

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs


Alright, hope you guys are ready for this chapter.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and give feedback, any feedback is welcomed.





Receiving another punch to his face, Knull groaned and retaliated with a quick slash of his sword.


The quick slice caught Hulk by surprise and was able to leave a black cut on his chest, it was a searing hot flash of pain in Hulks chest.


Hulk, ignoring the pain on his chest flew towards Knull who was also lining up for his next attack.

Knull, holding his sword began imbuing it with even more with the power of darkness.

So much in fact that sword began trembling and releasing a sharp cry of pressure around the blade.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!"

Hulk sensing the very sharp aura, braces himself as he gets closer to Knull's area.

With a twirl of his sword, Knull launched his next attack. Thrusting it at speeds far surpassing light.



His sword elongated from his hand and like a whip, lashed out at Hulk.

Hulk seeing git coming, imbues his left hand with more power and punches out at the attack coming at him.


Knocking away Knull's attack, Hulk pushed on with his attack, and punches out with his right fist and releases a blast of gamma at Knull who was diving to him.

Knull unable to react, was hit with the full force of Hulk's attack.



The blast from Hulk broke Knull's nose and launched him straight across the galaxy and landing on a random planet.



The force from Knull's body crashing on the planet, made the entire planet tremble. It caused mass earthquakes, destroying the planet.

Knull, enraged even more, spots a green dot getting closer and closer to the atmosphere of the planet he was on.


Grabbing his sword, Knull's power began corroding the planet, effectively draining the life from it.


The planet began to split and crack apart bit by bit as Knull rose from his position on the ground.


As he stood up, Knull looked around him then he looked up and A bestial roar escaped his lips as he stared at the figure of Hulk approaching him.

Time seemed to slow as the two warriors stared at on another. Then they both erupted with more power speed from their spots.

Hulk coming down on the planet like a green flaming ball of inferno, and Knull surrounded in more darkness, jumping up from his spot on the already decaying planet.

All while both of them roared out,


Hulk: "COME ON!!!!"

And like a nuclear explosion, Knull jumped up from the planet spitting the entire thing in half like play doe.


The planet exploded into pieces.

As they reached each other and clashed, the waves of power from it erased what was left of the planet into ashes.



A crazy powerful gamma powered punch from Hulk smashing into Knull's face, drawing blood from him.


Knull retaliated by smacking Hulk in his face with the flat side of his sword, which also drew blood.


They both returned with another attack, clashing again with Knull's sword and Hulk's fist.


Punch after punch, strike after strike. Bones breaking and healing, black and green blood spilling out into the cosmos.

The clash of these two powerhouses going back and forth sent waves of darkness and divine power all throughout the universe.

The waves destroyed planets and even galaxies in the wake of their battle. This battle was starting to threaten the very foundations of the universe.

/12 Hours of Fighting Later/

This battle has had devastating consequences, the level of destruction that has been wrought on this universe is really unbelievable.

Both warriors, so driven by their rage and power overflowing, did not care about anything else or the surrounding organisms in the universe.

The void has collapsed in almost every part of the universe. Space, light, and life has all been destroyed, except for some.

Cracks in the fundamental forces of reality and nature have spread for all over this creation. Planets, stars, have been destroyed and black holes have even formed from the collapsing stars.

On earth, the forces of Dr. Strange and even the Phoenix had to hide the earth in another realm, all to avoid the battle. So, they could protect the earth and keep the humans on the planet alive.

But they still felt the aftershocks from the battle, it even crack reality in the realm they in. It took the phoenix to fix it and Strange to reinforce it behind her.

Even so, the devastating battle is still going on.


A cluster of green and red light lit up the pitch-black expanse of the northern part of the universe.

Coming closer we can see the Hulk and Knull trading vicious blows on one another like raging mindless beasts of unlimited power.

We can see the body of Hulk full of black wounds, and deep scars slowly healing all because of the sword in Knull's hand.

Knull isn't so hot either, as his entire face his smashed in slowly healing, and his armor was broken over his left arm and legs.

He was slowly regenerating, thanks to Hulk getting the idea of invading his body with the power of his gamma and rage. Just like how his sword drains the life of other and slows down their healing to kill them and devour them whole.

Hulks own power was slowing his healing and burning his insides, it felt as if he had swallowed millions of stars.

How the Hulk did this, Knull doesn't even know. 


A right fist from Hulk shattering Knulls lower jaw. While also creating spatial storms because of the power behind it. Alongside of creating pockets of collapsing reality.


A powerful slash from his sword. Knull cut the right hand of Hulks off. And sliced a long mark in reality that would take a while to close.



Hulk filled with rage, ignored it and smashed Knull with his left fist. And as more raged filled Hulks body, his wounds began steaming and the effects from Knull's sword began burning away. 


This allowed him to heal more faster, and his right hand grew back completely. This development disturbed Knull greatly, as



Hulk's bones started to crack, and his body began to grow bigger, his movements started getting faster and his strength started to overwhelm Knull completely.


Hulk knocked Knull's head backwards, breaking his skull in the process.

And Hulk followed up with another attack, with his right hand covered in grey lightning, Hulk made a sideways chop motion to Knull's stomach.

This attack spilt open Knull's stomach, spilling his insides out in the open for all to see.

"GRAHHHhhh!" Knull caught in a vulnerable position roared out in pain.

But Hulk ignored it and lost in his savagery, grabbed his guts, pulled him closer to him and shoved his entire right arm in Knull's inner body.


Knull vomited out buckets of blood that sprayed all over Hulks face, but it was burned off because of the gamma rage filled aura around him.


Knull was horrified by this, and he began to try to cut off Hulks arm with his sword.



But he couldn't, as the Gauntlet on Hulks arm and the power being funneled into it reinforced its strength to withstand the attacks.

Hulk then drove his hand further into Knulls body and once he found what he was looking for he grabbed Knull's spine.

"ARgghhhhh!!!!" Almost shattering it by simply grabbing it.

Then he rose Knull up above him and grabbed Knull by his neck with his left hand and proceeded to rip him apart.

"Graagghhhhh!" Hulk roared out as he ripped Knull in half. Knull lost half of his awareness after this.

Hulk then proceeded to throw the two separated parts of Knull's body away, as he did this Hulks chest in the middle where the rib cage was, began rumbling and glowing. Outlining his ribs.

The rumble traveled up his throat and then opening his mouth, Hulk unleashed a greenish red beam attack. 



The empty black cosmos was crumbling and trembling because of this attack. And if left uncheck this attack could pretty much destroy the rest of the universe.

This destructive beam left nothing in its wake as it headed for Knull who was coming to awareness after being ripped apart.

Knull sensing his body could be destroyed quickly looked for an option, and as luck would have it, right next to him where the Hulk threw him. There was a gigantic black hole.

Seeing a black hole, Knull doesn't think twice and grabs it with a tendril of darkness. Then he threw it in the direction of the attack. All while connecting the top half of his body back with his lower part.

Knull also moved very far away from the attack, as he knew it would not hold out against the attack from Hulk.

And he was right as, when the beam from Hulk connected with the black hole, it just melted through it, with little to no effort whatsoever.

The attack just keeps going out into the cosmos of two wherever.

But as it left their general area, the after math was a long white line in black ness signifying this attack destroyed the very makeup of the universe and turned it into a blank domain.

Absent of creation, laws, and reality. It would take the One Above to fix it, if he wanted to.

Knull was horrified for a bit, until the madness and rage took over from almost dying. His eyes glowing even darker, and the red part glowing fiercely Knull makes up his mind to end this.

And end this Now!

So, even knowing git could damage his sword, Knull did it anyway so he could pull off what he needs to do. Knull raises his sword up and pours all of his power into it.



The All-Black released a cry as it was filled to the brim with power, and all around its body the light drained and it became so dark, that you couldn't even see the sword anymore.

And even more cracks in reality began to from around the blade. Hulk sensing this immediately flew towards Knull in order to not let him pull this move off.

But he was too late, Knull slashed at Hulk. The attack that came from the sword was so powerful that it sliced threw the past, to the present, and even a bit of the future.

It was like a long black flash that drowned the entire cosmos in darkness for a brief moment.

Hulk dared not tank this attack, and moved to the side, but the black sword attack followed, so with no other choice in his mind. Hulk used the law of nothingness to coat his body with it.

And then he poured even more divine power into his gauntlets to resist the attack.

The attack came, faster than time, than light itself. It landed directly onto Hulks body.



White lighting crackled as the attack connected with Hulk. And it split open a gap in the stream of marvels multiverse. Allowing many people to catch the sight of this battle.

But only for a moment.

The power of this attack was pushing Hulk back, it even started to decay his body for a bit even with the law of nothingness coating his body.

Mainly because this attack, attacked him from the past and future at the same time. It even attacked his soul in the process.



Growling and straining, Hulk felt that this was the strongest attack he has face in his life, the same with Banner as he resisted it in the soul space.

Hulks eyes began to bleed as the attack pressed down even more. Splits open on his skin, and blood ran down his body like he was taking a bath. He felt his bones straining and even cracking, but they healed as they did break.

But it broke more than it healed.

So, as they struggled to resist this attack, both Bruce and Hulk couldn't see what was going on in their soul space.

The white and black marble during this entire fight had finished absorbing all of the primordial and divine power from earlier. And it grew from the size of a marble to an oversized watermelon.

It solidified and was quiet, sitting still. Almost looking like it was seemingly waiting for something. But if we look very, very, very close in the center of the white and black energy, there was a small dot of purple in it.

It may look like it's nothing in front of the white and black power surrounding it, but if we looked closer, we could see that the white, black energy didn't go near it at all.

It was like they were avoiding it.

What the purple dot was? We won't know until it reveals its purpose.

Back to the fight, Hulk was starting to feel sluggish, as the attack was increasing it strength as it was pressing down on him.

We could see long black wiggling lines extending from the attack, it was attaching itself to Hulks body and slowly absorbing his power and strength. Even though Hulk had the law of Nothingness coating his body, he had to have the strength to support it as it did.

But most, if not all of his strength was focused on the giant black sword attack. And as he struggled the whispering of the One Below All started to echo in his mind.

"Just give up."

"You've done enough, Bruce."

"Let me take over, I can end this."

"We can end everything, together as ONE!"

This speech was echoing all round Hulks and Bruce's mind, it was like glue sticking to them.

And for a moment, they almost slipped into its grasps. But as they were about to, the white and black energy in his soul released a bit of power to the Hulks body.

And the purple dot?

It throbbed and unleashed a purplish black wave of pressure like no other.

As the purple wave arrived, it then directly destroyed the green door that reappeared in their soul and erased all contamination from the One Below All's presence in the body, and soul of Bruce and Hulk.

Like it was nothing, and as the purple dot did that, it alerted a few beings of great power and importance in the marvel multiverse.


The One Above All who was over seeing his creation, saw all this and shook his head as he thought,' So the appointed time is approaching, I can only pray they don't do anything stupid.'

'Once he reach's his source persona, a new entirely different being will appear, and he will be their very end.'

Shaking his head again, he turned away, awaiting the appointed time that Bruce and Hulk would reach their true source and be reborn.

As they say, Before Creation Comes Destruction!


Back with Hulk, as soon as the white and black energy washed threw him. It made him wake up and his rage carried him above this struggle and he grabbed both sides of the black light.

And he pushed inward, and after a bit of struggle the attack began to wobble, tremble, and even shake.

The rage filled Hulk with even more strength, and made his body grow bigger again and his body erupted in a pillar of greenish red light. Looking like the last star in the surrounding darkness.



And with one final roar, like his name the Incredible Hulk crushed the attack from Knull into little motes of black light, that fizzled out of existence.

Then Hulk, looking in the far north cosmos sees Knull floating by the gap leading to the primordial void.

Not wasting any time Hulk blasted off after him. The fight continues!


End of part 2.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!