
The Ember in The Mist

War, famine, and split families scattered the world. Due to overpopulation and a huge pandemic there can only be 6 people per household- any extras are killed...

artistbean9303 · War
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4 Chs

The base

Hours later Magnolia felt the car come to a stop, :what time is it?:

Magnolia sat up and realized that her bag was gone!

"Um excuse me," she gulped "do you happen to know where my bag is?"

A soldier in the passenger seat turned around

Magnolia was never good with adult strangers she has social anxiety that causes her to stutter sometimes

"I-I-it's abou-about t-this wide, light b-blue?"

"Alright calm down miss we dropped it off at your new family's house, we can't have your stuff in the base cause the rooms are too small."

Magnolia took a deep breath , "Ok thank you sir"

"No problem, anyways we're here so just follow me and I'll take you to your room"


Magnolia stepped out of the idle vehicle and followed the tall soldier. Bright lights pierced the darkness of night and lit up the entire base.

We soon came to some large doors that were guarded by two more soldiers, both women.

One was middle aged and the other looked like she was in her early 20's.

"Hey Parker who's the munchkin tagging along with you?"

Magnolia and Parker laughed

"This is Magnolia Thompson, she's here to participate in the tests Adda."

Magnolia made eye contact with Adda and smiled.

Adda smiled back but her eyes were sorrowful "Well good luck sweetie, just remember to do your absolute best and nothing less."

"Yes ma'am, I promise." :she must not like the government's choice, honestly who does?:

Parker lead Magnolia through the door into a long hallway with dozens of other halls branching off of it.

After going though what seemed like a huge maze Parker stopped at a door.

He looked at Magnolia and put his finger to his lips, making a light shush noise.

Magnolia nodded :hmm as if I was talking already:

He opened the door to reveal a room filled with a bunch sleeping teenagers

"They arrived here this week too." Parker whispered

He pointed to an empty bunk in the corner.

:bunk 14?:

"That one is yours, get some sleep."


Magnolia just then began to feel the weariness tug at her limbs.

She made her way over to the bunk, laid down on her back, and closed her eyes.

-fifteen minutes later-

:huh I can't sleep?:

:I'm tired though, is someone watching me?:

Magnolia sat up looked around -nothing-


She laid down again and slowed her heart rate and then eventually fell asleep.