
The embodiment of a new world

One day, when everything seemed peaceful, the last life force of planet Earth was absorbed, thus bringing the end of humanity. However, a powerful authority, even more powerful than the Gods allowed some people to survive, sending them to another planet called Hydrel, while granting them powers. Here, the chosen ones were put to test. [Kill survivors to survive.] [Kill monsters to survive.] Everything seemed like a game, but it was real. In this chaos, a young teenager named Kila stood out from his peers, and with his best friend, he manages to survive. Kila fought skillfully and intelligently, as if he already knew everything about his enemies. However, the only thing he didn't know was that his friends were going to become his worst enemies. Follow Kila's adventures and discover how he managed to survive. *** Check out my new novel too, I will be glad if you do: My Angelic System Check my insta, I will post regularly there (^v^): karme_novels

Karme · Fantasy
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136 Chs

An unbreakable barrier

Gil had some difficulty referring to Eden as his brother. In the beginning, when he had met him, he was sure that Eden was Kye, and in fact, he was right because it was the same body and Kye's mind was still there, but Eden was still someone totally different from his twin.

And deep down, he knew that, so he couldn't refer to Eden as his brother yet because it would just be strange.

However, since he seems really genuine about what he was saying and he worried about him like his twin, so he decided to try to call him 'brother'.

It won't kill him to try, after all, so he tried. And after saying it, he wasn't disturbed or anything. It was still as natural as always as if Eden was veritably Kye.

"I'm glad then," Eden said with a big smile. "Anyway, it's time to sleep bro, we still have classes tomorrow."

"Yes, you're right. Sorry for everything."

"Why are you? You didn't do anything."