh in turbulence after just gave me Ghost bumps.

My hairs stood up like a scared cat.

My scalp tinged like a needle is on a process of puncturing my brain.

Cold sweat broke out dripping down my spine.

My senses were all in high alert and my guts are telling me to …


Boom. Boom. Boom

Booming sounds of explosions sounded simultaneously.

Then like a chemical reaction, an endless series of explosions sounded like drums in a song of Apocalypse.

Roar. Boom

Screech. Boom

Grawl. Boom

High tier Power beasts seem to be in a rampage.

Shadows then flickered at our side.

" Retreat! Things were out of control."

An order was given.

" Hurry up and leave. Don't just stiffen there. "

Jack and Geneva said in succession.

Demus turn his back planning to run towards the camp only to see shadows of different sizes emerging.

We narrowed our eyes. We're surrounded.

"Sh*t, guard each side. This is a moment of life and death. You two recruits. Fight and don't ever let yourself be killed without bringing an enemy down."

Jack said, grimacing. Our situation is critical.

We are outnumbered by 10 beasts.

I'm tensing barely bringing out myself to stand in my current position.

I'm shaking. I'm sure of it. My hands and feet were turning cold in fright.



There's a feeling hidden in the depths of my heart, a strange feel of….


Warm currents were running through my limbs, calming my nerves and giving extra strength to my shaking body.

Then I stabilized , calm but my brain is running countless simulations. Calculating every possible out come.

I've always been like this.

" 5 tier 4s and 2 tier 5 power beasts. The remaining three were low ranks from tier 0 to tier 2. You can handle five tier 4s , Jack. Leave me this two tier 5s."

Blurted Miss Geneva feeling the levels of our enemies which Jack then nodded.

" You can handle the 3 low ranks Boys. Consider it an another test. Send this beasts back to hell."


Jack delivered the war cry signifying the start of the inevitable battle.

Ahh .

I hear him shout brandishing his axe toward the group of beasts then professionally separated the tier 4s from the rest through impressive axe techniques.

Tier 4 Wind Wolves standing in 2 meters height with flowing white furs like waves were on his plate.

"Show off!"

Miss Geneva berated snorting while dashing her way to the remaining high rank beasts , the tier 5 Alpha Black and White Tempest Wolves which were like two 3 meters high mounds restraining it in equally proficient manner.

" I'll fight 2 you can fight the remaining one."

A shout sounded at my side while I was dreamily impressed by the officers display of might, jolting me awake.

" Ok" I nodded. I'm not that confident to face more than one enemy anyways. I have no complains.

Demus dash through the beasts slicing the throat of the beasts emanating lesser threatening aura in swift motion.

Oh that's how it is. Wise guy, taking the weakest first and face the other beast.

The battle sense of an assassin is really sharper.

I can't be left behind.

I faced the remaining one meter tall wind wolf which only gave vague threat to me. I guess the beasts is just my level, a tier one. What Demus is fighting might be a tier 2 since it's giving an oppressing aura towards me.

Hah, I blow a breath, readying a stance. I can't be bothered with what's happening with my comrades.

I took a step.


The beasts charged but not me, to Demus. They want to fight as a pack. Unfortunately I'm here.

I pounce with my sword intercepting the beasts' advances. Gripping tight the hilt,


I blocked the 4 inches fang which's now dripping with saliva and I'm at the ground, off balanced.

This beasts' just too fast that I didn't have enough time to stabilize my footing after the block.


This is a headache. It bit my shoulders giving me my first souvenir from a beast attack.

I struggled using the sword to open it's jaws from its puncture.


I screamed not in pain but anger. Pushing the beast with all might, I rolled sideways, standing up and leap out gaining a distance.


'Close call'

I panted. My left shoulder is now injured. Blood is now leaking from the deep wound I suffered.

' Left hand is unresponsive for now I guess it hit a nerve.'

I readied a stance. Sideways with my right hand gripping a sword towards the beasts.

I don't want to be in a disadvantage. I leaped zigzagged, a style I made up to confuse the target.


It pounced. I know it's much faster than me so my chance is only by doing counter attacks.

I remembered how I defeated a crazed rabbit which is a Leaper Rank tier 0. The same tactic might work.

I dodged the pouncing wolf slashing my sword aimlessly which slashed a good wound on its belly.

But it's faint barely drawing out a drop of blood.


It's enraged, furious with the human who injured it.

Launching swift slash of it claw which I barely evaded.

My heart skipped a beat at that moment. The wolf knew how to wait for opportune strikes.

This beasts is fast and quiet cunning.

But who am I?

An opportunist to the bones.

After I dodged it's large claws with a sudden sway like a drunkard. Using some yin yang martial concept in it's flow. I used the air pressure the charging beast generated to push my self backwards.

It's hard but I did it anyways .

Slashing the sword with my uninjured arm , I reached it neck hard.


Blood spurted. Weak spot.

A lucky slash which struck a weak spot. Blood gashed out from its open wound.


But it isn't dead yet. Fortunately it's stamina is dwindling.

It pounced claws reaching out . I'm just at its side. I can't dodge.

'What to do?'

I panicked a little. Yet still raised the sword to attempt a block lessening it's lethality, I flew away two meters crashing to the ground.


My eyes became blurry. I think I lost some amount of blood already.

I struggled to get up only to see the coming beast.


I shouted.

"Com' on!"

Somehow there's a sudden burst of energy inside me coming from an unknown source ..All I know is that I somehow awakened something. It runs through my body nourishing my craving cells.

'What's this? It's unlike power energy but also the same. It nourish and strengthen but this energy is more comfortable, pure and easy to use. Is it my own chi?' I speculated which I just put at the back of my head right after.

I still have a fight to finish.

I regained my vigor through some unknown means hidden even to me ,and use it to take a step in a faster speed which gave me a surprise.


My sword is glowing in white which seemed to be an extension of my energy.

I slash it to the beasts which is losing great amount of blood from the big wound at the side of it's neck second after second.



It didn't had a time to react. It's already greatly weakened coupled with my sudden outburst, it was caught off guard.


Blood rained down from its half cut neck.


It collapsed to the ground.

I defeated the beast who is close to advancing another tier with great difficulty through a miraculous turn.

Did I made a breakthrough again?

Wasn't it so easy?

But it seems to be different as well. This energy feels like my own from the very start unlike the foreign feeling I felt from the power energy.