

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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Chp22: Physical and Spiritual Changes

Alright back at it with another chapter ladies and gents. I hope you guys are enjoying the new volume so far!

Also, the first place he will go to using the travel ticket is ATG or another cultivation novel. I'm thinking of the Novel "Unparalleled after Ten Consecutive Draws" mainly for that Fantasy Roulette as that could be useful maybe. And also, because I want to smack the shit out of Chu Kaungren.

I'm still thinking it over, you guys let me know what you would like.

The reason for cultivating novels is because I want him to explore other systems of power. And use their techniques to upgrade his body. Stuff like profound entrances. Or physics of cultivation novels.

I have a lot of ideas for this, mainly because I want Bruce and Hulk to have their main source of power.

I'm not going to spoil you, but I'll give a hint. Problems with the source of all gamma energy in Marvel :)

Other than that, hope you enjoy this chapter.



[Void Space above the Realm of Asgard]




In the void space above Asgard, Banner and Thor can be seen moving at speeds well beyond light.

Their fists cracking the space around them and destroying the edges of the void in the area. Their bodies vibrating with fierce eruptions of energy that shake the very void they float in.

Thor enjoying this fight very much laughs as he says,

" Banner this has been a wonderful duel, but I think we should end this bout as my father would be very angry if we continue and end up destroying parts of the Realm Eternal."

After saying that Thor gets a bit serious and says," So with one final move we both will finish this." As Thor says this, he raises his right hand clenching it into a fist.

Concentrating for a bit, then his lighting envelopes his entire hand with little rune symbols. Looking on in appreciation of this new move. Thor says, "this is a new move of mine using some of my father's teachings of runes."

"I can't fully use it to its full power, but I'm getting closer the more I practice with it."

As he was saying this Bruce notices Thor's entire right fist is turning completely blue. To the point we would think he doesn't have flesh for a hand. 

Then out of nowhere a single golden dot appear where his knuckles are. Bruce getting a sense of danger from this new move of Thor also prepares himself. Thinking of also using something new he moves quickly.

Using the sliver of Divine energy and gamma in himself, Bruces entire right arm turns completely dark green with flashes of red lighting around it coiling like snakes.

The vibrations coming off both fighters intensifying energy trembles the void around them making it crack and stain almost form their power.

Then both fighters ready, launch from their positions moving so fast they tear the space apart between them like butter. Creating fractures in space as they moved ahead.

Both of them so focused on the fight and on winning they don't realize the barrier of Asgard is trembling and cracking.

So, focused on each other not paying attention to anything other than each other.

And right before they connect with each other yellow portals appear in front of their attacks as they punch. Then both attacks go through the portals. As the portals close a voice can be head from above them saying, 

"You reckless fools! Getting caught up in your blood lust and not paying attention to your surroundings!"

Thor looking up is stunned.

"Father!" He says confused as to when he arrived.

Odin floating down slaps Thor on the head with just a bit of pressurized air.


"Owww!" Thor groans out.

"You fool I can expect your friend not to be able control himself because he just woke up!" "But you, I expected you to be more aware of yourself and your home!"

As Odin was berating Thor, Bruce just looked on in shock as he thinks, He just appeared out of nowhere and negated both of our attacks like nothing.

This show of power further increases Odins image of him even more. "One day I will surpass him." Bruce's vowed to himself while hie eyes glowed a brighter green in response to his resolve.

"Now enough of this fight!" "It's time to eat, your other friends and family are down they're now waiting for you." Odin says to Thor who once he heard eat was already back in high spirits.

Flying over to Bruce he says, "come with me Banner we must eat, and I want you to meet my wife and son as well."

Bruce surprised that Thor of all people is married and has a kid just stares blankly and nods in agreement. Then with marry laughter, Thor leads him back to Asgard.

Seeing them both fly off, Odin sweat drops in relief as he thinks, "both of them are crazy!"

"If I hadn't made it in time, they would have destroyed the barrier and ripped a catastrophic hole in the space and time of the realm." "And even more damage would happen to Asgard as whole."

Speaking of their attacks Odin's single eye glows as watched the devastation from the both of them. 

Looking at Thor's attack looking like a blue and golden comet then moving at insane speeds as it destroys all the planets, stars, and then the entire galaxy as well. 

All that remained was a blueish blackhole courtesy of Thor. Odin shaking his head at the craziness of it all, then looks at Bruces damage.

"What the fuck!" He almost said out loud. His reaction is justified because the result of Bruces attack was just ridiculous.

Looking on at an enormous green and red blast in the shape of a ribbon tearing through an entire cluster of galaxies. This group of galaxies were forming a cluster to begin a new universe.

And because of Bruces attack the cluster of galaxies was now all but incinerated. Till all that was left was just a green and red void of destruction and chaos.

"As expected of the bringer of wrath." Odin said quietly. The he just shook his head and repaired the damage they made to the barrier and the surrounding void.

"I need to retire," Odin's tired and weary voice floated out in the empty void.

[Feast Hall of Asgard]

As Bruce and Thor land in front of doors of the feast hall, joyous laughter and brawling is heard.

"Ahh my friend, are you ready?" Thors voice draws Bruces attention.

Smiling Bruce says, "Let's eat but I also want to see who had the courage to marry you as well."

"Hahahaha!" Both barking in laughter as they open the doors to the hall. once they were inside food and drink could be seen flying around as if there was a food fight going on.

"Ah Thor my love you are here, and you brought a guest as well." A clear mature beautiful but powerful voice draws Bruces attention to the center table in the hall.

There standing with a baby in her arms is the Goddess of The Hunt and Harvest, Sif!

"Sif, I have missed you and our son," Thor softly says in a quick moment of tenderness.

"And I you love, but who is your Guest," Sif asked after kissing Thors cheek.

"Oh yes. this is my friend Bruce Banner, or you better know him as the Hulk," Thor says to her.

"Ah yes I do know of him as does everyone else here," she says.

Then reaching out with her left hand to Bruce for handshake she says, "I'm lady Sif that thunder heads wife."

Thor with a mock look of hurt just pouts as he grabs his son from her. Bruce smiling at the interaction grabs her hand and says, "it's nice to meet you and your son."

"I never knew that Thor had a kid," he said. "Aye, though I sometimes wonder who really the kid between is the both of them," Sif said.

"Banner come meet Magnus my son!" Thors joyful voice said.

Bruce just smiling at Sif as they both walk over to Thor. Upon reaching him an infant is seen in Thor's huge arms. Bruce seeing the baby is reminded of his own back on Sakkar.

"I won't ever treat you like my dad did to me, my son." Bruce promised to himself. Then he said to Thor, "very cute kid got his mother's hair, but your eyes."

"Gunna be a lady killer when he gets older." Laughing at this Thor joyfully says, "Yes, he will just like his charmin-"

"Ahem!" With one interruption from his wife and a glare. Thor quickly says," He will be mighty and respected by all the maidens that come to know him." "He shall respect them as well."

"Now let's eat Banner!" Thor quickly moving off the subject, so he isn't murdered by his wife loudly said.

Getting a round of cheers from everyone in the hall.

Sif rolling her eyes just takes her son form Thor. And Banner, he just smiles as he sits next to Thor and begins eating.

(1hour later)

Back in the medical bay, we can see Bruce meditating on the bed he awoke on earlier. "We have grown more powerful than before," The Hulks voice suddenly echoed in their mind.

Bruce awoken from his trance says, "Your awake now, and yes even I can feel like we are even more powerful."

"Yes, I've been awake since you fought Thor," The Hulk said annoyed that he couldn't fight as well.

"Don't be mad, if I had transformed, we probably would've destroyed a lot of stuff in Asgard, and I don't want to become some one Odins shit list." " Just out of respect for what he has done for us so far."

"I understand, but I still want to fight something," Hulk said.

"Don't worry after we leave here and go back to Sakkarr." "We will use that ticket we got that can travel to other places." Bruce said.

"And I have just the place in mind where you can rampage." Hearing him Hulk gets curious and asks, "Where?"

"A place where everyone gets offended off the smallest of things and tries to kill you and your whole family bloodline." Bruce said mysteriously.

Hulk thinking for a moment just says, "well that's fine with me." Then Banner says, "Hulk don't you feel that our souls have become even more stronger?" "It's even integrated with my brain and increasing the functions of it even more than before," Bruce said.

Hulk also feeling clear headed and able to think of multiple things at once says, "yes, I can feel it."

Bruce hearing his conformation laughs a bit. Then suddenly remembers what happened when he woke up earlier. He then tells the Hulk.

"According to the mantra when we enter the third stage, our soul integrates with our mind forming our wrathful thought." He tells the Hulk.

"Our wrathful thought has many uses; it can be used to in force our will on reality and manipulate it to a degree." 

"Then it can extend beyond our body and scan the place or planet we are at." "Kinda like the cosmic awareness those entities have huh." the Hulk said.

Yes, and here is the best part, as we get stronger it will also." Bruce said excitedly. The Hulk after pondering for a moment then said something that stunned Bruce.

"So eventually we can become like the One above all and all those crazy people in the multiverse who are omnipresent or omnipotent?" All those it was a simple question Bruce just was shocked because Hulk was right. 

"I suppose you are right Hulk," Bruce said absent mindedly, lost in his own thoughts.

Then catching himself, Bruce shakes his mind away from those things. As they are too far away from them right now. Bruce then says,

"It can also be used to sense our surroundings on a great scale, like a divine sense from those cultivation books." "And if we are learning new stuff our comprehension will excel beyond normal standards and will grasp new things and concepts."

Hulk listening to this suddenly thinks of something and he says, "Could it be used to do things like Sentry and jean grey as well?"

Banner pausing in his speech, is taken back by this then he says," I don't know, let's see if we can."

Then reaching out with his right hand to a pillow on the next bed over, he wills in to come to him. And after about a few seconds the pillow floated up and flew any and everywhere Bruce wanted.

"Sweet!" Bruce said. Then directing his energy, he starts creating objects and trying out all sorts of moves with just his gamma energy.

Then he gets another idea for the uses of his new wrathful thought.

Concentrating for a moment, Bruces soul extends all around him the enters his body. 

Then looking at his body structure. Bruce can see all of his blood cells and organs like there right in front of him. His blood cells have been altered and now from the previous red its now predominantly green and red, with a few flashes of white and black motes of light in them.

These cells give off a powerful and wrathful feeling to him. It's almost as if a beast is sleeping and waiting for it's time to awaken.

As he was doing this the Hulk suddenly says, "Come look at out two souls for a moment."

Bruce hearing him comes into their spiritual plane where their souls reside. Upon looking at their souls Bruce is shocked as its color from its previous green and gray.

It's now like an ocean green, red, and strips of blackish white fire burning the surrounding area and trying to swallow all in its path.

"It looks like a monster doesn't it Hulk." Bruce said. I think it represents us quite well Bruce. Hulk says.

Banner looking over at Hulk immediately notices he is much bigger than before. And his body has red lines covering his arms, chest and part of his stomach. Kinda like tattoos almost, except the red on him pulses with power and vibrates like electricity.

"Seems like I'm not the only one who has physically changed huh." Bruce said to Hulk.

"Yeah, when I woke up and saw this I was confused until the mantra sent me a message saying this is only our body growing stronger and getting accustomed to Divine power." 

Bruce arching his left brow says, "so we get tattoos now?"

Hulk snorting says, "Funny guy, but no." Our body is fundamentally changing down to the soul and cellular levels and transforming into something much greater than before."

"I'm just joking, I get it," Bruce said seeing Hulk getting a little annoyed.

"So, our soul and body are both changing every second of every day." Bruce said after a moment. Hulk just nods.

While they we conversing Bruce suddenly gets serious look on his face, making Hulk have one as well.

The Bruce says, "This is all very great, but we have to deal with something first as it will become a big problem eventually.

Hulk knowing where this is going gets even more serious as they both say,

"The Green Door!!"



Hope you guys enjoyed. Also do you guys agree with my point earlier about the 'Fantasy Roulette.' If you don't know what it is go, look up the Novel 'Unapparelled after Ten Consecutive Draws."

Thx again any ideas plz send them my way.