
The Elven Cariñosa

“I hope you’d marry someone rich and kind. Just… make sure you’re alert around humans too, Hiraya.” Stated the sibling as he carried the sack and walked away to their truck. Hiraya Flores, a charming elven kid who loves to help her family in the crops and any agricultural work. She was still studying when she had to take note of her brother’s advice, which affected her being around humans. Until one day, Hiraya was forced to move somewhere far from her family since she didn’t like the idea of wielding powers like her other siblings. She was sent to an academy to train as nobles, once trained as one, they have the freedom to climb up the ranks and to have the power in the government. As she strolled around the academy, she bumped into someone with a strong manly scent, as she looked up, it was a human being. “Are you okay? Pardon me if I must’ve been blocking your pathway, I’m Manuel Javier. The 2nd son of the current President of our country. I suppose you chose this way rather than having to be violent about gaining supernatural powers, correct?” Hiraya was confused, how was he able to read her at such a short amount of time? As Manuel reached his hand out towards Hiraya, she remembered what her sibling told her- and wanted to change his mind.

_kxzumie_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs


"I would like to congratulate all of the students for surpassing this year's Spring Semester. By this, the directors and I have concluded a meeting in which we turn your Summer Semester into a Summer Vacation. Rest well and keep your mind at ease. Glory to Vox Publicae Academy!" The Headmistress' voice boomed in the building, after her statement, the students applauded and cheered. Finally, a vacation. We never had a Summer Vacation last year, and today's probably a good day to say that most of the students have been working hard in which we have been rewarded by such from the Headmistress herself. It is truly an honor.

From a distance, I saw Manuel walking towards me with a big grin on his face. He was charming as ever, like the first time I saw him as my eyes navigated through the building. Cold winds passed by me as my hair slightly bended back from the pressure. I greeted him with a smile as well.

"Good morning." He greeted me as he took my books and notebooks away from my arms.

"Looks like someone's really happy with today's announcement." I replied as we started walking outside of the academy.

"Well, I have something to ask too, if you don't mind." Manuel smiled as he blushed, looking at me

We both stopped at the large fountain with a huge tree that emits faint pink leaves. We stood nervous as both of us blushed, feeling a bit awkward as Manuel let out a nervous chuckle.

"It's been 3 months and… I've been wondering if we can… Have an official date..?" Manuel smiled awkwardly.

I blinked at this as she looked away, blushing.

"I feel a hint of remorse for myself, after all I've done and you've just decided to do that now? I kinda think you hurt my feelings here." I teased as I held on to Manuel's arm.

"I would love to go." I added.

The moon ended its deep slumber and rose up in the clear navy blue sky as the stars twinkled.

The sound of cars honking, horses with carriages neighing, and the never ending sounds of people's footsteps that we hear every day and night. Tonight's been really busy ever since the students' vacation started early.

As we entered the establishment, we saw fancy people in their fancy clothing with their glasses held up high, clanking on to each other. Celebrating their night must mean that something finally had happened for them. I feel joyous.

Manuel offered his hand to me as I gladly grabbed it. We slowly walked towards the front, looking at the menu as the assigned waiter gladly entertained us and guided us through their bestsellers. He took us in with such delight and directed us towards our table.

"Have you made up your mind on what to order yet? Or a few more minutes?" Asked the waiter.

Manuel nodded as he grabbed the menu right in front of him.

"The famous steak and wine please. I would also like to add some soup for the fine lady, cream of mushroom please." Manuel said in an elegant manner. He sure knows me in such a short amount of time. I can't help but blush. The waiter smiled as he took down our orders and bowed as he walked away.

Manuel would then stare at me, he smelled nice… No wait, he looks very clean and fresh. Him in his fancy suit and tie with a rose pin. How charming. I fixed my hair and stared at him back, letting out a warm smile.

"You look very astonishing tonight, my darling." He said. My heart SANKED. His voice echoed inside my head as he said those words. I felt myself blushing even more.

"You and your silly compliments never fail to impress me, Mr. President's Son." I teased.

He let out a chuckle as he placed his elbow on the table and leaned closer to me.

"I think you're forgetting a warning if you call me that." He laughed as he gave a seductive look.

I replied by just simply rolling my eyes.

"Whatever lover boy…" I smiled when finally the waiter arrived with my soup, he carefully placed it in front of me as he smiled.

"Cream of mushroom soup for his fine lady." The waiter looked at Manuel and winked. Manuel lets out a warm smile from the compliment as the waiter walks away yet again.

"I am honored to be taking you out tonight, you, Hiraya Flores, the smartest of Vox Publicae Academy." Manuel continued with his charming talks. I simply just chuckled, blushing as his compliments would always catch me off guard.

"You? Honored for taking me for a date? I should be the one saying that." I smiled as I took a spoonful of the soup and sipped it at the tip. It was a bit hot, creamy and very savory. Just the way I like it.

"Do you have anything planned for this year's Summer Vacation?" Manuel asked as he twiddled his thumbs.

Let's see…

I have sent an application form from a job offer I saw on the internet one time, still waiting for the response for the pre-screening from them. That's one.

If I spent my vacation in my hometown.. Will I ever focus on my studies? No, no studies! I should be enjoying my vacation! But mom will hate me because I went back home, she doesn't want me to go home unless I graduate. That's two.

Hmm, maybe head somewhere? Like… Out of the country kind of vacation? Do I have funds though… I fear I could lose all my star scholarship tokens just from a single trip to somewhere near too… Maybe I'll just stay in the dorm and study… Oh but that's not the essence of vacation isn't it?

"Hiraya?" Manuel called out, was I zoning out for the longest time? Oops.

"Y-yeah yeah.. Uh.. I thought of just.. You know… Studying in the dorm." I felt embarrassed. He looked at me confused and laughed.

"That's not how a vacation works, Hiraya. You should enjoy your vacation! Get out of the country and enjoy wonderful things internationally, yeah? Or go to local provinces if you don't want to lose touch of our culture, if that's the case." He winked.

I looked down, feeling a bit odd about it. I have never done anything like that in my whole entire life, the places that I just go is, my hometown, here in school, this restaurant, and the cafe I really liked to study while enjoying a large cup of ice blended coffee.

"I'm afraid I might lose my star scholarship tokens if I do go out of the country… Or even go to local provinces." I frowned as I took another sip of my soup.

"I see. Well, this is new for me. Okay, how about… We spend our vacation in the dorm, and I'll just buy you whatever food you're craving so you'll be happy while you study. Okay?" Manuel said. I can't hide it anymore, I smiled.

"You surely are thinking about me all the time, huh? But what about you? What do you plan for this vacation?" I asked him, curious about whatever he is planning.

He shrugged.

"I don't know, really. I got bored from traveling to many countries. Might as well try out something new. Maybe with you, that is." He smiled.

My jaw dropped, he's never been like this for the past few months, but… He's making me blush so much that the butterflies in my stomach would just tear my stomach apart and get out like crazy wild animals.

The waiter finally arrived with our food and we enjoyed our night together.

We would then head back to our dorms to rest, well, I tried to.

I can't really get him off my mind, and I remember my mother singing me this lovely song.

She says she sings it when she feels loved by her partner, and so I hummed it as I lay flat on the bed, with my dress and makeup on.

I'll cherish whatever happened tonight, and probably tell my friends about it tomorrow too.