

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CHP53: Making a Deal

Hey guys.

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Also, I have the name for Wanda's son.



"Ah, Shit."

Wrath spoke absent mindedly. 

"Just hand to run my mouth huh?' he thought to himself as he gazes at the three cloaked witches in front of him.

The three women or whatever they were floated in front of him in cloaks of shadows. The shadows connected all three of them together. He also saw black chains connecting them to one another.



The chains made sounds as they flapped around their owners.

And as they floated in front of him, he couldn't see through them, at all. The cloaks shielded their real appearance from his sight.

But he could see that the chains were a type of sealing magic treasure meant to keep them close to one another. He couldn't any more than what he already saw.

And this surprised him.

Not many things could escape his sight nowadays. So, Wrath was slightly concerned, only slightly. 

The reason?

Because Vhaalku was watching through his eyes and was ready to interfere at any time.

"He seems to be agitated sister." One of them spoke in a timeless aged voice.

"Yes, it would seem so, sister." Another one of them spoke.

"I wonder can he keep up."

"Oh, maybe he can't sister."

Just on and on, they kept speaking ignoring Wraths annoyed face as he listens to them just gossip.

Wrath watched them speak about him like he wasn't there, all while readying himself just in case he was in for a fight.


"Look sister, the baby seems to be preparing for a fight." The one in the middle spoke after seeing Wrath's energy settle down and go quiet.

"He seems to think we are here to harm him." The one on the left spoke after nodding in agreement after hearing the one in the middle.

"Are You."

Wrath asked in an emotionless tone, and the darkness of his body began to darken the area around him.

You could hear a faint wailing in the background as it did.

The atmosphere was thick with tension as Wrath's power began to circulate around his body like a protective current of water. 

It was permeating the surroundings making the space feel like the gravity of it grow heavier.

At any moment something could go left.

Except it didn't because,

"Enough of your games, sisters!" The one on the right who was silent the entire time spoke at this moment.

Maybe she did it because she was annoyed with her sister's antics or maybe because of Wrath's growing annoyance with them all.

Who knows.

"Let us complete the goal of us coming here to our visitor." She spoke.

Wrath raised an eyebrow at this, and his power receded back into his body. And he rose his head to listen to what these witches had to say.

"Well?" He asked, after seeing them go quiet after the last one spoke.

The three witches all came a bit closer, and the one in the middle said, " We have observed you ever since you were born."

"The day you were betrayed we saw it." The left on said.

"Your life of Sakkarr, we observed it as well." The right one spoke.

Then in unison they all said,

"From your battle with the God Butcher and his master the Elder God Knull."

"We can see you are the beginning of a new era and a path to greater heights."

"Then what is it that you want." Wrath asked.

It silent for a moment until the one in the middle said, "we have been guardians of this place for too long and we know that it is time to make our own path."

"A path that you have begun walking."

This time the one on the left spoke up saying, "You, are our hope in freeing ourselves from this prison of Fate!"

She pointed at the dimension around them as she spoke.

"We offer you our loyalty, our lives and our knowledge, in exchange we would like to follow you and be under your banner."

Wrath was silent as he took in that they could see all of this, without his knowledge. And the fact that such powerful beings would want to serve him.

This all puzzled him greatly.

"How did you see it?" He asked after a moment of thinking.

It was a minute of pondering until the witch on the right said, "we are masters of magic and understanding the essence of the power of time itself."

"And in doing so, we are able to see future outcomes of certain things."

Wrath nodded and said, "So, you saw an outcome of the future. One with all of you following me."

They all nodded.

This decision has put Wrath in a hard place. Because on one hand, it would be a great thing to have such powerful people on his side.

The knowledge and things that they could teach him, or his wives could be phenomenal.

But on the other hand, he would have to deal with everything that accompanied them as well.

Every enemy, struggle, and even their doubts.

He waited on his main body's decision on this matter as he can't make such an important decision.

No sooner did he think this did a mighty voice echo in his head.

"Tell them to open their souls to me and we have a deal."

Wrath smiled a bit as he heard this.

The Coven of Witches suddenly felt a shiver down their bodies. This shiver had them wandering what was about to happen, as this has never happened to them before.

Wrath spoke at this time.

"I can agree, but only on one condition."

The three witches said, "What is your condition?"

Wrath's face blackened like midnight and his mouth opened up as he said, "Open your souls to me and I will agree."

The space was silent for a while until,

"Absolutely Not!"


Two of the witches yelled and argued. They were disagreeing vehemently with what Wrath asked of them.

Only one of the Witches were quiet, it was the one on the right again. Wrath noticed this and also noticed that anytime she spoke then the other would go along with her decision.

So, he was betting on her opinion to sway the masses.

"Don't you agree with us sister!"

"Yes, don't you agree?!"

The other two witches turned and asked the witch on the left awaiting her choice.

The tension was palpable and the one on the left suddenly said, "We will agree, Bu-

She was cut off as the middle sister screamed out.

"No sister com-"




The left witch snapped as she faced her sisters, her aura flared, and silver lighting flared from her body. The blackness of space trembled as her power flared for a brief moment.

Wrath could see two white orbs flash where her eyes would be as her head snapped to the other two.

This show of power silenced the other two.

The left witch seeing her sister's shut up, turned back around to face Wrath.

Then she continued speaking, "we will agree, but you will owe us a favor in the future."

"And you will agree to it."

"No matter the cost."

Wrath pondered her words very carefully to make sure that there weren't any false hoods, and she wasn't lying.

After a moment, Wrath looked at her and said, "We have a deal then."

He reached out his left hand for her to grab.

She looked at his blackish and after a second of contemplation, she reached out her hand as well.

A gray boney hand filled with cracks came out of her black cloak and grabbed Wrath's hand.


As they made contact, Wrath looked at her and said, "don't be afraid, this will only take a moment and the benefits will be great. "

"I promise you."

Confused as to what he was talking about, the Witch said,

"What do y-"

She couldn't finish her words as an immense sense of long forgotten pain assaulted her entire being. From Wraths' hand a blackish red light latched onto hers and immediately invaded her body.



She screamed and her sister flared their power about to attack Wrath.

"What have you done!"

"I will kill you!"

Wrath made a barrier to cover the witch in front of him and turned his head to the other witches and yelled out,



As the Witches were charging him, they saw his face snap in their direction and his already red eyes intensify greatly. From his mouth came a wave of the power cosmic.

It smashed directly into them.


His shout blasted them back away from his area and the process that was going on.

And the witch in front of him shook and like she could tell what was going on she spoke as few words to them.



This was all she could say as the process speed up, intensifying even more.




Red lighting began to form around her body and slowly but surely her body began to change. We could see that her previously gray boney hand seemed to have smoothened out.

And the bones have been covered in a gray skin like substance.

After a moment everything paused, and the red lightning faded from view.


Immediately, her sisters came flying to her side, Wrath stepped aside and didn't stop them. There was no need to do so, his work was now done.

'And the puppies will follow the tit.' He thought to himself.

Just like he thought when they got beside their sister, they immediately noticed how stable and fine she was.

"Sister, are you alright," one of them asked.

The other stood beside them and watched Wrath will a scornful look.

He simply ignored it.

Hearing her sisters awoke her mind form the changes in her body and soul. Then he looked at both of her sister's and with a much younger sounding voice said, " I am fine sisters, and we have much to discuss."

Her sisters looked at her and then back at Wrath. Then Wrath said, " don't mind me continue your conversation."

The he floated in a meditative pose and waited for them to complete their conversation. But not before sending the infinity stones to Vhaalku.


[Neo-Gamma Realm]

As Vhaalku watched his son Skarr play with Betty. And Wanda holding his other son.

He was also listening in on everything going on with Wrath and those witches.

He had to admit that having them all as his servants would be a massive gain to his domain and family.

But coming out of his thoughts he remembered how Wanda and Betty's faces were when he told them of Skarr divine essence.


"Come with me to see it." Vhaalku spoke to Wanda and Betty.

They all floated over to Skarr and his other son. Reaching out with his arms open, Skarr leaped from his sitting position directly into his arms.


Skarr roared out in excitement, Vhaalku smiled and said, Skarr my boy I need you to be still and relax."

As if he could understand his father, Skarr settled into Vhaalku's arms and waited.

Then Vhaalku spoke in the minds of his wives and said, "are the both of you ready?"

They nodded and waited.

Vhaalku seeing them ready, started his process and spoke with great authority. Such authority, that the realm darkened with his power and began swirling around Skarr's entire body.

"Skarr my son."

The realms power invaded Skarr's body and cleansed him from flesh, bone, and soul.

"Neigh is the day you shall have your adventures, but before that you must know what your divine self is."

"And on this day, I shall tell you."

"Skarr the Universe Shaker!"

The realm trembled at the title.

"Skaar, the God of Calamities and Vengeance!!"

His eyes lit up with blue light and he floated out of Vhaalku's hands.


As Vhaalku's words faded and were etched into reality, Skarr's body erupted into a grayish blue pillar of light.



His small frame was outline in his power, his little tattoos on his body grew and covered his shoulders, backs, legs and arms.

And he grew a little bigger, not that much.

The intnese power coming of his little body astounded Wanda and Betty.

Making them both think, 'Just like his father.'

Shaking their head at the crazy display of power, their thoughts drifted elsewhere.

Wanda on her son and what his divine nature would be like. And Betty thinking of what her future child would be like.

She wondered if she would have a girl or boy.

As they were getting lost in their own thoughts, the power of Skarr faded, and he fell back into Vhaalku's arms.

Vhaalku had a proud smile on his face, and he couldn't wait to begin training his son.

/Flashback End/

Grinning at the memories, he suddenly felt something coming towards him in the separate space that he had created a while ago.

Sensing it coming his way, he reached out with his hand and put it in the pocket dimension. One he grabbed on to what it was, he felt the power of the infinity stones.

Pulling out the infinity stones, he took a moment to look at them.

'To think that so many people will die because on you guys.' He thought to himself.

The he got an idea about what these stone were and the power they held.

He knew what the time and space stone did, so he didn't need to thoroughly inspect or study them at all.

He started with the power stone.

"Hmmm, the very concept of power is written in the source of this stone. And all who wield it have virtually neigh infinite power."

"It was why so many people die holding it, and need a conduit to hold them so that they are able to execute their power."

"But there was one thing they can't do, or they haven't yet realized."

Rasing up his left hand, Vhaalku' entire hand was ignited into a purple-colored essence.

Smirking he said, "they don't know that this stone is a gate way to understanding the very concept it holds."

Vhaalku and his genius intellect studied the concept of power and has now another power at his disposal.


"Hmm, it has many uses. But for now, let's do all of the rest."

Vhaalku had a feeling that studying the other stones completely and in their entirety that he would grow in strength greatly. And his feelings where never wrong either.

Smiling to himself, he paused his next actions as he remembered that he wanted to name his son with Wanda.

He had the perfect name as well, so he put the stones away in his pocket space and he said, "Wanda come here and bring our son as well."

Wanda who was holding her sleeping son got up and flew over to him, with no hesitation at all.

Once she was next to him, she made a chair out of magic for her to sit on. Then she sat in it and looked at Vhaalku with a questioning gaze.

Vhaalku smiled sheepishly and said, " I just wanted to tell you that I have the perfect name for him and wanted your opinion."

This made Wanda extremely happy as she thought she'd have to bring this topic up herself. But like always he never fails her expectations.

"So, what did you have in mind?" She asked Vhaalku.

Vhaalku said, " A have a few, so let me know when you feel I should stop. And we will name him that name."

"Ok." She said cutely.

Vhaalku then sat up and said, "here we go."


"Denied." Wanda said with a cute smile on her face.

"....." Vhaalku.

Shaking his head, he kept going.


"No, to Greek sounding." She said, denying it again.


She looked at Vhaalku with a dead pan stare.

"No, ok."

"Then, how about Arcann."

Wanda immediately liked that name as she said, "yes, it is a strong sounding name and I like it."

Vhaalku smiled as he saw her smile, then he saw something even better.

"It would seem the owner of the name likes it as well."

Wanda was a little of put by his remark until she felt movement in her arms. Looking down she was met with the greenish brown eyes of Arcann himself.

He simply yawning as he looked at his mother.

Wanda almost squealed in delight as he looked at her. But she kept her composure together and looked over to her husband.

Then she leaned over and kissed him on the mouth, catching Vhaalku of guard as well. He looked at her moist eyes and could tell that this moment meant a lot to her.

As is to prove his thoughts right, Wanda said, "Thank you for giving me this treasure and life."

"You don't need to thank me at all."

"This is all because of you and him. I love the both of you and don't ever forget it."

Before it could get a bit mushier, Vhaalku heard Wrath say it was done.

Vhaalku smiled and said, "Let's make a home for all of us to live in."

Wanda nodded and they both got up. Wanda still holding Arcann flew over to Betty and a now half-asleep Skarr.

Vhaalku followed, all while thinking, 'I will kill all of you soon. Very, very soon. '

His eyes darkened with malice and his very being hungered with destruction as this thought passed in his mind.

Who was he talking about?

The images of the real Dormammu, Old King Thanos, The Black Winter flashed in his mind.

"Count your days." He spoke.

And he flew over to his family to build their future home.


[Edge of the Universe]

Coming outside of the Quarry of Creation, Wrath flew a light speed far faster than normal. He was thinking to himself as he began his next mission.

'It all went according to plan with the coven.' He thought.

He was now in the clear to leave this creation now.

Pulling out the ticket that hasn't seen the light of day for a while now. Wrath focused on the specific place he wanted to go to.



A gray portal opened in front of him leading to his next destination. After this place he knew that he would never need this ticket ever again, so he would give it to Skarr in the future.

And as he sat on his blackish red board flying into the portal. 

He thought, " Should I kill that Chu guy first or explore?"

'Hmm, choices, choices.'

And he flew into the portal.

The creation of Unparalleled After Ten Consecutive Draws is about to welcome Wrath Incarnate!



Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter.

Let me know what you would like to see as Wrath travels the new place and things you would want to see going forward with the novel.
