
The Third Wave

Seeing the stalactites coming towards them, the red girl made a horizontal gesture with her arm before creating a wall of flame, thus protecting her sister while melting the ice at the place where the wall of fire had been created. As soon as the wall was down, the two sisters began to follow Kila who was already starting to create a new spell.

Kila's plan had worked, and he had only kept them occupied while preparing a plan in his head to be able to kill them more easily. He had managed to recover 2/3 of his MP so he should manage to do a few things with that.

This time, it was the blue sister who began to attack. She created water whips, but to her surprise, they began to freeze as soon as they were created. Seeing her hands also gradually starting to freeze, she looked at her sister, and without any words, she took action.

The red sister then began to incant a spell in a foreign language, probably the language of the monsters, before a magic circle appeared just below her. Once the incantation had come to the end, the circle below it lit up and flames began to come out of it. These flames were not intended to attack Kila, but rather melt the surrounding ice and raise the temperature so that his blue sister could also attack.

The flames then began to dance throughout the Colosseum. Kila wanted to stop them but if he did, he would have to use mana for an attack that didn't even affect them. While the environmental benefit could be useful, he didn't want to risk his life for such a risky gamble. So he decided to attack the blue sister while the red one was busy cleaning the grounds. He had to act quickly so that the temperature could always act on the blue, and thus allow him to attack it without a problem.

Kila then created a trident of ice with a layer of water, before throwing it with all his strength on the blue. Ice was probably the best option in this situation knowing that it will have trouble defending against, as for the water, it was so that the spear did not melt because of the red sister.

The trident then continued straight towards the monster who was trying to create walls of water to slow down the speed of the trident but unfortunately without success. It was still too cold for the water to form properly. The trident, therefore, flew through the arena before piercing the blue monster. The red had even tried to protect her but could not stop the effect of her spell in the middle of it.

The trident then directly pierced the monster but it was not dead. Just at the last moment, once she understood that she could only dodge, she narrowly avoided the trident, and instead, the three teeth of the weapon did not pierce her and thus create a curved wound, only one of the teeth had touched her, creating no deep wound. She had just been pierced on the side of her abdomen.

She then removed the trident from her wound before beginning the healing process. Kila wanted to continue to attack her so that she would not heal herself, but this had become impossible, or at least with the current tactics. The red girl had finished her spell, and the Colosseum had regained its shape from the first wave. The red twin then returned to her sister to begin the incantation of another spell.

Not wanting to let them defend themselves, Kila created two weapons in his hands. He didn't need to use as much mana as before to do so, knowing that he had perfect control over his element. So he created an ice weapon and a water weapon. The ice one was a rapier, a fast and light sword that allowed to make many blows successively at a high speed. The water weapon on the other hand was a completely normal sword. Well, normal if we did not count the fact that it could take the form that Kila wanted at any time.

So he rushed to the 2 monsters even before his weapons had finished forming. Seeing him getting dangerously close to them, the blue threw a torrent of water at him to try to slow him down. Unfortunately for her, Kila simply raised her rapier, which stopped the water's advance for a split second. But that split second was more than enough to allow him to dodge the attack.

Kila then continued his advance and this time, instead of a spell coming upon him, it was the red girl who rushed towards him with a red great sword in her hands. The red girl then swung her sword from bottom to top, letting out of the blade a red trail that went directly towards him. Seeing this, Kila changed the shape of his water sword into a shield.

On impact, smoke began to come out of the shield before the aura dissipated completely. The water shield had managed to stop the attack, but the aura had also forced Kila to stop his steps.

He then jumped back to the twins who were waiting for him this time with a firm foot. The blue sister had also created a sword for herself, and with the red one, they both headed towards Kila.

Seeing them, Kila transformed his water weapon into a sword, and his ice weapon had changed shape to that of a normal sword. He needed more power than speed in a two-on-one sword clash.

Once within range, the two sisters swung their swords towards Kila on both sides, that is, right and left.

Knowing full well that he could not dodge the two blows, he decided to push his foot on the hard ground to create a wall of ice on the side of the blue sister so that he could ignore it. He then focused on the red, before getting into position so that only his sword of water could face her, while his sword of ice was turning into something else behind him.

The two swords then began to clash more and more. Kila managed to make an equal play against the red, while the blue tried to force her way through the wall. Kila and the red continued to attack each other faster and faster, and just when the red had found an opening and attacked Kila, he made a slight leap backward, thus avoiding the sword that was going to cut off his head.

Just after the jump, Kila used his other hand to attack the red. His hand that he had left free all this time was creating a new aquatic weapon. He couldn't use the ice against the fire, so it was the best way he could think of at that time. He then created a water whip while he was having fun with the red, and once he had finished creating it, he let an opening appear so that she could believe that this was her chance.

He then swung his whip towards the red which began to tighten around his belly, before Kila use all his strength at his weapon so that it would come towards him. Once she was within range, Kila swayed his sword so that he could cut his body in half.

But just before his weapon could finish slicing her, the sword stopped right in the middle of her body. Seeing this, Kila did not try to find out why his sword had not completely cut him but instead decided to back off immediately. And just when it was completely out of reach, dozens of water spears planted themselves in the ground, where it was a few seconds ago, so right in front of the body of the red who was on the ground bleeding heavily.

Seeing the spears that were being pushed into the ground, Kila understood that what had prevented him from finishing the red was the blue. He didn't know how she had managed to get past the wall of ice that was imprisoning her on all sides, but she had managed to get out.

Seeing that Kila was gone, the blue rushed to the red to begin the healing process. However, you had to be an idiot to believe that you would let someone heal someone else in the middle of the battlefield, and this situation, just below the noses of their enemies.

Kila then created an ice bow and steam arrows. Kila decided not to attack them but rather to prepare the ground for what was to come. He then began to create steam arrows before firing them all around the red and blue sisters, as well as around him, to create a mini steam arena. He then created an ice dome, which wasted almost all of his mana, but everything was calculated, so he didn't care at all.

Once the blue had finished healing the red, the two began to stand up, only to see a dome of ice, with a thick fog that was gradually beginning to be created. Not understanding what was happening, the red decided to use the very first spell she had used, but once the flames started dancing, nothing happened. Nothing.

Apart from the fact that because of the heat of the flames, the fog was only starting to get thicker and thicker. Seeing this, the blue girl tried to use her water to chase away the fog, but nothing was happening as well. Nothing except the fact that the water she used gradually began to freeze, and thus, cool down, even more, the inside of the ice dome.

The more time passed, the more the temperature inside the dome began to decrease. It decreased so much that the water boss was gradually starting to grit her teeth because of the cold. Time then continued to pass inside the dome. They had no idea what to do because they saw absolutely nothing. Even when they were side by side, they had a hard time seeing each other, so taking the risk of walking away would be suicide.

They also didn't know where their attacker was, so the only thing they could do was to wait for this phenomenon to pass.

Kila on the other hand did not feel the cold of the dome. All he was doing was calculating, and the fact that he didn't feel anything was also part of his plan. Being the creator of the ice dome and fog, he could not be affected. It was like a person who had a poison-related class. That same person was necessarily immune to his poison, and it was the same case for what Kila had done.

Kila's plan was simple, at least for him. Few people knew that fog could freeze surrounding things when the temperature was low enough. And if the temperature was below -40°C, then that same fog could turn into ice. Kila therefore only needed to wait for time to pass until the temperature inside the dome passed the -40 mark for the two sisters who were in the middle to freeze completely.

He suspected that it was going to take time knowing that one of them had fire as an element, but he had to deal with it. It was the only plan he had managed to elaborate while fighting against the two sisters. He couldn't afford to do a big spell for fear that he wouldn't be able to kill the other sisters afterward.

However, waiting for people to die on their own was not a pleasure, and he found it extremely boring to wait for something like that. So he decided to go and kill them on his own.

Even if the plan he had elaborated would no longer be useful, the fog would still be. He could see in the fog as if there were none, and could very well see that the sisters were protecting their entire upper bodies with a mini-dome of fire, thus covering all their vital points.

Seeing them, Kila decided to wait a while, the time to find a way for him to kill them without being noticed, and while he was thinking about all the books he had read, he remembered something. Something fantastic that he could use in this situation.

So he began to create an ice spear for himself while moving towards the blue sister. The latter was standing but had only her upper body covered, leaving only the lower part of her body uncovered and defenseless against any attack.

Kila then walked towards her without any noise, like an assassin who was about to kill his victim.

Once behind her, Kila squatted down so she could have better accuracy during his surprise attack. Once ready, Kila pushed his spear into the only hole that was not protected, so that of the buttocks.

"AAAAARRRRGGGGGHGHHHHHH!" The blue cried out terribly. The spear had arrived as a shock, which immediately caused her death.

Just after Kila killed her, he immediately retreated. He knew very well that receiving something in his as was not the most dignified thing there was out here, but he could not deny the fact that it was the only weak point that no one thought to protect. He couldn't help but thank the heroine whose nickname was the ass-piercing princess.

He had never read anyone using this tactic before her, but he was a force to appreciate it, knowing that it was an easy way to win a fight.

Kila didn't wait very long before doing the same with the red. He had to go and help Cayron as quickly as possible and therefore could not savor what was happening any longer. But despite that, he knew very well that he would have other chances in the future to do this again.

I hope you enjoyed the last part of this chapter ;;;

Karmecreators' thoughts