

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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Alright here is the last fight to determine the winner. I hope you guys have enjoyed this grand fight, let me know your honest opinions on how I did. 

Any feedback is always welcomed, I am always trying to improve.

So, let me know and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!



[ATG Universe]

Sometime ago, when Betty and baby Skarr used the ticket from Bruce. They arrived in a field of orange flowers and in front of a simple small house.

"Where did you send us Bruce?" Betty asked outload. 

"Mhmmm,"a little baby groan came from the little bundle in her arms.

Looking down, Betty saw the baby Skarr stretching a little bit and moving around in the green gamma orb Bruce made.

It was covered by a golden fleece that Caiera, Skarr's mom put on him before all of this crazy mess.

Betty smiled at the sight of cute little Skarr, but immediately became sad as he reminded her of his mom. And her failing to save the planet and His mother.


Getting on one knee, Betty placed Skarr on the ground in front of her. Then see began to think about the future and Bruce. About how the fight was going and about Wanda.

So lost in her own thoughts that see didn't see a white blur approach her from the sky. Betty was scratching her head thinking of what to do and ways to become stronger.

"I smell Bruce on and in you. Are you my master's mate?" A simple and innocent voiced questioned form behind Betty, scaring her.




Betty turned around like lightning and turned into the red form of She Hulk.

Red arms ablaze with red fire, she caught sight of what the source of the voice was. Betty was dumb founded, as in front of her was a white dog the size of a bus.

Rasing her arms up in a defensive position she questioned the white dog. 

"Who or what are you?" She asked.

"Opps, my fault forgot my manners and what Bruce told me." Backing back a bit the white dog said, "Sorry for scaring you, my name is Eria."

"And I'm a white immortal wolf and a friend to Bruce, who taught me all the things I know."

Betty surprised at the fact this was a wolf, and it could talk just shook her head and said, "So you know Bruce?"

Nodding her snout, Eria said, "Yes, matter of fact we all do."

"We?" Betty questioned to herself confused.

"Eria what are you being so cryptic for?" A young womans voice echoed out form above them. Followed by another mature voice, "Yes, look at confused our new guest is."


The sound of wind blowing sounded in Betty's ears as she looked up as saw to beautiful young women float down from the sky next to them.

"What the actual fuc-"

"Oh, look a baby!" The younger of the two who landed sounded out from behind Betty.


Betty immediately turned around as saw the young lady crouching down looking at Skarr who was asleep. She ran up and grabbed the green orb and held it as she said, "Who are you two?"

"Yue Hong, have some manners, don't scare our guest." The sharp voice from the mature woman that came down with Yue Hong said.

"Sorry sister Shen." You Hong said innocently.

The Shen Xi looked at Betty who still had a dumbfounded look on her face and said, " I apologize for my sisters in arms rude actions. My name is Shen Xi the Dragon Goddess, and young girl beside you, she is-"

"My name is Yue Honger, and I am the Devil Queen!" You Honger said loudly and proudly.

Betty still in her She Hulk form was just stunned until the voice of Eria entered her ears.

"So, I asked, are you my master's mate, I can smell his scent on you, along with death and war." Eria said seriously, wondering if anything happened to Bruce.

The other two had serious faces as well when they heard this.

Betty just shook her head as she thought, 'Bruce what is this shit.'

Then she said, "Yes, I am his mate or queen you could say and the death, war part, you are correct as when Bruce returned, we had just lost the planet and some people who were important to us."

After a pause she continued by saying, "We lost this little one's mother," holding up Skarr for them to see she continued... "and Bruce sent us here to wait for him to return."

"I'm sorry to hear that....um miss." Shen Xi spoke.

"Oh sorry, my name is Betty." Betty responded.

"Right well it is good to know you Betty, and you are welcomed here for as long as you need," Shen Xi said.

Betty smiled and nodded, she sat down on the ground and placed the green crib in front of her.


The other woman also sat down as well. Then You Hong said, "Hey sister Shen, do you think I should go over to where they come from and help Bruce."

Shen Xi was about respond, but right when she was about to, the space above all of them swirled open. And a flash of red light came out of the hole in space.


"GRRRRR!" Eria had already jumped up and stood in front of Betty and Skarr, surrounding them both in her domain.


Yue Hong also got up with lighting quick speed and pulled out two red dual blades that had black flames on them. She floated in the air waiting.

And Shen Xi, she just calmly got up surrounded in gold light and a heavy draconic pressure befell on the surroundings, and she stared seriously at the red light that just appeared.

The red-light bubble and boiled until, A slender white hand with black nails came out of it, followed by a black leather foot and soon the entire visage of none other than,



Betty happily screamed her name out, then she grabbed the green crib and ran over to Wanda who was currently taking in the new surroundings.

The three other women were all puzzled to say at the least, when they saw Betty run over to the new mysterious woman. They all felt like this woman was extremely dangerous, even for them.

Shen Xi who was the strongest of the three, could even see an almost invisible red aura around Wanda's entire body. It was like she had another skin, only this red aura gave off a dark feeling.

So, Shen Xi was on guard a little bit as she watched Wanda and Betty conversing. Betty who had ran over to Wanda, almost franticly was smiling from ear to ear.

"You are alive, I'm so glad! I feared the worst when I couldn't find you at all in the palace." Betty smiling spoke to Wanda.

Wanda after centering herself smiled as she heard Betty's kind words. Me too I'm glad you both are alive and well, I also feared the worst," Wanda said.

Betty smiled, then put on a serious face and asked, "How was everything back there."

Wanda stopped smiling and put on a pondering expression as she said, " I came back to the planet a bit later after fighting the spirit and source of power behind Gorr."

"In the astral plane as I was fighting, well both me and the spirit, felt Bruce's wrath explode and the Hulks appearance. "The power he unleashed set off waves through the universe and even further."

"And it must have scared the spirit, because it left before I could really banish it, I am assuming it went to help it's slave Gorr."

"So, after that I tracked your energy through the space worm hole that you guys went through. And boom here we are now." Wanda said as she eyed the two women and the huge white wolf behind Betty who were on guard as if she had come to kill all of them.

As Betty was thinking, Wanda's voice pulled her out of her thoughts by saying, "Skarr looks good, he actually looks peaceful as he sleeps, and I can see he has grown a bit to."

Betty looked down at the sleeping form of Skarr and with a proud expression on her face she said, "Yeah, he has grown...just with his mother could be here to see it as well."

Wanda frowned as she heard this and could only look apologetic towards Skarr.

She thought to herself that if she could have gotten back to the planet faster than she did then maybe he wouldn't have to grow up without his birth mother.

Thinking back to her own child who was in stasis, Wanda was once again reminded of her own powerlessness. 'But no more, I don't care how evil or dark things are, as long as I stay true to myself and to my own will, I will not fail in any endeavor.' She thought. 

As she did think this, her dark red eyes lit up brighter looking like a sun in her eye sockets. But it went away as she thought, 'And if I do get lost, I have Bruce to pull me back along with the rest of my family.'

It was a somber mood in the air as they were lost in their own thoughts and looking at the sleeping form of Skarr, that was until the voice of Eria caught both of their attention.

"Um, I apologize for interrupting your reunion but if I may, I would like to know how my friend and master Bruce is doing?"

Wanda looking up at the massive wolf said, who are you and the other as well. Who are all of you?"

Betty quickly intervened so no fighting would take place, "oh right, Wanda this white wolf is Eria, a friend Bruce made when he came here, and the younger girl is the devil Queen Yue Hong, and the mature women is the Dragon Goddess Shen Xi."

Betty pointed out each woman here as she explained each of them to Wanda. "They all were nice to me as I arrived not too long ago, and they all said their friends of Bruce."

"Shen Xi owns this realm in which we stand in."

Wanda noted down every word Betty said. And then she turned over to the two women and said, "Would you like know Bruces condition as well."

Shen Xi nodded in a respectful manner, still a bit wary of Wanda and Yue Hong back to being her normal chipper self, was not ashamed and said, "Of course we do." "He is our friend after all."

Wanda could see that they were sincere and really wanted to know Bruces condition, as did she as well.

So, she said, "Well alright let me try to conjure a mirror portal to see what's going on back there."

"But be warned to not speak of what you see or try to get Bruce attention, as there are many people who could try to invade this place to either consume or destroy it as well."

Although they were confident in their strength, all three women couldn't help but accept Wanda's words, because thinking of Bruce and how irregular of a person he was and now meeting Wanda, they counldn't help but wonder how scary their homewas.

So, with a serious face they all nodded and sat in the air floating waiting for Wanda to continue. Wanda seeing how serious they took her words, nodded and turned over to the standing Betty who was holding the green crib Skarr was in and said, " I already know you want to know how Bruce is, so go ahead and sit."

Betty only just smiled and sat in the center of the floating women behind her. Wanda smiled seeing how skippy Betty was and how she held Skarr very close to her.

So, with a simple movement of her hands, Wanda chanted a little spell and the surrounding energy in the air came and flooded her spell as she casted it out into reality.

As Wanda was casting her spell the divine essence in the air was absorbed into her magic, and body. Her chaos magic ate all the energy that came, and it grew stronger as a result.


And with a final shout, a red swirl of a multitude of colors appeared in front of everybody.


Wanda shouted that one word out and the middle of the red swirl expanded and opened reflecting,




All the women could see was the form of two huge giants battling. A greenish red one and monstrous black one.

The aftershocks of the fight could be felt even where the women were, and it even affected the realm. Making it tremble and crack, the mirror even began showing signs of collapsing.

And so, what all the women could see before it collapsed was a greenish red fist smashing into the face of the black giant, the force of the attack destroyed everything around them and the portal that Wanda had made, even further cracking the ground in front of the women.

The women were slack jawed at the sight of this battle. They were all silent, until Wanda with a small smile said, "Well I guess we know how it is going."

The women just simply nodded, "how about I make another mirror and we continue to watch, just to make sure Bruce is alright." The women quickly nodded their heads up and down like happy kittens getting rubs on their bellies.

It was most definitely just to check on Bruce, not to watch a fight for entertainment. No sir, not at all.

They were all up standing women of power, they would never stoop so low as to enjoy watching their husband fighting a life-or-death battle, nor would Wanda or Betty admit that seeing Bruce smash in Knull's face was arousing to them. No sir, not at all. :)

And so, Wanda continued to make portals, unaware that certain Ancestral Goddess was watching, Getting aroused herself.

(Poor Bruce.)


[Battle for the Fate of the Future]



With a right hook to Knull's face, Hulk smashed the right eye socket of Knull's helmet inside of his skull.

About to follow up with another breather attack, Hulk dodges a sword strike from the All-Black that was moving like it had a mind of his own. It was connected on a long black line attached to Knull's armor.


Knull healing almost immediately, blasts Hulk directly in the chest with a black beam of the power cosmic, sending Hulk flying away from him.




Hulk's skin was bubbling as he got back up.

Looking down on his chest, Hulk saw a blackish red mark on his skin that was burning through his flesh. But the strange thing was He didn't care at all, not one bit.

As when the black mark traveled downward in the area of his stomach, it was frozen, not moving like it was frozen in ice.

And then it started to shrink and eventually it disappeared. It was like his body absorbed it or it was, 'Devour what a useful thing,' Hulk thought as he flew back to Knull.

You see Bruce gave him the knowledge that he got from the black light from his stomach, and so utilizing the power of the gluttonous stomach.

Every time Knull would use the power cosmic or matter energy, Hulk would simply devour it and let it turn into his own power and heal him. The plus side was that Hulk was getting close to having his own version of the power cosmic.

So, Hulk happily got blasted whenever he could, annoying and enraging Knull to newer heights of anger.

But like all things with time, it eventually would get to bet too much and soon it would be over. And Hulk needed to destroy Knulls physical body in order to win half the fight. 

And he had an idea to do that, but he doesn't know if it would work. He hopes it will because it is the only idea he has left.

So, with the rage giving him strength, Hulk met back with Knull who brought down his sword at Hulk.

'Here we go, it's all or nothing.' Hulk as he positioned his major organs from his left over to his right out of the way of danger.

And then Knull unaware of the movements of Hulk, and so caught up in his own greed and rage he delivered a blow to the Hulk's stomach on the left side.




And coming from the left, he sliced Hulk straight threw until the sword moved closer to Hulk's stomach. Blood flowed like a water fall as the sword was imbedded inside of the Hulk.

Knull thinking, he had finally managed to deliver a fatal blow left his sword in Hulks stomach like a dumbass, and he boasted about it.



Knull so cocky and thinking he had won was just grinning and boasting like a mad man. And since the Hulk wasn't moving this further incentivized the idea of, he had won.

But Hulk was fine, the reason he wasn't moving was because he was just annoyed is all, mainly because this next thing he was about to do was Bruces idea.

And so, as Knull was happily laughing Hulk grabbed the handle of the sword and said but one word that resounded throughout the entire universe.

Knull sensing something was wrong couldn't react in time, as Hulk the said,


And like a scene out an apocalypse a greenish black mass of energy exploded from Hulks body as he pushed the All- Black, who was struggling and trying to break free, directly into his stomach.

While at the same time unleashing another breathe attack directly into face of Knull who was flying into the storm of green and black energy. 



The sound of the All-Black crumbling sound out like a hammer hitting a nail in a quiet room that echoed.



Then the sound of it cracking and exploding, was like a nail in a coffin for Knull. As he began to vomit up huge amounts of black blood, even his new celestial form was beginning to destabilize.


Because as you must know, Knull had tied the All-Black sword to his very being, his essence, his soul itself.

And what the Hulk just did destroyed that link between it and Knull. Resulting in massive damage to Knull's godly origin and spirit.

And so, it left Knull in a very vulnerable position, Knull knew it and so did the Hulk. And the Hulk capitalized upon that.


With a speed beyond what Hulk has shown so far, he reabsorbed the mass of greenish black energy and reached Knull in a nano second and began unleashing all his wrath upon him.


With a punch, Knull's entire head exploded into a cloud black liquid.

Hulk followed up with a kick to his chest and another punch to the body, Breaking parts of celestial armor on Knulls body.



Shattering Knulls spine again, then incinerating his legs with a blast of power firm his eyes.



And with a blast of reddish green divine power, Hulk blasted Knulls body out of the body out the dead celestial.


The original body of Knull was floating in the empty blackness of the destroyed universe and all that was left were parts of his destroyed body and weirdly enough there was also red and black line.

This line was his connection to the dead celestial next to him. Hulk getting ready to finish this, heard a chuckle coming from Knull.


And then Hulk looked over to see Knull with a blue glowing cube in his remaining hand, Hulk heard Knull say, "Oh Death Become My Blade Once More,"

The cube lit up with a blue light.

"That I may destroy all of creation around me!"

The Cube buzzed and then surrounded in a bluish white light, it shot over to the dead celestial and went into its head.


"Was that a cos-

"It was a cosmic Cube!" Bruce answered before Hulk could finish. 'Where did Knull even get a fucking Cosmic Cube from.' Bruces brain was storming with ideas on how Knull got one.

One idea stuck out the most," He had help from someone." Bruce and Hulk were beyond pissed off, but they had no time to think about who it was as,




 The dead celestial, once the cosmic cube went inside of it head, began to glow a black and white color and the already chaotic space of the universe began shaking, trembling and vibrating like it was being squeezed.

And soon all of existence in the destroyed universe began to crumble and decay turning into grayish black streams of light, that flew towards the dead celestial.

The grayish black light was absorbed by the dead celestial, the body began to swell and glow grayish white.

Hulk confused and horrified, looked over to see Knulls body decaying turning to ashes until only his mouth was left and it said,

"You may have beaten my physical form, but not my spirit."

"This celestial is my final move; it will explode and release a wave of anti-matter and negative energy that will destroy you and all of existence on a multiverse scale.

"So, enjoyed losing all of what you have left in this destitute creation," And with those last words Knull faded out of view.

Hulk and Bruce horrified looked at the huge swelling dead celestial that beginning to create white sparks of lighting and red boiling leaks of energy that turned all it came into contact with into a blank domain.




It was just white spots, meaning there was no creation or color. Life could not exist there or even be formed. And laws of existence couldn't be found there.

'What can we even do about this Bruce.' Hulk said in his mind to Bruce.

Bruce said, " I don't know, but we need to do something about our position and the bomb. As I don't want to be responsible for the deaths of trillions of people all over the multiverse."

Hulk nodded as again, they may destroy things, but they are not a monster.

"So, all need to do is bring this multiverse bomb out of reality." Hulk spoke.

"And I know just the place Hulk!" Bruce said quickly. Then he told the idea to the Hulk who just smiled and almost laughed. 

Then the Hulk went close to the purely white celestial who was about to explode and touched it on the head.

Then using his divine power and law of space, he punched a massive hole to none other than,

"Hello again Primordial Void," Bruce said in their mind.

They punched open a hole to the Primordial void, if any place could maybe delay the power of a bomb like this Bruce thought that it was none other than this place.

So, Hulk dragged the bomb into the void, scaring the slumbering Knull who was hiding here trying to recuperate.

As they went in, the portal closed behind them. And Hulk flew close to the center of the void directly where the dead planet and spirit of Knull resided.

Then they threw the bomb at the planet, as it flew towards the planet. It was like reality slowed and inside of their mind place Bruce said to Hulk,

"Let's give our all so we can survive and if we can't then, all we can do is hope Wanda, Betty, and Skarr can forg-"

It was like a switch flipped in his head, as Bruce thought, 'I have always been sorry to others, no more.'

Then he turned to the Hulk and said, "From now on I....No, we will never be sorry again. And we both will survive and return to our family!"

The Hulk was moved, and a little tear in formed in his eyes, as even though him and Banner in their lives have always on some degree hated each other, they always needed each other to live.

One without the other was nothing, and for the first time Hulk was moved emotionally. As Bruce poured out his heart to him and finally in the depths of their soul it felt like he finally viewed Hulk as one whole alongside himself.

Once that happened in the depths of their soul, both of their minds and qualities began to connect, and merge with one another.

Then a wave of incredible power erupted from them.

Then both Bruce and Hulks eyes began to glow bright green like two suns as they roared out into reality,




And unknown to them both, invisible purplish black chains that were on their body and soul began cracking, straining. And in their soul, the purple dot in the white and black marble throbbed.

In their eyes, the green that was their pupil, became fully dark purple and black as they both roared out,



The invisible purplish black chains broke,


This sent ripples all over the Marvel Multiverse, every abstract being in existence heard and felt the chains breaking. When it did, they felt as if their very origin was being squeezed by a thing not of this creation.

They were all alerted and worried as they knew, "A new entity is being born!"


[House of Ideas]

The One Above All in his place of writing or you could say the place where all of reality is connected and originates from, was watching this with a smile and said, "It is time for you to return, the embodiment of Rage and Destruction!"

Then he turned around behind him and said, "This the coming of the Wrathful Vhaalku, be ready his birth will set of waves in my creation."

As he said that name the surroundings shook for a bit, The One Above All just smiled and continued to speak.

"You my Tribunal will need to keep certain people inline, until he is born and then you can leave it all to him."

"Yes, my creator!"

The booming voice of a three headed golden humanoid being sounded.

The Tribunal floated up and faded out of the House of Ideas, going to complete the task his creator gave him.

"I look forward to seeing you do what you do best my son." The One Above All said with a smile, then he looked over at the audience and winked.

Then with a simple flick of his index finger everyone reading this felt their surroundings blur and we appeared back in the Void.

Author<*0* > Reader <*0* >


Back in the Void with Bruce and Hulk.

We can see the overlapping of their personas and together as one, they declared for all who were watching or not even watching, they said,



They both let out a monstrous roar that was heard all over the multiverse, as for the first time since they were both born, Bruce and the Hulk were finally one in the same being.

And from their body came a huge storm of gamma, divine power, and all the laws they had ever studied. Even their soul was poured out, all their memories and life it stretched all over the black empty void.

Right at this time, the celestial bomb smashed into the black planet, all at that exact time, all of the Void went completely white.


After the bomb exploded, all of the Void went completely white. As if it had lost its meaning and color. The explosion encompassed all of the Void and even had some of its power leak out of the Void and into the real world.

But thanks to Bruce and the Hulk, the damage done was minimal, and a lot of the universe, alongside with the multiverse was safe.

And after who knows how long, the white color receded, and the black void returned back to its original state.

But some things were different.

In the center of the Void, where Knull's planet used to be, there floated parts of the celestial that had exploded. Most of the body had been preserved by the Cosmic Cube still in its head.

The cube resisted the effects of the bomb and therefore so did the celestial's body, but that is not what we are coming close to see. But what was floating a few meters away from it.

Directly behind it, there floated a greenish red skeleton. 

The skeleton was just floating in the Black Void, and on the bones of its chest small specks of flesh were trying to grow. But it was slow, like it was struggling to form on the skeleton.

But all of a sudden, a purplish black energy appeared, and it covered the entire skeletons body. The source of this aura came from under the rib cage.

Coming down to the rib cage we can see a glow in the under it. The energy was none other than Bruce and Hulks soul. In their soul lies the white and black marble with the purple dot.

The purplish black energy was coming from the purple dot, it began to infuse with the skeleton's bones. Starting from the rib cage, then it began to spread to the rest of the body, wrapping it in a purplish black cocoon.

Then almost as if it didn't want to be outdone, the white and black marble began sucking in the energy of the void and even pulled the dead the celestial close to the body as well.

Then like it was a leech, the marble began sucking out the energy of the celestial and began infusing it into the skeletons body.


All of the energy from the purplish black dot to the white and black marble and even the celestial. All of it was like a breath of fresh air to the skeleton or better yet like it was nourishment for a baby being born.



After a while the sucking stopped, and the bones began to crack.

Then all of the bones turned into purplish black liquid, the white and black marble even turned into liquid and became a part of the purplish black liquid.

The liquid swirled around like a whirlpool and then it solidified into a huge purplish black egg. And all we could see was an outline of a white and black fetus.

Purple and black veins connected all around the fetus, and those veins were connected to the void on the outside of the egg.

The veins were drawing in nourishment from the void, the dead celestial and even the Cosmic Cube.

The void was silent until,

*Ba-dump, Ba-dump, Ba-dump! *

A resounding heartbeat came from the egg, the sound shook the void itself. Making waves appear in the Void like it was an ocean.

The Void like it was a mother, surrounded the egg in darkness and the full essence of the void funneled into the egg.


The Void thrummed like it was happy, like it finally had something that was worth it's attention.

What is happening to Bruce and Hulk, why is the Void embracing them.

What is this egg that they have turned into.

What are they becoming?

All of the Multiverse will soon find out.



Hope you enjoyed it.

I really thought about how to end this fight, and I figured this would be a perfect way to set up what will happen in the next few chapters and the future arcs of this book.

So, I hope you like it and give me any feedback or things you would like to see in this story.
