
THE ELITES: Chaos Awaken.

Chaos has awoken in the universe, and the Warlords of the intergalactic force has chosen five humans who will stand out to restore the universe back to order. With the full power of the blue cosmic core in them, their physical self is Supernaturally augmented and they set out to save the universe from chaos as a team known as THE ELITES.

Daniellucky18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 10



"So you mean we are just weapons? To Be used by the warlords?" Flora asked the pal robot who kept revealing series of unidentified holographic images on its face.

"No. You all are not a weapon." Pal said, "You are chosen warriors, meant to protect the galaxies. How come humans are this ignorant?" pal said not too loud and janet turned to look at him.

"Well, let's say we win the battle and save the core. What next?" Janet said and Daniel smiled to her words.

"Protecting the galaxies I guess." Flora said with a scoff, "So the warlords want me to sacrifice my whole life, cause of some stupid believe about the core?" she said now with a yell..

"Becareful on what you say about the core. You don't wanna get fried up do you?" Pal chipped in and Daniel gasped.

"No frying please." Daniel said with a smile, before trying to hold his sister, but she hits him off and walks towards the glassed surface of the ship.

"I don't wanna be any of this. I quit okay, I quit." She said with evident that tears were forming in her eyes.

Daniel ran to her "Hey not so fast." He softly said. "This is a great opportunity given to us Flora, isn't this what you've always wanted? Huh? To guide the unguided? To save the unprotected? Isn't it. And now that you are close to achieving those dreams, you just wanna back out?"

"Am scared!!!" Flora retorted back sharply, sending a sudden feeling that melted Daniel's heart.

"Am scared of loosing my loved ones again... Am, am scared of loosing you big brother, I am."

"Did you just call me, big brother?" Daniel asked with tears forming in his own eyes.

"Yes I did, you are the only one I got now. You, Madam Ava. And I don't wish to lose any of you, you especially brother. Am scared, am scared." Flora said, resting her head on Daniel's shoulder as she cried out silently, and Daniel who was short of words, couldn't help it but tighten his grip on her, as he rested his head on her head.

"Its okay Flora, its okay. There's nothing to be scared of. Big brother gotcha, I gotcha girl, I do, and promise never to leave you, or let you fall." He said to her, before planting a deep kiss on her forehead and Janet who was busy staring at them the while time, silently blushed, as she wished she could have someone as caring as Daniel. No doubt, he is a flirt, but when it comes to caring, he is a master of the caring Art.

"Guys." Janet called out, and they turned their gaze on her.

"We have been chosen.... We have been bestowed with great powers... and responsibilities... Our heart and body is now for the world, and not just for our loved ones. We will protect the core till last breadth, even if it cost us our lives. Even if it cost me my own life, that we must do, as a team." Janet finalized, stopping her words with a serious look on her face, that made Flora to marvel at her courage and bravery.

"For the Galaxy." Janet said, putting one hand forward for others to Participate and Daniel smiled, then he left his sister's position to where janet was. He gave her a weird stare for some minutes, but as he saw her smile, he knew this wasn't the time to play weak and dumb, so he slowly placed one of his hands and Janet winked at Flora.

Flora gave a loud sigh, "Am not still sure about this yet though. But if my big bro's in, then am also in." She said sharply, before walking close to them, resting her right hand on top of theirs, and Daniel drew her closer to him, giving her another brotherly kiss on her head.

"Now how do we get to others?" Janet asked suddenly, Inducing a sigh on Daniel and Janet.



Oscar was seen walking out from a departmental store with two transparent bags on his hands. His car was parked outside, so he quickly made to go in, and he threw the bags into his car, then as he brought his legs forward to go in, he noticed that something was shining so bright behind him, and he turned around, only to see One of the warlord in front of him, but he was the only one able to see him.

"And how may I help you, Sir?" Oscar asked immediately.

"You know why am here. So stop pretending like you don't. " The warlord said, as he maintained a distance of 5 fts.

Oscar smirked "Pretending you say? Am just a human and a confused soul. Why do you need me?" Oscar said with a confused look on his face.

The warlord levitated up, before floating close to him, now leaving a space of 2 fts in front of them, and oscar heaved for breadth the moment he noticed how close they were, and he decided to stay alert in case of any unexpected actions, if they would be any.

"We don't know for sure, why the core chooses you among the worthy Five. The qualifications needed to be among the worthy Five are; Truth, selflessness and a human mind. Without these, you all wouldn't have been chosen." The warlord explained briefly.

"Truth, selflessness and Human mind? What does that means?" Oscar asked, as he was totally confused here.

"We will find out Soon Oscar Phillip. But for now, Are You going to come with me or not? We need to assemble you all, teach you the way to follow and at least prepare you for what is about to come." The warlord said with his eyes glowing a bit.

Oscar placed his hands on his jaw, moving his brown sexy eyes sideways, before he heaved for breadth again. But yet, he didn't say a word, but with the short smile he gave on his face, The warlord was pleased and a blue spark of lights shown above them, it aura's were donning on them gradually causing oscar to stare at himself for a while. The auras of the blue portal above them were now enveloping them from head to toe, and slowly, they vanished out of sight together with the portal.

Dr. Franklin Boma walked out from one of the wards, his hands filled with blood, and he quickly pulled a tissue wrap hanging on the wall, using it to wipe the blood stains on his hands as he kept smiling like an insane fool.

His recent achievements has made him go nuts, he now believes that with his perfect self, he is able to do anything he wishes, as long as he wants to do it, they will be nothing stopping him.

Since the day he luckily saved a dying child by performing another major surgery on him, Boma has been forming a new theory for himself, a theory he believes could change the world, a theory he was able to come up with, seeing himself in a perfect state. He no longer sleeps at night, experimenting on both dead and living animals were now his daily work, and this has made him go really, really nuts, at a point he says he is wiser than Solomon. But we are yet to know more about his madness.

He walked into another ward, jammed the door closed and locked it with the key. And like a theif, Dr. Boma tip-toed forward, near a human body, that lay lifeless on the bed and he brought out a syringe from his back pocket, still watching round the place, he tried to insert the syringe, deep down into the dead body's skin, but something obstructed his actions, and he was frightened immediately, causing the syringe to fall down, then he turned around to see who was behind him.

"Perfection isn't the only thing you need Doctor." The voice of Warlord eiter brought him to the ground.

"Its you again. Why are you here? Are you trying to take me away again? Well am sorry, cause your magic won't work on me, Cause am perfect now." Doctor Boma said with a smirk, and the warlord hummed.

"You talk too much. Snap ouy of it Doctor, now is not the time to claim perfection, there are more troubles ahead of us all, we need you right now." The warlord quickly said, still floating on air..

"And do I look like I care? I have gotten what I have always wanted, Perfection and that's the only thing I desire in life. You can take your Core and the others elsewhere. Am not interested." The doctor said, but the warlord hummed again.

"You claim to be perfect. Yet you lack common Wisdom. Your wife, and your kids. Where are they?" The warlord asked all of a sudden and Dr. Boma turned in shock.

"Dead of course. Why do you ask?"

"I know they are dead. I know all of your past and possible future Doctor. The night you lost your wife and children, you wished you could help, even with your professional skills as a medical Doctor, you couldn't protect them. Why? You know why? Because you lack the power to. You may be a great doctor, popular with perfection like you claim. But know this Doctor, there are things, Perfection can't solve, troubles it can't handle, pains that can shrug you out of life, and thats why we need ourselves" The warlord said, and he pushed himself to continue the moment he discovered the impact of his words on Boma.

"Can't you see? The five of you are the same. All asking for power to guide, power to save. Your pasts are too ugly to look on, all of you, and i guess, the core had to pick you all. Believe in yourself Doctor, you were chosen for a reason, don't let it fail, cause without your beliefs, it won't work for you." The warlord said once more, before turning to leave.

Boma sighed closing his eyes, "Wait!" his voice yelled out, halting the already floating warlord in the air, allowing him to turn around, facing the doctor who had his head bent in shame I guess.

"I'll go with you, only if you promise to answer my questions with the truth, and nothing but the truth." Dr. Boma said and the warlord gave a slow nod.

"The core, why was it taken down to our galaxy, to our solar system in particular, aren't they other solar systems in this galaxy? Why bring it here?" Dr. Boma asked.

"We did as we were directed by the Eye. We had no intentions of taking the core in the first place, we lived alone in our dimension for ages, free from war and threats. But after our sun died, a replacement was made, The cosmic machine, as the minders called it. But we got a vision from the Eye, and we acted as told. Leaving the core in the galaxy would lure a great threat to the universe, which will lead to nothing but destruction."

"But keeping the core here also, would lead to destruction and loss of lives, lives of the innocent, you should have just left it there instead, now all lives are in danger here, what if the threat attack us, all of us."

"Yes it will. But with the power of the core, bestowed on the five of you, you will protect those lives, and the universe itself will be pleased. Do not be discouraged, one hand might not be enough, but with two hands, one can do exploit. If you all work as a team, nothing can, and I mean nothing, can touch us." The warlord finalized, and Dr. Boma sighed deeply.

He could now feel his sanity coming back to him, all those while, he was just been disturb by some issues he thought would affect us all. But with all these words, coming from the Warlord, I think a change is about to occur.

"Okay, I didn't wish to say this but, I think am in... Yeah, I'll join the team." Dr. Boma said, forcing a smile on his face, then he decided to pick his syringe back from the ground, but as be turned around, he saw Daniel, Janet, Flora and Oscar, sitting on a flat levitating surface Inside the spaceship, and it was then it dawned on him, they were in the Spaceship the whole time, but how??

"You didn't think I was explaining that much to you only right?" The warlord said and Boma gave a smile.

"Lets do this" He said, before they all gathered round for a hug.



The air was illuminated with black smokes coming from the building that was filled with fire. Screams were heard from all angles and Sounds of Cars were heard, as they drove near the burning building..

A huge truck drove slowly near the building, and men dressed in red cloths were seen, trooping out from the car, revealing themselves to be Firefighters. They had a long pipe, connected at the back of the truck, and five fire fighters, quickly took the pipe, and dashed towards the building, before they began to battle the never ending fire with the Fire extinguisher they had.

A woman ran forward, "My son is in there, Someone please save my Son!" the woman said, as she ran out of the crowd. She was filled with scars and burns, due to the narrow escaped from the fire.

"Calm down ma'am, we'll get your son, we promise." One of the cop said, stopping her from going into the almost destroyed building..

The fire extinguishers seemed like it wasn't working, as non of it colliding power with the building could put out the fire, and this made the fire fighters to breadth with fear all over them.

"We are out of gas!!" One of the fire fighter yelled, causing the others to gasped in shock.

The building exploded twice, raining particles down the building, and the woman who forgot her son inside the building, had no option than to burst into tears as she thought her son was dead. The cops kept holding her, preventing her form advancing forward, but just as the building gave another exploding sound, the people noticed that no vibration was felt within, a sudden serenity enveloped the place, causing everyone to look back at the building.

"What is that?" One of the Cops asked, as he began to see strange figures in the smoky part of the building and before they could think of looking closer, the figures were gone, all of a sudden.

The fire in the building had died off, and the woman who was crying for her baby boy earlier, saw him in her arms and she gasped in shock. Then she knew they were here.

Bodly Written on the wall was ''We were here, The elites'' and everyone including the woman, began to applauds as soon as they saw this. The cops sighed with a smile on their face and the fire extinguishers heaved a sigh of relief. Thank God for The Elites, things would have gotten worst for them.


Arixona City: ELITE BASE.

"And just like that. Boom! The elites saved the day. The way they teleport in and out of varying cities, has made us to see them as gods. They are basically everywhere and anywhere." The Newscaster in the television said to other fellow newscasters who kept nodding in agreement.

"gods? They see us as gods?" Flora said in surprise..

"One month of the act, and we are already called gods. Am sure by another month, We'll be seen as angels." Daniel said as he smiled at the others.

"You think so?" Janet asked.

"I know so." he said.

"Well, do you believe in super Powers now? Or are you still waiting to see PowerMan?" Janet asked, pouring her gaze on Oscar who gave smirk.

"I'll answer that later, but for now. I gat to go, I have an appointment with doctor Boma, See you all later." He said, before dashing downstairs, and off he goes.

"Still stubborn isn't he?" Janet said, but soon noticed that Flora was staring at her in a suspicious way. "What?" She asked.

"You like him don't you? Oscar right, you are deeply in love with him. I can see it in your eyes girl, you really do." Flora said to Janet who tried to maintain a neutral face.

"No am not."

"Yes you are. I can see it."

"Well maybe you are confused Flora, I am not!" Janet said with a serious tone.

"Well, okay, let's watch out then. I'll be watching you." Flora said, smiling to no one exactly as she skipped into the kitchen with janet staring at her in shock.

"She's kinda like that, always seeing herself as a match maker. Crazy huh?" Daniel said, trying to divert Janie's attention off his sister.

"Yeah, I, I understand." She said with a smile.


Unknown Location.

A spaceship was floating in space, it looked nigh destroyed, as its engines were open and the thrusters were dying off. A humanoid was seen in the ship, later revealed to be Phylon, as he lay weak on the chair. His brown skin was becoming pale, his gold eyes were getting deem and he could hardly say a word or even move. The only thing he could do, was to monitor the holographic informations that pal kept displaying on the screen, and he manage to breadth out with a cough.

"Pal, how far are we from the Milky way." Phylon asked with no strength in him and pal began to display a red holographic info on its screen, causing phylon to gasp.

"We are close, so close." Pal answered.

Phylon gathered some strength in him, then he moved forward, staggering to each step he made, before finally resting on the wall surface of the ship..

"I must get the core, I must. Even if its the last thing I do. I must bring the light back to our world, our solar system will not perish anymore. Am coming back Ora, Daddy is coming back for you.." He said before his eyes began to deem again.
